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Magical Girl Corpus Animatum

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This is going to be sweet!



Valhalla Erikson wrote:

This is going to be sweet!



A petite young girl with her dark hair in a Rounded A-Line Lob bounded down out the door of her house before spinning around and waving to her mom. "Goodbye Mama! I'm off to schooool!"

"Goodbye dear! Have fun and work hard, Mari!"

"Rules of life mom!" She called back and waved goodbye as she hurried towards school. Akibara Mariko is dressed in the girl's version of their school uniform. A bright blue jacket worn over a gold vest over a buttoned up white shirt and a red tie on top. Down below she has a bright blue skirt worn over blue tights and fancy shoes. She's carrying a black bag in her hands which she'd decorated with a maneki-neko magnet. Akibara is an extroverted ball of energy and enthusiasm rushing to school with a big smile on her face waving to people on the way and simply vaulting or flipping over objects in her path!

"Going at warp speed again, Mariko?"

She slowed to a stop and looked up above her at the voice to see a taller girl wearing the same school uniform. Said girl had a smug look on her face and long dark hair with a few strands hanging down in front of her face. She pushed off of the wall she was sitting on and dropped to the ground. "Whoo! Good morning!"

"Good morning, Ayako! Are you ready for school?"

"Of course. I just don't know if school is ready for me." She joked as they resumed walking. "Or this new girl."

"A new girl?"

"Yeah, I heard a rumor we're going to be getting a new student. I don't know much about her though. She's a total enigma." Yakushimaru Ayako summarized. "Probably a transfer student."

Ahhh so she's a Mystery Student! I'm intrigued!"

Ayako brushed a hair out of her face. "Think she'll be hot? Sorry not sorry."

"Well if she's a transfer student then she's probably single at least. Go for it."

"I'll check her out when she arrives. With any luck we'll be in the same homeroom. Either way the important thing is to ease into a relationship. You don't want to rush things."

"Very mature of you, Ayako."

"I am the very model of maturity." She joked and stuck out her tongue.

"You sure are." She stopped to perform a few stretches. "Hey, you want to race?"

"I thought you'd never ask." She performed a few of her own stretches. "Ready?"



They broke into full on runs racing all the way to school like track stars while dodging around anyone in their path or vaulting any objects in their path like freerunners without ever slowing down! They raced the whole way to school until they finally arrived and ran through the gate entrance! Mariko won by a hair.

Ayako took a moment to catch her breath while laughing. "Ohhh man that was fun! I never get tired of that!"

"Boom! The score is 3-2 now! Advantage, Mariko!"

"Ha ha. Don't get too comfortable princess. I'll beat you next time." She stood up and they resumed walking together into school where they found Niikura Orinosuke and Kuma Ritsuko. Ritsuko was watching him intently with her arms crossed and Niikura listening on his phone trying to call someone.

"Come on man, where are you? Pick up already."


Niikura sighed and left another message. "Hey, Sanjiro, it's me again. You weren't at home when I knocked this morning so I've been trying to call you. But you still haven't picked up. Did you lose your phone or something? Anyway, call me when you get this message or any of the others I've sent. Bye." He hung up and sighed. "That's the fourth message today. What's going on?"

Niikura Orinosuke is wearing the men's version of the uniform with pants instead of skirt and tights. He has a handsome physique with a boyish face and his hair is worn in a bowl cut.

Kuma Ritsuko meanwhile is a heavier lady built like a football player or a wrestler and towers over them. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail while her hair hangs down in front of her face with longer strands framing the sides of her face.

"Hey guys! What's up? Did something happen to Sanjiro?" Mariko asked them.

"Maybe. I don't know. He hasn't answered his phone all morning and he wasn't at his house either. If he was inside you think he would at least call."

"That's strange." They walked into school together. "I mean where would he go without at least telling you?"

"I know right? I have no idea where he could've gone and his parents didn't know either."

"Right now the best we can do is wait and see if he shows up. If not then we can team up and visit all of the usual places to see if he's there." Ritsuko suggested. "His phone is ringing at least so we can try tracking it after school."

"That's about all we can do." Ayako responded. "But don't worry, I'm sure he's okay. It's Sanjiro. He's a good kid. No way he'd get into trouble right? I'm sure he has a perfectly valid explanation."

"Right, yeah." The students traversed the hallways until they arrived at their homeroom and took their seats amid the idle chatter of their classmates.

It didn't take long before Professor Wakamura Mushanokoji arrived. The students stood up and bowed and greeted him and he greeted them in return.

"Good morning class! I'm glad to see you all again, though, one of us appears to be late?"

"About that, Sir, Sanjiro wasn't at his home this morning and he isn't answering his phone."

"Huh. Really? Hm. I'll send word about this and they'll call his house to be sure. For right now though, I would like you all to meet our newest transfer student from Shimahaba! Come right in, Miss Tendou!"

The door opened and the new student strolled in. The students felt a brief chill wash over them like someone had just let in a rush of cold air on a winter day but it was only momentary. After that brief lapse in temperature they got a good look at the new student. Tendou Mika was of average height with a slender figure and fair skin and midnight dark hair that hung down around her face and the sides of her head while reaching down to the back of her neck. She is naturally wearing the school uniform. She has a relaxed and happy expression on her face. She reminds you of a cat. Mika brushed the hair out of her face and grinned. "So this is Vista Academy! I like it. Hello everyone! My name is Tendou Mika. I'm new in town and I hope to get to know each and every one of you! Thank you for letting me join your class." She bowed and the students applauded.

"Thank you Tendou! We have an empty seat near the back you can take for now. Please open up your textbook to chapter 14."

"Yes sir. Thank you." She strolled across the room and took her seat in the back.

Niikura watched her walk to the back before returning his attention forward. (My best friend vanishes right when we get a new transfer student. Right. I've got my eye on you.)



The students took out USB's and plugged them into the computers to upload their homework.

Professor Wakamura snapped his fingers and the monitor turned on along with the students monitors activating their Scribe Programs so the students could commence with note taking. The students got to work as he began the lesson on Quantum Mechanics.

"Alright class, I know it's early, so here's a question to get the wheels in your head turning. Most of the advancements in quantum physics arose from physicists trying to understand the nature of this very common form of energy. Which form of energy was postulated to have a dual nature, comprising of waves and particles?"

Tendou's hand shot up.

"Yes, Miss Tendou?"

"Sir! Light is one of the principal forms of energy, and many experiments, such as the double-slit experiment and Einstein's photoelectric effect, helped to understand the true nature of light, as packets of energy called 'photons'."

"Correct!" He replied cheerfully as the following words appeared on the screen behind him and on the students monitors.

"This of course brings me to my next point. That being the relativistic formulation of the Maxwell equations. For you see, in this formulation, the electromagnetic and magnetic fields are put together into a mathematical object called the Electromagnetic Tensor. This tensor is of rank 2, which means that it can be rendered as a kind of 4x4 matrix where the entries are all interlinked to represent those fields in a compact way. It turns out that this matrix is antisymmetric, which means that the diagonal is zero, and the lower triangular and upper triangular parts have opposite signs. The divergence is a specific kind of derivative that applies to vectors and tensors, that essentially sums all the partial derivatives of the components. Because the derivative operator is linear, it does not change the signs of the components, and because the electromagnetic tensor is antisymmetric, each term and its opposite are present in the sum, so this neatly sums to zero. Now the divergence of the electromagnetic tensor can be expressed in another way, and derived again, forming a so-called 4-Laplacian. In vacuum, in the absence of electromagnetic sources, equating this to zero yields an outcome, which is a “wave equation”, i.e. an equation that describe how the electric and magnetic fields vary in time and space, and this equation describes electromagnetic radiation perfectly, including light. The antisymmetric second-rank tensor being referenced is the electromagnetic field tensor. It is defined as follows. Let φ be the electrostatic potential (a scalar field), and let A–– be the magnetic potential (a 3-vector) from classical E&M. Concatenate them into a 4-vector A⃗ . Now define the tensor of interest as the exterior derivative of A⃗ :F=dA⃗ . We can write this component-wise with partial derivatives: Fμν=∂μAν−∂νAμ. You can see that if thought of as a matrix, the components Fμν of F are antisymmetic. Now the use of this is that the four equations that govern classical electromagnetism (and hence light) are equivalent to: ∂νFμν=Jμ (J⃗ is the 4-current composed of electric charge concatenated with 3-current) and ∂[αFμν]=0. The brackets denote the summing all permutations of indices with a sign given by the parity of the permutation."

The smile never left Mister Wakamura's face as he continued his lecture to his students until he decided it was time for a pop-quiz and more sudden questions!

"Miss Kuma! A very good physicist knows that Max Planck was the first to elucidate the concept of a quantum, an integral part of quantum theory (so integral in fact that the theory bears its name!). But what are the units of the fundamental physical quantum?"

"Joule-second!" She answered. "Planck first proposed his theory in 1900 after working on a discrepancy related to black-body radiation (the phenomenon in which extremely hot objects radiate light). For those who are wondering, Planck's constant, denoted as "h", which describes the size of the fundamental quantum, has a value of 6.626x10^-34 Joule-seconds. The extremely small value of this constant explains why we don't experience any obvious effects of quantization in everyday life." She answered proudly.

"Excellent! Mr. Niikura! What is the significance of the Dirac equation?"

"The Dirac equation describes the behavior of fermions and predicts the existence of antimatter. In 1933, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac shared the Nobel Prize in physics with Erwin Schrödinger, "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory". In the 1920s, Dirac computed the coefficient of spontaneous emission of an atom, and is thus credited with the first formulation of a quantum theory describing radiation and matter interaction. This work laid the foundations for quantum electrodynamics, a relativistic quantum field theory, describing the interaction of light and matter. This useful though troubled theory was followed in the 1960s and '70s by quantum chromodynamics, a theory of strong interactions, describing the interactions between quarks and gluons which make up hadrons such as the proton and neutron. Dirac's work did not directly foreshadow the development of this theory. The Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation, a version of the Schrödinger equation. it describes all spin-1/2 particles, such as electrons and quarks, and is consistent with both quantum mechanics and special relativity. The equation implied the existence of antimatter, which had then (1928) not been experimentally proven. The existence of the antiproton was experimentally confirmed in 1955 and the antineutron in 1956. Incidentially, "The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius" by Graham Farmelo was published in 2009."

"Another perfect answer! Keep it up kids. Miss Yakushimaru! Which quantum number denotes the orientation of atomic orbitals containing electrons?"

"The magnetic quantum number, sir! Scientists use four quantum numbers to describe electrons and other particles:
1.Principal quantum number: this number denotes the energy level of the orbital. 2.Angular momentum quantum number: this number denotes the orbital shape. Its value is always less than the value of the principal quantum number. 3.Magnetic quantum number: this number denotes orbital orientation. This quantum number ranges from the negative value of the angular momentum value to the positive. 4.Spin quantum number: this number denotes the angular momentum of a particle."

"Fantastic! Oh this is going to be a good morning! Miss Mariko! The curious situation of Erwin Schrödinger's cat sets physicists to growling, but it's actually quite simple to describe. The unfortunate feline is sealed into a box. The box has plenty of air, but it also has a vial of poisonous gas -- which will be released if a single unstable atom (also in the box) decays. Why did Schrödinger choose radioactive decay as the quantum process that would trigger the paradox?"

"Because it is a truly random process It turns out that it's hard to devise something that's truly random. Even seemingly random things, like the "random number generator" built into your computer, often have an underlying pattern -- they're pseudo-random. For a paradox like that of Schrödinger's cat -- which relies on the outside observer not knowing or predicting what's happening inside the box until it's been opened -- we really do need something random to drive the action. The radioactive decay of an atom is one of the few truly random processes in nature: we can predict the decay of a large number of atoms pretty well (it's governed by their half-life, the length of time after which we expect half the atoms in a sample to have decayed), but we can't predict at what moment any single atom will decay."

"Great job! Wonderful! Alright, lets keep this train rolling!" He continued going around the room asking them questions to test their knowledge until he finally circled back to Tendou one last time. "Okay, Miss Tendou! Time to bring it on home for everyone! What concept in physics came to be known as the "ultraviolet catastrophe"?"

"That would be the black-body radiation curve. The ultraviolet catastrophe was one of the biggest scientific issues of the twentieth century. The black-body radiation curve represents the distribution of frequencies emitted by black bodies in comparison to the intensity of their energies. According to the physics of the time, black bodies contained an infinite supply of energy. Therefore, the distribution of frequencies would infinitely increase with energy. However, this concept did not match the experimental data.In reality the radiation would increase in terms of energy right until it reached the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum, and would then abruptly plummet down. The solution to this issue came from the concept of quantized energy. The concept of quantized energy does not require the need for an infinite amount of energy. Therefore, at a certain point in time, the amount of of energy being emitted will run out, due to a fixed amount of energy. That is why the energy plummets down, as opposed to increasing. There simply isn't enough energy for this to happen. As a result, the emitted energy will increase until it reaches the amount of energy present in the body, and will then decrease because there isn't any energy left to keep the increase going."

He applauded them. "Wonderful! Wonderful work today everyone! I know we push you kids to study long and hard and push you hard in class but just remember it's all for the sake of your future and I know for a fact that yours is shining even brighter than the sun! You kids are a classroom full of little geniuses!"

"Thank you sir!" The class replied.

"And just remember, as hard as we push you, Class 6-G is getting it even harder until they can raise their grades back up."

This got Tendou's attention. "Uhm, excuse me, sir? What is Class 6-G?"

"The bottom 5% of the school. It's where we place the troublemakers and rule breakers and the kids who aren't keeping their grades up until they learn discipline and get their grades back up. Rest assured, we have all of our best instructors working with them to ensure they can come back to the main campus as soon as possible."

"I see. Interesting. Thank you, Professor."

"You're very welcome. Okay! On with the lesson!"

Professor Wakamura continued to teach the class until the hour was up. "Alright that's it for me! Remember to do your homework and have it ready to be turned in by tomorrow!" He informed them and turned off the screen and walked out.

Tendou relaxed in her seat. "This school is going to be intense."

"You said it! Vista is a really cutthroat academy.  You really have to give it your all to stay afloat here." Niikura informed her while offering his hand. "Hello and welcome to our school, Miss Tendou! My name is Niikura Orinosuke. I'd like to welcome you on behalf of our class."

"Thank you, Niikura. I'll be sure to stay on my toes." She reached out and shook his hand and he quickly noticed her strong grip. It was like he was trying to arm wrestle one of the guys but she wasn't putting forth any effort into it! " That's quite a grip you've got."

"I keep in shape."

"Is that so? Hey, Miss Kuma! You want to give her a shot?"

"Gladly." The giant girl crossed the room and sat down in front of her. She was tall! This 6'4 giant towered over the rest of the class including Tendou! "First thing's first though. Let us exchange pleasantries! I'm Kuma. Kuma Ritsuko!"

"Nice to meet you, Ritsuko." She greeted.

"I know it's sudden but would you be down for an arm wrestle?"

"Sure." She placed an elbow on the table and opened up her hand. Kuma accepted and placed her own much larger arm on the table and placed her giant hand around hers.

"Alright then, listen, I'll be gentle. This is really just a greeting is all."

"Oh good. I was worried for a second. One. Two. Three!"

Kuma tried to force her arm down for a quick victory and she almost got it down to the desk but Tendou stopped her hand and began pushing it back up!

(What the? Okay then, try this!) She pushed down harder and Tendou smiled as they matched arm strength against arm strength. Despite Kuma's greater size and weight advantage and what should be muscle strength she wasn't going down easily. (This is nuts! Who is this kid?)

"That's special. I've never seen anyone match Kuma in arm wrestling."

"This day just keeps getting more interesting."

The two of them went back and forth for a bit with Tendou maintaining her calm expression while Kuma was grimacing while they tested their muscles against each other until Kuma's calm expression finally slipped as Kuma forced her hand down to the desk! The students cheered her on while Tendou laughed and rubbed her hand. "Man oh man! You're strong! That was a good match."

Kuma looked at her hand in confusion and opened and closed it before she smiled. "Yeah. Great match, new girl. I hope we can play again some time!" She grinned and returned to her seat. (Great match my foot. That kid...she was holding back. I don't know how much but I was certainly putting a lot of strength into that but she was still taking it easy on me. She says she keeps in shape but what kind of work could make her small frame this strong?)

(Now I'm convinced. There's definitely something weird about this girl. I've seen enough Anime to tell for sure that in a case like this...this girl definitely had something to do with Sanjiro's disappearance!)

"That was amazing Tendou! How were you able to match Kuma? Ah, no offense!"  Mariko asked her.

"None taken! That was fun!"

"Oh, well, you know, there's no real secret. I was a gymnast back in Shimahaba so I know how to keep in shape."



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

The students took out USB's and plugged them into the computers to upload their homework.

Professor Wakamura snapped his fingers and the monitor turned on along with the students monitors activating their Scribe Programs so the students could commence with note taking. The students got to work as he began the lesson on Quantum Mechanics.

"Alright class, I know it's early, so here's a question to get the wheels in your head turning. Most of the advancements in quantum physics arose from physicists trying to understand the nature of this very common form of energy. Which form of energy was postulated to have a dual nature, comprising of waves and particles?"

Tendou's hand shot up.

"Yes, Miss Tendou?"

"Sir! Light is one of the principal forms of energy, and many experiments, such as the double-slit experiment and Einstein's photoelectric effect, helped to understand the true nature of light, as packets of energy called 'photons'."

"Correct!" He replied cheerfully as the following words appeared on the screen behind him and on the students monitors.

"This of course brings me to my next point. That being the relativistic formulation of the Maxwell equations. For you see, in this formulation, the electromagnetic and magnetic fields are put together into a mathematical object called the Electromagnetic Tensor. This tensor is of rank 2, which means that it can be rendered as a kind of 4x4 matrix where the entries are all interlinked to represent those fields in a compact way. It turns out that this matrix is antisymmetric, which means that the diagonal is zero, and the lower triangular and upper triangular parts have opposite signs. The divergence is a specific kind of derivative that applies to vectors and tensors, that essentially sums all the partial derivatives of the components. Because the derivative operator is linear, it does not change the signs of the components, and because the electromagnetic tensor is antisymmetric, each term and its opposite are present in the sum, so this neatly sums to zero. Now the divergence of the electromagnetic tensor can be expressed in another way, and derived again, forming a so-called 4-Laplacian. In vacuum, in the absence of electromagnetic sources, equating this to zero yields an outcome, which is a “wave equation”, i.e. an equation that describe how the electric and magnetic fields vary in time and space, and this equation describes electromagnetic radiation perfectly, including light. The antisymmetric second-rank tensor being referenced is the electromagnetic field tensor. It is defined as follows. Let φ be the electrostatic potential (a scalar field), and let A–– be the magnetic potential (a 3-vector) from classical E&M. Concatenate them into a 4-vector A⃗ . Now define the tensor of interest as the exterior derivative of A⃗ :F=dA⃗ . We can write this component-wise with partial derivatives: Fμν=∂μAν−∂νAμ. You can see that if thought of as a matrix, the components Fμν of F are antisymmetic. Now the use of this is that the four equations that govern classical electromagnetism (and hence light) are equivalent to: ∂νFμν=Jμ (J⃗ is the 4-current composed of electric charge concatenated with 3-current) and ∂[αFμν]=0. The brackets denote the summing all permutations of indices with a sign given by the parity of the permutation."

The smile never left Mister Wakamura's face as he continued his lecture to his students until he decided it was time for a pop-quiz and more sudden questions!

"Miss Kuma! A very good physicist knows that Max Planck was the first to elucidate the concept of a quantum, an integral part of quantum theory (so integral in fact that the theory bears its name!). But what are the units of the fundamental physical quantum?"

"Joule-second!" She answered. "Planck first proposed his theory in 1900 after working on a discrepancy related to black-body radiation (the phenomenon in which extremely hot objects radiate light). For those who are wondering, Planck's constant, denoted as "h", which describes the size of the fundamental quantum, has a value of 6.626x10^-34 Joule-seconds. The extremely small value of this constant explains why we don't experience any obvious effects of quantization in everyday life." She answered proudly.

"Excellent! Mr. Niikura! What is the significance of the Dirac equation?"

"The Dirac equation describes the behavior of fermions and predicts the existence of antimatter. In 1933, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac shared the Nobel Prize in physics with Erwin Schrödinger, "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory". In the 1920s, Dirac computed the coefficient of spontaneous emission of an atom, and is thus credited with the first formulation of a quantum theory describing radiation and matter interaction. This work laid the foundations for quantum electrodynamics, a relativistic quantum field theory, describing the interaction of light and matter. This useful though troubled theory was followed in the 1960s and '70s by quantum chromodynamics, a theory of strong interactions, describing the interactions between quarks and gluons which make up hadrons such as the proton and neutron. Dirac's work did not directly foreshadow the development of this theory. The Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation, a version of the Schrödinger equation. it describes all spin-1/2 particles, such as electrons and quarks, and is consistent with both quantum mechanics and special relativity. The equation implied the existence of antimatter, which had then (1928) not been experimentally proven. The existence of the antiproton was experimentally confirmed in 1955 and the antineutron in 1956. Incidentially, "The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius" by Graham Farmelo was published in 2009."

"Another perfect answer! Keep it up kids. Miss Yakushimaru! Which quantum number denotes the orientation of atomic orbitals containing electrons?"

"The magnetic quantum number, sir! Scientists use four quantum numbers to describe electrons and other particles:
1.Principal quantum number: this number denotes the energy level of the orbital. 2.Angular momentum quantum number: this number denotes the orbital shape. Its value is always less than the value of the principal quantum number. 3.Magnetic quantum number: this number denotes orbital orientation. This quantum number ranges from the negative value of the angular momentum value to the positive. 4.Spin quantum number: this number denotes the angular momentum of a particle."

"Fantastic! Oh this is going to be a good morning! Miss Mariko! The curious situation of Erwin Schrödinger's cat sets physicists to growling, but it's actually quite simple to describe. The unfortunate feline is sealed into a box. The box has plenty of air, but it also has a vial of poisonous gas -- which will be released if a single unstable atom (also in the box) decays. Why did Schrödinger choose radioactive decay as the quantum process that would trigger the paradox?"

"Because it is a truly random process It turns out that it's hard to devise something that's truly random. Even seemingly random things, like the "random number generator" built into your computer, often have an underlying pattern -- they're pseudo-random. For a paradox like that of Schrödinger's cat -- which relies on the outside observer not knowing or predicting what's happening inside the box until it's been opened -- we really do need something random to drive the action. The radioactive decay of an atom is one of the few truly random processes in nature: we can predict the decay of a large number of atoms pretty well (it's governed by their half-life, the length of time after which we expect half the atoms in a sample to have decayed), but we can't predict at what moment any single atom will decay."

"Great job! Wonderful! Alright, lets keep this train rolling!" He continued going around the room asking them questions to test their knowledge until he finally circled back to Tendou one last time. "Okay, Miss Tendou! Time to bring it on home for everyone! What concept in physics came to be known as the "ultraviolet catastrophe"?"

"That would be the black-body radiation curve. The ultraviolet catastrophe was one of the biggest scientific issues of the twentieth century. The black-body radiation curve represents the distribution of frequencies emitted by black bodies in comparison to the intensity of their energies. According to the physics of the time, black bodies contained an infinite supply of energy. Therefore, the distribution of frequencies would infinitely increase with energy. However, this concept did not match the experimental data.In reality the radiation would increase in terms of energy right until it reached the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum, and would then abruptly plummet down. The solution to this issue came from the concept of quantized energy. The concept of quantized energy does not require the need for an infinite amount of energy. Therefore, at a certain point in time, the amount of of energy being emitted will run out, due to a fixed amount of energy. That is why the energy plummets down, as opposed to increasing. There simply isn't enough energy for this to happen. As a result, the emitted energy will increase until it reaches the amount of energy present in the body, and will then decrease because there isn't any energy left to keep the increase going."

He applauded them. "Wonderful! Wonderful work today everyone! I know we push you kids to study long and hard and push you hard in class but just remember it's all for the sake of your future and I know for a fact that yours is shining even brighter than the sun! You kids are a classroom full of little geniuses!"

"Thank you sir!" The class replied.

"And just remember, as hard as we push you, Class 6-G is getting it even harder until they can raise their grades back up."

This got Tendou's attention. "Uhm, excuse me, sir? What is Class 6-G?"

"The bottom 5% of the school. It's where we place the troublemakers and rule breakers and the kids who aren't keeping their grades up until they learn discipline and get their grades back up. Rest assured, we have all of our best instructors working with them to ensure they can come back to the main campus as soon as possible."

"I see. Interesting. Thank you, Professor."

"You're very welcome. Okay! On with the lesson!"

Professor Wakamura continued to teach the class until the hour was up. "Alright that's it for me! Remember to do your homework and have it ready to be turned in by tomorrow!" He informed them and turned off the screen and walked out.

Tendou relaxed in her seat. "This school is going to be intense."

"You said it! Vista is a really cutthroat academy.  You really have to give it your all to stay afloat here." Niikura informed her while offering his hand. "Hello and welcome to our school, Miss Tendou! My name is Niikura Orinosuke. I'd like to welcome you on behalf of our class."

"Thank you, Niikura. I'll be sure to stay on my toes." She reached out and shook his hand and he quickly noticed her strong grip. It was like he was trying to arm wrestle one of the guys but she wasn't putting forth any effort into it! " That's quite a grip you've got."

"I keep in shape."

"Is that so? Hey, Miss Kuma! You want to give her a shot?"

"Gladly." The giant girl crossed the room and sat down in front of her. She was tall! This 6'4 giant towered over the rest of the class including Tendou! "First thing's first though. Let us exchange pleasantries! I'm Kuma. Kuma Ritsuko!"

"Nice to meet you, Ritsuko." She greeted.

"I know it's sudden but would you be down for an arm wrestle?"

"Sure." She placed an elbow on the table and opened up her hand. Kuma accepted and placed her own much larger arm on the table and placed her giant hand around hers.

"Alright then, listen, I'll be gentle. This is really just a greeting is all."

"Oh good. I was worried for a second. One. Two. Three!"

Kuma tried to force her arm down for a quick victory and she almost got it down to the desk but Tendou stopped her hand and began pushing it back up!

(What the? Okay then, try this!) She pushed down harder and Tendou smiled as they matched arm strength against arm strength. Despite Kuma's greater size and weight advantage and what should be muscle strength she wasn't going down easily. (This is nuts! Who is this kid?)

"That's special. I've never seen anyone match Kuma in arm wrestling."

"This day just keeps getting more interesting."

The two of them went back and forth for a bit with Tendou maintaining her calm expression while Kuma was grimacing while they tested their muscles against each other until Kuma's calm expression finally slipped as Kuma forced her hand down to the desk! The students cheered her on while Tendou laughed and rubbed her hand. "Man oh man! You're strong! That was a good match."

Kuma looked at her hand in confusion and opened and closed it before she smiled. "Yeah. Great match, new girl. I hope we can play again some time!" She grinned and returned to her seat. (Great match my foot. That kid...she was holding back. I don't know how much but I was certainly putting a lot of strength into that but she was still taking it easy on me. She says she keeps in shape but what kind of work could make her small frame this strong?)

(Now I'm convinced. There's definitely something weird about this girl. I've seen enough Anime to tell for sure that in a case like this...this girl definitely had something to do with Sanjiro's disappearance!)

"That was amazing Tendou! How were you able to match Kuma? Ah, no offense!"  Mariko asked her.

"None taken! That was fun!"

"Oh, well, you know, there's no real secret. I was a gymnast back in Shimahaba so I know how to keep in shape."

"Well then, without further ado, allow me to introduce myself:  My name is Akibara Mariko."

"Nice to meet you, Akibara." They shook hands and Mariko noticed how strong her grip was. They weren't exaggerating about her strength. Cool. She laughed.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you transfer here?"

"Job transfer. My dad had a great opportunity to work a new job here and he took it so we packed up and rode out and here I am."

"Really? Who does he work for?"

"Moondust Eclipse Security. It's a security firm subsidiary of Archstopheles Incorporated."

"Arch...stopheles? Well that's an intimidating name. So your dad works security huh?"

"Yeah. He's a health nut so he made sure we were too. Thus, my athleticism."

"Huh. So did they ask him if he wanted to transfer?" Ayako questioned.

"Heh. Sadly no. Lets face it these days only about 16.2% of firms say that they take the wishes of employees into account when making decisions on transfers. I'm not worried though. I'm sure I'll be able to settle in here just as well."

"Yeah, we'll be sure to do our best to help you feel welcome."

"Thanks. That means a lot."

As their conversation continued, Niikura searched Archstopheles Incorporated on his phone.  It turned out to be a real corporation that, from his little skimming, sold just about everything. He scrolled back up and tapped a link that would take him to their webpage.

The moment he clicked on the link his screen changed to a quick POV animation of the screen flying upward through a spiraling tunnel of orangish-red flaming energy that went by faster and faster until the screen suddenly exited the tunnel into outer space where it circled the globe with a trail of flames until it stopped and quickly zoomed out to reveal the logo of Archstopheles Incorporated in bright red metallic letters which floated in front of a rotating planet earth with glowing lines around it showing their reach. The camera zoomed out to reveal the logo and Earth were sitting in a glass case which was plaed down on an Italian Maple Mahogany Desk. The camera then rose up to reveal a hauntingly beautiful woman wearing a black suit with a red collared shirt underneath, complete with white gloves, a black tie and the Archstopheles symbol on her lapel. Her creamy ivory skin is flawless and she has short dark hair worn in a pixie cut, the deepest green eyes, full lips and a curvaceous figure. Her left hand is extended and open in a welcoming gesture. Welcoming him. Beckoning him.

"So what do you think of the new girl, Niikura?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and suddenly found himself juggling his phone from hand to hand before catching it and exiting the site. "Err...yes. Yeah. What was the question?"

"Hmmmm? What exactly are you looking at?" Kuma teased.

"I was just fact checking her story." He insisted and exited the site and put his phone back on super saver mode. "Anyway what was your question?"

"You're really out of it today.  Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, Kuma. I'm just worried about my friend and...I don't know. Something about this new girl." He looked back to where their classmates were laughing together with Tendou and then faced Kuma again. "Something's off about her."

"Wow you really are jumpy today. Come on, I'm sure Sanjiro is fine. There will be a perfectly rational explanation for him missing school today I'm sure. We'll find him, kick his butt for not showing up and then go for drinks and karaoke. It'll be fine, Niikura. We'll be laughing about this whole thing by tomorrow."

He relaxed and let the tension flow out of him. "I'm sure you're right. I'm probably just overthinking this. Thanks, Kuma."

"Anytime. Now what do you say we work on making the new girl feel welcome?"

Professor Umemura Chiyome walked down the halls of the school while singing to herself. "Do So Do Re La Fa Mi Mi Do Fa Re So So Do La La Fa Ti La So Fa Mi Re Ti Do oh oh Ti Do So Do!" She is a tall woman with an elegant beautiful short hairstyle with bangs hanging down in front of her face wearing a nice business suit with her hands behind her back holding her bag. "Do So Do Re La Fa Mi Mi Do Fa Re So So Do La La Fa Ti La So Fa Mi Re Ti Do Oh Oh Ti Do So Do." She continued singing quietly to herself until she arrived at her classroom and opened the door.

The students stood up and bowed their heads to their teacher. "Gooood morning kids!" She greeted cheerfully. She is dressed in a green business suit worn over a white buttoned up shirt. She has a green skirt worn over her legs and tight leggings on leading down into stylish black heels.

"Good Morning, Miss Unemura!" They all replied to their teacher.

"Take your seats kids." She told them and moonwalked to the monitor screen board, despite wearing heels, while checking her holo-watch. The kids had handed in all of their assignments, and finally stopped. She got setup and she pulled out a headset device and placed it on her head. Professor Unemura snapped her fingers and the monitor turned on along with the girls' monitors activating their Scribe Programs so the girls could commence with note taking. The girls got to work as she began their lesson on Biotech: Human Modification and Augmentation and the possibilities of Transhumanism and how Biotechnology could potentially end human suffering.

After she finally finished her lecture she sipped from her water bottle and then lowered it. "Ahhhh that's better. Alright. Lets go around the classroom and share our thoughts! Who wants to go first?"

Everyone except Tendou was eager to speak up. Professor Umemura Chiyome couldn't help but notice she looked a little down. "Excuse me? Miss Tendou correct? You're new here right? There's no need to be shy. Please go ahead and tell us what's on your mind."

"Uhm, well, maybe in just a little bit. I'm still taking in the lecture, ma'am."

"In that case I'll start!" A student offered. "While the idea of leaving humanity behind can be scary, I'm all for it. Whether through gene manipulation or technological incorporation, humanity needs to evolve, sooner rather than later. Transhumanism is the best way to do that. I mean think about it, what's so great about living life as a plain old human? You can get sick, you can get hurt, you can die in any number of ways, I mean we're already seeing it anyway, with people developing super powers and potentially even the Legendary Lady Knight, so why shouldn't the rest of us catch up in any way we can?"

"That's a good point. Imagine all of the cool things you could do with augments! I'd be a super cool cyborg! I'd make myself into a ninja cyborg!"

"Yeah! Live the dream!"

"Leaving aside the goofy sci-fi dreams, there are a lot of benefits to transhumanization and human augmentations such as eliminating or slowing down diseases and the aging process while making ourselves faster, healthier and stronger." Niikura summarized. "Imagine a world where nobody had to worry about being born with defects. Where nobody had to worry about being sick. Where we could be born prefect and healthy with long lives and superhuman abilities and intelligence?  Just think about everything humanity could accomplish together! We could revolutionize the world!"

"Can that really be called living though? Would you still be able to call us humans?" Tendou questioned.

"Of course not. We'd be Super Humans!"

"But if everyone is born perfect all the time wouldn't that just be boring? Where's the variety in life? And what's so great about extending your lifespans anyway? Why would you want to live forever?" She asked again.

"It's better than dying. I mean, sure, there's an afterlife but come on. 100 years at best if you take proper care of your body and you only get one shot at it? What's fair about that? If it's loneliness you're worried about, don't be. If everyone's immortal then you can't be lonely."

She shook her head. "Come on, think about it man. Even if you and your friends and society are immortal, there would only be so many places to go, things to do, and life defying antics you could perform before life settles into a repetitive boring monotony."

"But in the meantime you could accomplish everything you've wanted to do! Every game you've ever wanted to play, every subject you've ever wanted to learn, every book you've ever wanted to read, you could watch every show, listen to every song, visit everywhere on Earth, work every job, there's plenty out there in the world to keep yourself occupied. Besides, everyone would be hooked up to the internet with internal WIFI so it's not like we'd ever be lonely. We could come up with new things on the regular. Just think of the movies you could make in a perfect society."

"With social and cultural trends that rise and fall, you're bound to see the same ones rise in popularity, fade away, and then come back. It only took a few decades for zombie media to regain mainstream media attention, then fade. Superheroes, westerns, romances, adventure stories, you're going to start seeing the same things over and over again. Typical tropes and cliches may be so ingrained in all of them that you recognize them and it'll make everything feel identical. When you've literally seen it all, what is there left to see?"

"Uhm." Mariko raised her hand. "Sorry to interrupt but doesn't this discussion hinge on the idea that we even could make ourselves immortal? Also, we should discuss the limits of humanity. If you mutate a bunch of super powers into someone and then shove a bunch of metal and machines and computer chips into them can you really consider them human?"

"It's called cyberization and it's awesome." The same student from before replied with a laugh.

"About that...doesn't this whole discussion actually hinge on the idea that any of this would be made publicly available at affordable prices instead of being reserved for the rich elite? Even if you can afford it, you have to trust your corporate overlords of the government to not plug something into your head to control you. Or do you really think they would allow you to become a superhumanly augmented cyborg and not have a way to keep you under their thumb?" Yakushimaru reasoned with everyone.

"Oh come on guys. Would our government really do that?" Kuma joked.

The class laughed amidst a slew of acknowledgments.

They continued their discussions in a loop around the room until it came time for class to end and Professor Umemura clapped her hands. "Ahhh what a great productive day! I'm proud of you kids! Alright! Here's your assignment for tonight!  In this assignment, you will be asked to choose a side and defend your position. In at least 300 words, compose a thread that takes the side of supporting or rejecting transhumanism! Give evidence to support your position and include 1 citation from the Bible, or your faith of choice, I'm not picky, and 1 from another source other than your texts. Double Spaced. MLA Format. You know the drills kids. I'm looking forward to reading your papers." She laughed and bid them good day. The students stood up and bowed before sitting back down.

Tendou didn't waste much time before standing back up though. "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I need to take a leak." She waved it off and walked out of the classroom.

She walked down the hallway into the ladies room where she quietly closed the door behind her and hunched over the sink. She let out a long sigh. "Stupid kids. You don't even realize how good you have it."



"Excuse me.  Are you alright, Tendou?"

"Huh?" She looked up from where she'd been splashing water in her face and grabbed some paper towels. "Oh hey Akibara. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I just needed to take a piss and I thought I would check on you. You looked a little down in class."

"Well that's more language than I was expecting from you." Tendou giggled. "I'm fine though. Really. I just think the whole Transhumanism Movement is a little much right now. People shouldn't be so quick to throw away their humanity or alter themselves. Really. There's nothing wrong with the human body. The way I see it, we've had it for billions of years and we've turned out just fine for the most part."

"You're right about that but come on, you have to admit that the idea of giving yourself super powers is rather enticing." She quipped while stepping into a stall. "I'm glad you're okay though! We all will be. Ahhhhhhhhh. This school can be rather intense but rest assured everyone here is very nice."

"So I've noticed. We certainly have a lively classroom. However..."


"Well, I overheard that a student was missing from class or something?"

"Oh! That's Sanjiro. Sanjiro Sakurai. He's kind of the class idol and Niikura's best friend and one of the nicest guys ever." After finishing her business she flushed and stepped back out to wash her hands. "I'm sure he's doing fine. He's just absent today. Still, we're organizing a little search party for him after school if you're interested."

"Ah what the heck, sure, I'm in. I'm sure he's fine but what better way to integrate myself to the group than to join the search party and I can get a free tour while I'm at it."

"That's the spirit, Tendou! The more the merrier and we can introduce you to Sanjiro when we find him." She dried her hands in the dryer and wiped them with a paper towel before balling it up and tossing it into a Recyclotron. "Swish."

"Heh. Watch this." She walked across the room, looked at the Recyclotron, smirked and performed a corkscrew flip and tossed the balled up paper towel across the room into the Recyclotron.


Tendou blew on her hands. "Told you I was athletic. Now come on. Lets get back to class. And Akibara?"


"Heck with it. Why not call me, Mika?"

"Sure. You can call me by Mariko then."

The girls returned to class.

"Hey girl! Feeling better?"

"Much." She laughed. "Sorry. I'm just a bit overwhelmed. You know how it is. First day jitters."

"Oh we know. Trust me, everyone gets it when starting up at a new school. Don't worry though you lucked into a good crowd. Just stick with us and you can't go wrong." Niikira assured her.

"So long as you keep your grades up." Another student chimed in.

"Oh don't worry about that. I'll be top of the class in no time."

"Well then I wish you the best of luck." Niikura grinned. "Because I already hold that position."

"That's awesome. You should be proud."

"Oh trust me I am. We've always been neck and neck with each other for the position but I've held onto it the longest. Top of the class and Class Rep Niikura Orinosuke."

She applauded them. "You're just full of surprises. I'm glad I got to meet someone as interesting as you."

"Same here. You're already fitting in here."

"Thank you. Also, I heard about your friend going missing and I would like to assist with the search."

"Huh? Did Aki tell you?"

"That's correct. Also I overheard you talking to the teacher before I stepped inside."

"I see." He glanced at Akibara briefly before returning to focusing his attention on her. "Alright. Sure. An extra pair of eyes could be helpful. Besides which we can introduce you to him when we find him."

"Sounds good. I'm happy to help. But, ah, what does he look like?"

"Sure." He took his phone out and pulled up an image and showed it to her.

Sanjiro Sakurai has unruly short dark-brown hair, with bangs that reach just below his eyes. Houtarou's eyes are emerald-green. He is wearing his school uniform with the vest opened up and his shirt untucked for a casual look. His boyish features add to his handsomeness.

"Oh I see. Pretty boy huh?"

"Yes. Yes he was." Kuma added in.

"Agreed." Every other girl in the class echoed.

"Okay then." She smiled. "We can trade numbers later for if I find him."

Their next professor arrived soon after and the class settled down for Trigonometry followed by Programming and then left for a Chemistry Class before it was finally time for Lunch and Tendou took a cylindrical stainless steel vacuum flask out of her bag and clutched it to her chest.

"Oh? Where were you keeping that?"

"In my bag."

"Cool. What's in it?"

"It's a special homemade smoothie. I'm on a special diet so this is basically my lunch. It's a crazy combination of a Green Peanut Butter Smoothie mixed with
Banana Almond combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything the body needs."

"That sounds like it would taste like..." Yakushimaru trailed off as she searched for the right words before giving up. "Madness. Like it would taste like madness."

"Oh you have no idea." Tendou laughed.

"Is it good?"

"It's an acquired taste." She admitted.

"Cool, cool. Hey do you wanna see our cafeteria?"




A few members of the class split off to guide Tendou to the cafeteria while the rest relaxed and ate lunch in the classroom. "Oh you're about to feast like a Queen, new girl. The food here is great. Healthy, affordable and delicious. You might even want to try some with your drink."

"Heh, well, if it's as good as you say it is then I'll be sure to  take it up with my dad when I get the chance."

"Oh trust us, newbie, we're about to open up a whole new world of fine dining for you!" Kuma assured her with a laugh.

"Hey, hey, could we try some of your drink?" Yaku asked her.

"Sorry. I don't think that's a good idea. It's really an acquired taste. If you're not used to it, you'd spit it right back out. Trust me. It's for your own good."

"Is it weird I want to try it even more now?"

"A little bit. I'll tell you what. I'll bring a small amount of it tomorrow and you can try it then."

"Great! I'm looking forward to it."

"Do you really want to try something like that, Yaku?"

"You bet I am, Niikura! I ain't afraid to taste anything!"

"¥ 2000.00 says you puke it out." Kuma joked.

"You're on!"

The group lead her downstairs to the first floor and out the door to the next building over which was designed to look like a large fancy restaurant with CAFETERIA proudly displayed on a fancy sign on the building. "Okay that's fancy. Are we even dressed for this?"

"Relax, relax! So long as you're wearing your school uniform then you're dressed for it." Mariko assured her. "Follow our lead."

They walked up to the door and presented their ID's to the doormen. They scanned their ID's, nodded and let them inside. Tendou walked past them and stared into the building. "What...the..."

The students who'd arrived before them were already seated around the interior. Either at fancy tables or booths. The restaurant had very nice tiled floors and wallpapers and staff walking around dressed like waitresses and waiters delivering meals and drinks and busboys clearing tables. Some of the students were still reading off of holo-menus that shined out of the tables.  It was like walking into a dream.

"Uhhh are we still on campus?"

The others laughed.

"Oh don't worry, girl, we're still on campus. We just happen to be at the best place on campus!" Mariko assured her. They walked up to the receptionist. "Hi there. We're together. Akibara. Party of 5."

"Of course. Welcome back, Akibara. Would you like a booth or a table?"

"Lets go with a booth. That cool with you guys?"

Naturally they agreed.

"Alright. Booth it is!"

"Great. Right this way." The receptionist lead them across the restaurant to a booth table against the wall and they sat down together. The receptionist tapped the center of the table and holo-menus shined out of it. One for each of them.

"Take your time looking over the menu your waiter will be over shortly." She informed them sweetly and returned to the front.

"I was not ready for today." Tendou acknowledged as she closed her menu and opened up a slot in the lid of her drink to sip from.

"Hmmm?" Kuma looked over at her drink. "Hey is that me or does that thing smell kinda funky?"

"You're not wrong." Tendou admitted and sipped from it.

"It's like...a new car, lavender, caviar, roses and wine." Tendou joked.

"More like grass, engine grease and metal."

"It smells like cologne and mouthwash to me." Akibara responded.

"It smells like stinky fish heads if you ask me." Yaku replied with a grin.

"Grass, engine grease, metal, cologne, mouthwash, fish heads, lavender, caviar, roses, wine and a new car." Niikura chuckled.

"See? He gets it."

"Not going to lie I'm really curious to try this tomorrow." Yaku informed her.

"If you think you can handle it." Tendou smirked.

"Bring it on."

The girls looked over their menus and selected their meals and relaxed as the waitress arrived at their table. "Hello everyone welcome back to the cafeteria! My name is Oshima and I'll be your waitress for the day. Can I start you off with any drinks?"

"Sure! I'll have a strawberry lemonade." Kuma suggested.

"...One for me too. Something to wash this down with." Tendou spoke up.

"A milk blast for me!" Yaku added.

"A tropical infusion." Niikura selected.

"Tropic blitz." Akibara decided.

"Alright got it. Anything else? Are you ready to order?"

"Sure. I'm ready if you guys are."

"Okay. I'll have the Seared Salmon With Israeli Couscous Salad." Kuma selected.

"Classy. An excellent choice. And you ladies?"

"Gousetsu Udon."

"Sarmale De Peste, please." Yaku settled.

"Char Okakiage for me please." Niikura spoke up.

"Excellent, excellent, choices! And you young lady?"

"Ah hah. Sorry. I have something here already. Thank you though."

"You're welcome. Alright I'll be back with your drinks and your meals will be ready before you know it! We pride ourselves in fine dining at warp speeds!" She hurried to the back. Was gone for almost a minute and then she returned with their drinks on a tray and she distributed them to the girls and then returned to her work.

"Alright then. Now that we're all settled in." Akibara raised her glass in a toast. "I would like to formally welcome the newest member of our group! Tendou Mika!"

"Welcome, Tendou!"

"Thanks you guys. I'm happy to be here." They clinked their drinks and sipped from them together.

They sat together chatting among themselves until the waitress came back with everyone else's food. As she was distributing their meals however Tendou raised her hand. "Excuse me. Miss Oshima?"

"Yes, is there something else I can get for you?"

"No, but, I was wondering. Do you know about Sanjiro Sakurai's absence today?"

"Huh? Sanjiro? Come to think of it one of the girls heard about it through the grapevine and word did trickle out from there. Is he alright?"

"We don't know." Akibara admitted. "Nobody's been able to get in touch with him all day. We're planning a search party after school."

"I see. Well I hope he's fine." She finished setting down the plates and started to walk away before turning back around to look at them again. "Heeey. Now that you mention it, one of us is missing today too. Kokoro Sato didn't show up today either."

"Huh? Seriously?"  Niikura asked. "Did you try calling too?"

"We did but she never picked up."

"A boy and a girl skipping school huh? I guess we have our answer!" Yaku replied.

"No. Sanjiro wouldn't do that, at least not without telling me at least, and Kokoro wouldn't skip work would she?"

"That's right she wouldn't! She'd drag herself here through rain and sleet and snow if she had to!"

"Right. So there's definitely something going on here."

"Have you guys tried tracking their phones?" Tendou asked. "There are apps and maps for that."

"We tried to find Kokoro with that but it didn't come up. The phone is ringing whenever we call but she never picks up and we can't track it. Nothing comes up when we try. It just comes up empty. The map comes up but it can't pinpoint where the phone is. It's...eerie." Before the waitress could elaborate further however she was called back. "Sorry. Please enjoy your meals." She bowed and hurried back.

"Okay...this just got weird. Niikura? Can you find his phone?"

"I'm going to try." He said and took out his phone and went into maps and put in the number and waited for it to be located. The page buffered for a minute only to come up blank! The phone could not be found! He tried a few more times only to get the same result each time!

"What the hell?"

"Okay, that's...that's a little scary." Akibara admitted.

"Where the hell are they then? If their phone can pick up calls then surely it should be able to be located right?" Yaku asked.

Tendou sipped her drink while contemplating the situation.

They tossed around ideas but it ultimately came down to the fact that nobody had any clue on how to locate them or what was wrong with the phones.

(Good f**kin' grief, again and again with this.) Tendou sighed internally. "I guess our only option is to call the police and ask them to assist in our search. With all of us scouring the city I'm sure we'll be able to find them. At least I hope so."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just hope everyone's alright."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure there's a rational explanation for all of this." Yaku replied and patted her on the back.

"Yeah I know. It's just kind of a weird thing to happen on your first day."

"Well sometimes the dice just happen to land that way. What matters is how you play the cards you've been dealt. But listen, we're glad you're helping out. The more help we have looking for them the sooner we'll find them, right?"

"Right! All together now!" She put her hand out. "Lets work together to bring them home!"

"Yeah!" The friends declared and put their hands together and raised them up.

After enjoying lunch they left tips on the table and walked out. Tendou placed her bottle in her bag. "Lets see according to my schedule Gym is up next right?"

"Gym class huh?" Ayako crossed her arms. "You might be in for a rough time."

"Why's that?"

"It's just...look, Miss Ogasawara and Mister Akamatsu are nice and all but they can be really demanding especially of new kids. You're going to be put through your paces today."

Tendou laughed. "Sounds like fun to me. Trust me I'm used to it. I can take anything they throw at me."

"I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that."

"Cool. Lead the way."

They crossed the campus again to the gymnasium where they split up. The girls leaving to their locker room and Niikura leaving to the men's locker room.

Niikura sighed as he stepped into the men's locker room. Still with no sign of his friend.

"Hey man!"

He looked up at the student currently waving him over. "Hey Taka. How's it going?"

"Any sign of Sanjiro?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. We haven't been able to track his phone. Look." He showed his friend what was happening to his phone.

"Okay, yeah that's weird." He thought it over. "Maybe ask the Geek Squad if they know anything."

"You mean the Science Club?"

"Same thing. Look, if we can't figure it out? Maybe they can. You're on better terms with them than I am."

"Yeah that's because you hit one of them with a football."

"Which was an accident and I have continuously apologized for." Taka apologized.

"Yeah but calling them Geek Squad isn't helping." Niikura pointed out.

"It's a term of endearment."

"Sure it is. But hey, listen, something really weird is happening. I heard a waitress didn't show up for work today. They haven't been able to get in touch with her either."

"Are you serious?" Taka laughed. "Well then there's nothing to worry about. They're probably just off on a hot date."

"Sanjiro wouldn't skip school. Or at least not without telling me." Niikura stated firmly. "Besides which, it still wouldn't explain why we can't get in touch with either of them. Something is very wrong here."

"Hey guys!" A bespectacled student walked up to them. "You getting ready for class or what? You know how coach is."

"Yeah." He put away his phone and walked to his locker. "We'll talk some more after class."


Meanwhile in the women's locker room!

Tendou walked to her locker, hit the keypad button to open it up, #13173904, and and pressed Enter. The keypad numbers glowed green and the door popped open. She placed her bag on the ground of the locker and then began undressing.

"Hmmm?"  Akibara looked over at her. "Wow. You weren't kidding about being an athlete. You are toned as hell girl."

Tendou laughed and flexed. "I told you didn't I? Fitness runs in my DNA."

"So you're the new girl, huh?" A haughty voice asked them.

They looked to the side to see a high class looking young lady with short hair and a radiant beauty approaching them.

"Hello, Mushanokoji." Akibara replied politely.

"Hello, Kibanyan." She responded and returned her attention to Tendou. She reached out and placed a hand against the locker behind her and smiled.

"My name is Mushanokoji Akanenyan. That is a name that carries far more prestige than any other in this or any school. As the reigning queen of this institution I would like to formally welcome you to Vista Academy. Getting down to business, I think someone like you would fit right in with my Royal All Stars."

"...Royal What Now? Also you're in my space. At least let me get dressed."

"Don't fall for it. They're a bunch of mindless drones who parrot whatever she says. There isn't a single brain cell between them." Ayako snarked.

"I wasn't talking to you, Ayanyan. Please mind your manners and wait to be spoken too."

Tendou just looked confused. "Ayanyan? Kibanyan?"

"You have to admit it makes them sound much cuter." She reasoned. "Even Kuma's name can be improved by turning it into Kumanyan."

"F.U.R.B. Mushanokoji!" Kuma called over the lockers.

"Riiiiiight. Well, anyway, my name is Tendou Mika and-"

"Tinyan. Got it."

"But I didn't even-"

"Don't worry about. So how about my offer? Join up with me and you can run this school. Why crawl in the mud with the peasants when you can soar above them like a majestic flying Eagle?"

"I'm already walking the path of Heaven. Eagles are beneath me." Tendou smirked and turned around. "Now if you'll kindly back off I need to finish getting dressed."

A few of the girls laughed at Queen Mushan being so utterly dismissed. She just glared at her. "Cocky little...alright then. You might change your mind after we thrash your peasants today." She turned around and walked away to rejoin her friends.

"Hot damn, Tendou! That was awesome! I've never seen anybody so completely dismiss her like that."

"Ehhhh. I've dealt with her kind before. Trust me. They're all just hot air."

"Oh man this day is finally shaping up. Don't worry about class. We've got your back!"

"Hell yeah." She grinned and they returned to getting dressed and stepped out for class.



The students stepped out into a giant magnificent looking gymnasium. It was sparkling clean and one of the largest gyms Tendou had ever seen. There were hoops on either side, a track for running, various equipment, bleachers, large windows to let the sunshine in and several doors. Two lead outside, two lead back to the locker room but she couldn't tell where the others lead. In the middle of the roomt here were three adults. One man and two women. All three were tall and muscular. Obvious fitness nuts.

"Okay so who's who here?"

Akibara pointed at the woman and the man. "Miss Ogasawara and Mister Akamatsu and the third is....oh boy."

"What? Who is she?"

"Miss Akamatsu. Akamatsu Yua."

Mushanokoji and her posse laughed. "Oh man you are in for it, newbie."

"Who is she?"

"Remember when we told you that they can be harsh on new kids until they've broken them in? Miss Akamatsu specializes in that."

"Welcome To Hell Week, Freshie." One of Mushan's friends whispered into her ear.

Tendou considered decking her but thought better of it.

"Just, uh, try to hang in there." Yakushimaru advised her.

"Oh man. Best of luck, Tendou." Niikura told her.

"STUDENTS! FRONT AND CENTER!" The teachers called out. "LINE UP!""

The students did as they were asked and formed a line between the boys and girls.

"I understand there is a new student among you. Miss Tendou! Step forward!"

Tendou did as she was asked and Akamatsu Yua stepped up to her and looked her over. "So you're the shining star of Shimahaba, eh?"

"Yes ma'am. I am very proud of my athletic achievements."

She looked up past the students over to Mushan who winked at her and Akamatsu returned her attention to Tendou. "Forgive me for doubting you but I'm not quite sure if you're necessarily...ready for how intense our classes here at Vista Academy. I would like to take you outside and give you a test run. See how you hold up."

"Nothing would make me happier ma'am."

"I'm so glad to hear that. Brother, Miss Ogasawara, with your permission?"

"Of course. Go have your fun."

She grinned and walked to the doors. "If you'll follow me, Miss Tendou."

She waved goodbye to her friends and followed the teacher outside to a 400 Meter Outdoor Track.

"Okay! First we're going to check your speed and stamina. Give me 12 laps."

"Twelve laps, ma'am?"


"Not a problem."

"In that case make it 14!"

"Yes ma'am!" She happily jogged past the gate doors onto the track where she took a running stance and then took off running.

1 lap = 400 Meters. 14 laps = 5600 Meters. 5600 Meters = 5.6 Km = 4 Miles. (3.479679 Miles Rounded Up!) .

For a normal person, a normal kid of her age, this would be quite a challenge but Tendou didn't seem to be having any problem with it! She had a casual smile on her face the entire time like she was just going for a light jog. Despite the warm weather and the nice long track she wasn't showing the faintest sign of fatigue. She cleared 100 meters of the track in 9.75 seconds, the loop in around 39 seconds and the entire run in a mere 9.1 minutes! Even after she casually jogged up the coach. "How was that?"

"Uh, yeah, that'll work. Heh. You certainly earned your reputation but you're not out of the woods yet. Drop down and give me 3,000 knuckle pushups on the grass."

"Done and done." She walked over to the grass, laid down, pushed her knuckles on the ground and casually performed the workout. Again without any sign of fatigue and then she popped back up. "Next?"

"300 situps."

Done and done.

"...400 squats?"

Done and done.

(Oh you are starting to piss me off, kid. Try this!) After a few more workouts she was lead inside where everybody else was doing their own workouts and then pointed to the middle of the room. Miss Akamatsu pointed at the giant rope. "Alright here's your next test. Climb to the top!"

She looked up at the long, long, loooong rope and shrugged. "Your call." She walked over to the rope, gave it a few test tugs, nodded and hopped up on it, grabbed onto it, wrapped her legs around the rope and began to climb it.

"Okay, uh, don't you think this is going a little too far?"

"Seriously. Mushan and Kuma are the only girls in class who've been able to climb that rope!"

(And I nearly had a panic attack at the top...) Kuma noted internally.

"Ha. She's done. There's no way that girl is going to make it to the top." Another girl chimed in.

"How long until she wimps out?"

"I don't know if she will." Mushan interrupted. "Look at her. She was out there for a while being put through her paces but she doesn't have a drop of sweat and she isn't even breathing her." She crossed her arms. "Just who the hell is this girl?"

At first several of the girls were incredulous that she would be able to handle it at all but Tendou didn't give up! Up, up, up and up she climbed with ease! Hand over hand she climbed it like a monkey! She even started to hum on the way up while nodding her head and then she began to sing out Kreva's Aggressive from his 3rd album Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu (2007).

"My worries don't amount to much

They're starting up again, they're bursting open

I exercise my right to veto, every single wearisome day

And on every fun one, have a nice day

Thank you for the meal, good morning

I feel like I can say it right, I'll pull out my license

My right to speak from me to myself

This wonderful feeling, it's like being al dente


Today, I'm my own ally

I've decided that I'm going to be alone

In this vast world

That's right, aggressive

These feelings aren't a lie

No matter what anyone tells me, I won't budge

Even though I'm passionate, my vision isn't cloudy

I won't turn my eyes away from the long future up ahead

But I've got to do it now

It's not anyone else, I'm the key man

Before looking for a hand to give me a push on the back

I'm going to fix my bad points myself

But I won't attend to them too much

I'm not going to be too gutsy, I'm not going to be hasty

I'm going to be a man who can listen to conversations

It's alright to say it, I'm going to be a kid

Taking a leap forward, without hindrance

I'll open the heavy doors with my whole body

I'll demonstrate my will, step by step

I'll live my life so that I won't have any regrets

Without forgetting feelings of gratitude

My winning attitude is aggressive

Today, I'm my own ally

I've decided that I'm going to be alone

In this vast world

That's right, aggressive

My worries don't amount to much

They're starting up again, they're bursting open

I exercise my right to veto, every single wearisome day

And on every fun one, have a nice day

Thank you for the meal, good morning

I feel like I can say it right, I'll pull out my license

My right to speak from me to myself

This wonderful feeling, it's like being al dente


She belt out the last of the song as she reached the top and struck the bell and raised her fist. The students cheered and applauded and even Mushan and her posse found themselves applauding her. She laughed and climbed back down until it was safe enough to let go and hop back down the last short distance to the floor and pumped her fists into the air as her classmates circled around her laughing and cheering for her.

"Well. I'm out of ideas for the day. You guys want to go ahead and get on with today's game?" Yua asked her brother.

"Yeah sure that sounds like a plan. This new kid looks like she's going to fight right in here. Especially if we can get her on a team."

"In that case how about we test her out in Soccer?"



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

The students stepped out into a giant magnificent looking gymnasium. It was sparkling clean and one of the largest gyms Tendou had ever seen. There were hoops on either side, a track for running, various equipment, bleachers, large windows to let the sunshine in and several doors. Two lead outside, two lead back to the locker room but she couldn't tell where the others lead. In the middle of the roomt here were three adults. One man and two women. All three were tall and muscular. Obvious fitness nuts.

"Okay so who's who here?"

Akibara pointed at the woman and the man. "Miss Ogasawara and Mister Akamatsu and the third is....oh boy."

"What? Who is she?"

"Miss Akamatsu. Akamatsu Yua."

Mushanokoji and her posse laughed. "Oh man you are in for it, newbie."

"Who is she?"

"Remember when we told you that they can be harsh on new kids until they've broken them in? Miss Akamatsu specializes in that."

"Welcome To Hell Week, Freshie." One of Mushan's friends whispered into her ear.

Tendou considered decking her but thought better of it.

"Just, uh, try to hang in there." Yakushimaru advised her.

"Oh man. Best of luck, Tendou." Niikura told her.

"STUDENTS! FRONT AND CENTER!" The teachers called out. "LINE UP!""

The students did as they were asked and formed a line between the boys and girls.

"I understand there is a new student among you. Miss Tendou! Step forward!"

Tendou did as she was asked and Akamatsu Yua stepped up to her and looked her over. "So you're the shining star of Shimahaba, eh?"

"Yes ma'am. I am very proud of my athletic achievements."

She looked up past the students over to Mushan who winked at her and Akamatsu returned her attention to Tendou. "Forgive me for doubting you but I'm not quite sure if you're necessarily...ready for how intense our classes here at Vista Academy. I would like to take you outside and give you a test run. See how you hold up."

"Nothing would make me happier ma'am."

"I'm so glad to hear that. Brother, Miss Ogasawara, with your permission?"

"Of course. Go have your fun."

She grinned and walked to the doors. "If you'll follow me, Miss Tendou."

She waved goodbye to her friends and followed the teacher outside to a 400 Meter Outdoor Track.

"Okay! First we're going to check your speed and stamina. Give me 12 laps."

"Twelve laps, ma'am?"


"Not a problem."

"In that case make it 14!"

"Yes ma'am!" She happily jogged past the gate doors onto the track where she took a running stance and then took off running.

1 lap = 400 Meters. 14 laps = 5600 Meters. 5600 Meters = 5.6 Km = 4 Miles. (3.479679 Miles Rounded Up!) .

For a normal person, a normal kid of her age, this would be quite a challenge but Tendou didn't seem to be having any problem with it! She had a casual smile on her face the entire time like she was just going for a light jog. Despite the warm weather and the nice long track she wasn't showing the faintest sign of fatigue. She cleared 100 meters of the track in 9.75 seconds, the loop in around 39 seconds and the entire run in a mere 9.1 minutes! Even after she casually jogged up the coach. "How was that?"

"Uh, yeah, that'll work. Heh. You certainly earned your reputation but you're not out of the woods yet. Drop down and give me 3,000 knuckle pushups on the grass."

"Done and done." She walked over to the grass, laid down, pushed her knuckles on the ground and casually performed the workout. Again without any sign of fatigue and then she popped back up. "Next?"

"300 situps."

Done and done.

"...400 squats?"

Done and done.

(Oh you are starting to piss me off, kid. Try this!) After a few more workouts she was lead inside where everybody else was doing their own workouts and then pointed to the middle of the room. Miss Akamatsu pointed at the giant rope. "Alright here's your next test. Climb to the top!"

She looked up at the long, long, loooong rope and shrugged. "Your call." She walked over to the rope, gave it a few test tugs, nodded and hopped up on it, grabbed onto it, wrapped her legs around the rope and began to climb it.

"Okay, uh, don't you think this is going a little too far?"

"Seriously. Mushan and Kuma are the only girls in class who've been able to climb that rope!"

(And I nearly had a panic attack at the top...) Kuma noted internally.

"Ha. She's done. There's no way that girl is going to make it to the top." Another girl chimed in.

"How long until she wimps out?"

"I don't know if she will." Mushan interrupted. "Look at her. She was out there for a while being put through her paces but she doesn't have a drop of sweat and she isn't even breathing her." She crossed her arms. "Just who the hell is this girl?"

At first several of the girls were incredulous that she would be able to handle it at all but Tendou didn't give up! Up, up, up and up she climbed with ease! Hand over hand she climbed it like a monkey! She even started to hum on the way up while nodding her head and then she began to sing out Kreva's Aggressive from his 3rd album Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu (2007).

"My worries don't amount to much

They're starting up again, they're bursting open

I exercise my right to veto, every single wearisome day

And on every fun one, have a nice day

Thank you for the meal, good morning

I feel like I can say it right, I'll pull out my license

My right to speak from me to myself

This wonderful feeling, it's like being al dente


Today, I'm my own ally

I've decided that I'm going to be alone

In this vast world

That's right, aggressive

These feelings aren't a lie

No matter what anyone tells me, I won't budge

Even though I'm passionate, my vision isn't cloudy

I won't turn my eyes away from the long future up ahead

But I've got to do it now

It's not anyone else, I'm the key man

Before looking for a hand to give me a push on the back

I'm going to fix my bad points myself

But I won't attend to them too much

I'm not going to be too gutsy, I'm not going to be hasty

I'm going to be a man who can listen to conversations

It's alright to say it, I'm going to be a kid

Taking a leap forward, without hindrance

I'll open the heavy doors with my whole body

I'll demonstrate my will, step by step

I'll live my life so that I won't have any regrets

Without forgetting feelings of gratitude

My winning attitude is aggressive

Today, I'm my own ally

I've decided that I'm going to be alone

In this vast world

That's right, aggressive

My worries don't amount to much

They're starting up again, they're bursting open

I exercise my right to veto, every single wearisome day

And on every fun one, have a nice day

Thank you for the meal, good morning

I feel like I can say it right, I'll pull out my license

My right to speak from me to myself

This wonderful feeling, it's like being al dente


She belt out the last of the song as she reached the top and struck the bell and raised her fist. The students cheered and applauded and even Mushan and her posse found themselves applauding her. She laughed and climbed back down until it was safe enough to let go and hop back down the last short distance to the floor and pumped her fists into the air as her classmates circled around her laughing and cheering for her.

"Well. I'm out of ideas for the day. You guys want to go ahead and get on with today's game?" Yua asked her brother.

"Yeah sure that sounds like a plan. This new kid looks like she's going to fight right in here. Especially if we can get her on a team."

"In that case how about we test her out in Soccer?"

"Sure, soccer, sounds like a plan." Mister Akamatsu stepped up and clapped his hands. "Alright everybody fall in! We're going to be playing some soccer! To ensure fairness we'll be splitting into two even teams and to avoid biases we'll be selecting only the team captains. They will be the ones who select their teams."

(Wait, how does that avoid bias?) Tendou questioned.

"Team A will be Captained by Mushankoji and Team B will be captained by Tendou!"

Tendou's and Mushan's friends cheered them on as the two walked in front of the class. (Heh, this will be a cinch. New girl doesn't know everybody's strengths and weaknesses like I do. She'll be more likely to pick her loser friends than a winning team like me.) "I would like to start first if that's alright."

"Go ahead."

"Thank you, Tennyan." She smiled sweetly and turned back tot he group. "Alright, alright! My man! Ryousuke! Get on over here!"

A handsome muscular looking teen with a shaved head ran up and high-fived his girlfriend and then kissed her right in front of everyone. A few them cheered them on while others rolled their eyes.

"Kuma! Come on over. You're our goalie." Tendou told her.

"Called it." She laughed and jogged up and high-fived her.

(Heh. Predictable.) "Shichinyan! You're with me!"

Another athletic teen, this time with longer hair, ran up next to his friend.


"YES!" She ran up and joined her friends.





"Natsuki, Ryuu, Miku, Sachie, Saki."

"Yuuma, Saburou, Ryou, Kazuo, Kosuke."

The names went on like that for a while with Mushan recruiting the best athletes and popular kids in the class to her side and Tendou honestly picking seemingly at random but actually picking a mix of the athletes and the other kids. Once everybody was picked onto a team and the teams were even they followed the coaches out onto the field and the teams were given a chance to strategize.

Tendou stepped up onto the bleachers and turned back around to look over the team who were currently muttering about the game and whispering to each other only for Tendou to loudly slam her hands together. "QUIET! FACE FRONT!" She barked at her team like a drill sergeant. The kids immediately snapped to attention.

"That's better! Now listen up! I know you all thought you were being nice and quiet but I heard you loud and clear! 'We can't do it.' 'They're going to cream us' 'It's always the same' 'We can never win'."

She mocked them and then spat on the ground.

"Never. Can't. Helpless. Those are just words. They're meaningless! Wake up! Those words only have power if you give it to them! That is loser talk! You are not losers! I handpicked all of you myself because I saw your potential! I saw the fire burning deep inside your hearts and I AM YOUR GASOLINE! I will light the fire in your asses and awaken the sleeping giants inside of you! Look around! Look at the proud men and women standing next to you! You have trained together! You have exercised together! You have played together! You have attended classes together! You know each other! You know your strengths and weaknesses! You know where your power lies! Use that! You are not a ragtag group of quitters! You are one cohesive unit! Our enemies think us weak. They see us as easy prey. We will prove them wrong. We are going storm that field and score as many goals as we want! Nobody will stop us! I want you all to stick together out there and here's how I want you arranged: tough, tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft! Kuma! You're our goalie! That makes you our last line of defense between the enemy and our goal! Do not take your eyes off the ball. Focus on that at all times. The rest of you take your positions and watch me. I will be scoring the first goal myself. Focus on the enemy team, watch how they move and find their weaknesses. When it comes time for the second goal I will be expecting you to capitalize on the enemies weaknesses and flaws. The enemy does not see us as threats. Use that arrogance and stupidity against them. Engage with maximum speed, neutralize the shooters and move on to our objective: Kicking that soccer ball into that goal and letting nothing stand in our way. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

Her team cheered her on.

"Fear Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Defeat Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Nerves Do Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"



"NO CAPTAIN!" They cheered all the harder.









Mushan's team just stared at her in disbelief. "...What kind of drugs is she on?" Kyokonyan questioned.

"She does realize this is a soccer game right?" Nao questioned. She looked over to Mushan. "Right?"

"Uhhh....r-right? Right. Okay." Mushan cleared her throat. "Uhhh...don't...worry about all that. Just focus on the game. We'll kick their butts and win like we always do. No problem."



"Sure, soccer, sounds like a plan." Mister Akamatsu stepped up and clapped his hands. "Alright everybody fall in! We're going to be playing some soccer! To ensure fairness we'll be splitting into two even teams and to avoid biases we'll be selecting only the team captains. They will be the ones who select their teams."

(Wait, how does that avoid bias?) Tendou questioned.

"Team A will be Captained by Mushankoji and Team B will be captained by Tendou!"

Tendou's and Mushan's friends cheered them on as the two walked in front of the class. (Heh, this will be a cinch. New girl doesn't know everybody's strengths and weaknesses like I do. She'll be more likely to pick her loser friends than a winning team like me.) "I would like to start first if that's alright."

"Go ahead."

"Thank you, Tennyan." She smiled sweetly and turned back tot he group. "Alright, alright! My man! Ryousuke! Get on over here!"

A handsome muscular looking teen with a shaved head ran up and high-fived his girlfriend and then kissed her right in front of everyone. A few them cheered them on while others rolled their eyes.

"Kuma! Come on over. You're our goalie." Tendou told her.

"Called it." She laughed and jogged up and high-fived her.

(Heh. Predictable.) "Shichinyan! You're with me!"

Another athletic teen, this time with longer hair, ran up next to his friend.


"YES!" She ran up and joined her friends.





"Natsuki, Ryuu, Miku, Sachie, Saki."

"Yuuma, Saburou, Ryou, Kazuo, Kosuke."

The names went on like that for a while with Mushan recruiting the best athletes and popular kids in the class to her side and Tendou honestly picking seemingly at random but actually picking a mix of the athletes and the other kids. Once everybody was picked onto a team and the teams were even they followed the coaches out onto the field and the teams were given a chance to strategize.

Tendou stepped up onto the bleachers and turned back around to look over the team who were currently muttering about the game and whispering to each other only for Tendou to loudly slam her hands together. "QUIET! FACE FRONT!" She barked at her team like a drill sergeant. The kids immediately snapped to attention.

"That's better! Now listen up! I know you all thought you were being nice and quiet but I heard you loud and clear! 'We can't do it.' 'They're going to cream us' 'It's always the same' 'We can never win'."

She mocked them and then spat on the ground.

"Never. Can't. Helpless. Those are just words. They're meaningless! Wake up! Those words only have power if you give it to them! That is loser talk! You are not losers! I handpicked all of you myself because I saw your potential! I saw the fire burning deep inside your hearts and I AM YOUR GASOLINE! I will light the fire in your asses and awaken the sleeping giants inside of you! Look around! Look at the proud men and women standing next to you! You have trained together! You have exercised together! You have played together! You have attended classes together! You know each other! You know your strengths and weaknesses! You know where your power lies! Use that! You are not a ragtag group of quitters! You are one cohesive unit! Our enemies think us weak. They see us as easy prey. We will prove them wrong. We are going storm that field and score as many goals as we want! Nobody will stop us! I want you all to stick together out there and here's how I want you arranged: tough, tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft! Kuma! You're our goalie! That makes you our last line of defense between the enemy and our goal! Do not take your eyes off the ball. Focus on that at all times. The rest of you take your positions and watch me. I will be scoring the first goal myself. Focus on the enemy team, watch how they move and find their weaknesses. When it comes time for the second goal I will be expecting you to capitalize on the enemies weaknesses and flaws. The enemy does not see us as threats. Use that arrogance and stupidity against them. Engage with maximum speed, neutralize the shooters and move on to our objective: Kicking that soccer ball into that goal and letting nothing stand in our way. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

Her team cheered her on.

"Fear Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Defeat Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Nerves Do Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"



"NO CAPTAIN!" They cheered all the harder.









Mushan's team just stared at her in disbelief. "...What kind of drugs is she on?" Kyokonyan questioned.

"She does realize this is a soccer game right?" Nao questioned. She looked over to Mushan. "Right?"

"Uhhh....r-right? Right. Okay." Mushan cleared her throat. "Uhhh...don't...worry about all that. Just focus on the game. We'll kick their butts and win like we always do. No problem."

Everyone took their positions and Mushan and Tendou met in the center. "Nice speech earlier but you just wasted your breath. You guys are going to lose no matter what."

"Take your best shit, kitten."

The coach walked into the center, raised the ball up and blew on his whistle. The instant the ball hit the ground Mushan went for it but Tendou appeared to simply vanish as she ran past her! Mushan's foot hit air instead! "Huh? Wha? Where? HEY!" She turned around and watched Tendou's sick dribbling skills as she dashed down the field. Nao went after her and kicked at the ball only for Tendou to simply dodge her! Kyokonyan went after her next and tried to sweep her leg but Tendou just hopped over it and kept right on going.

"Mudamudamudamudamuda!" She laughed and kept going.

"Uhhhh Mushan?"

"Get her obviously!" She told her friends while chasing her. Tendou kept right on going speeding down the field ducking and dodging around Mushan's team the entire time without them being able to slow her down at all! Ryousuke ran up by her left and tried to shove her but only succeeded in being pushed down himself! Shichi attacked her next, forgoing any subtlety and charging her head on before 'falling' and kicking out at her legs but she just kicked the ball up into the air, hopped over him and kept running, bounced the ball off of her head as it came back down, let it fall back, bounced it off of her heel, let it drop, kicked it forward and kept going. Yuuma, Saburou, Ryou, Kazuo and Kosuke were the last line of defense between Tendou and the goal! Yuuma and Saburou both rushed her down and kicked out at her legs but she kicked the ball into the air and flipped over their legs and hit the ground running. Ryou and Kazuo went after her next. Ryou tried to tackle her but she grabbed him, spun around and flipped him to the ground! She kicked her leg up as the ball came down and bounced it off of her foot while Kazuo tried to grab her with a leg lock but she hopped over his legs, bounced the ball off of her butt, turned around, kicked the ball up into the air again, twirled around while bouncing off of her foot, then she suddenly kicked it high into the air, performed a backflip, landed on her hand and kicked the ball away! It flew past Kosuke and their goalie's head like a missile to hit the net!

Tendou's team cheered for her while Tendou dropped down onto her shoulders, performed a few flares and then sprung back to her feet and laughed at Mushan and her team.

"What's wrong kitten? Can't you even win by cheating?" Tendou called to her.

Mushan fumed but said nothing. Instead simply snapping her fingers. A signal to her team to stop playing around as the goalie picked up the ball, ran forward and drop kicked it into the air across the field. Tendou smirked and ran after it. Mushan and her team had been humiliated and Tendou's own team was now more motivated than ever. It was time for the real game to begin!



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Everyone took their positions and Mushan and Tendou met in the center. "Nice speech earlier but you just wasted your breath. You guys are going to lose no matter what."

"Take your best shit, kitten."

The coach walked into the center, raised the ball up and blew on his whistle. The instant the ball hit the ground Mushan went for it but Tendou appeared to simply vanish as she ran past her! Mushan's foot hit air instead! "Huh? Wha? Where? HEY!" She turned around and watched Tendou's sick dribbling skills as she dashed down the field. Nao went after her and kicked at the ball only for Tendou to simply dodge her! Kyokonyan went after her next and tried to sweep her leg but Tendou just hopped over it and kept right on going.

"Mudamudamudamudamuda!" She laughed and kept going.

"Uhhhh Mushan?"

"Get her obviously!" She told her friends while chasing her. Tendou kept right on going speeding down the field ducking and dodging around Mushan's team the entire time without them being able to slow her down at all! Ryousuke ran up by her left and tried to shove her but only succeeded in being pushed down himself! Shichi attacked her next, forgoing any subtlety and charging her head on before 'falling' and kicking out at her legs but she just kicked the ball up into the air, hopped over him and kept running, bounced the ball off of her head as it came back down, let it fall back, bounced it off of her heel, let it drop, kicked it forward and kept going. Yuuma, Saburou, Ryou, Kazuo and Kosuke were the last line of defense between Tendou and the goal! Yuuma and Saburou both rushed her down and kicked out at her legs but she kicked the ball into the air and flipped over their legs and hit the ground running. Ryou and Kazuo went after her next. Ryou tried to tackle her but she grabbed him, spun around and flipped him to the ground! She kicked her leg up as the ball came down and bounced it off of her foot while Kazuo tried to grab her with a leg lock but she hopped over his legs, bounced the ball off of her butt, turned around, kicked the ball up into the air again, twirled around while bouncing off of her foot, then she suddenly kicked it high into the air, performed a backflip, landed on her hand and kicked the ball away! It flew past Kosuke and their goalie's head like a missile to hit the net!

Tendou's team cheered for her while Tendou dropped down onto her shoulders, performed a few flares and then sprung back to her feet and laughed at Mushan and her team.

"What's wrong kitten? Can't you even win by cheating?" Tendou called to her.

Mushan fumed but said nothing. Instead simply snapping her fingers. A signal to her team to stop playing around as the goalie picked up the ball, ran forward and drop kicked it into the air across the field. Tendou smirked and ran after it. Mushan and her team had been humiliated and Tendou's own team was now more motivated than ever. It was time for the real game to begin!

Tendou quickly outpaced the other students to reach the ball and jumped in the air, caught it on her knee, let it fall to the ground and then passed it over to Mariko! She began dribbling it around the field until she noticed one of Mushan's friends swiftly approaching her and she turned around and kicked the ball through the air to Niikura who jumped in the air and kicked it over to Ayako. She bounced it off her knee, kicked it up into the air, performed a backflip, caught it and continued doing so before suddenly throwing it into the air and then kicking it over to Natsuki who ran with it and dribbled it around and away from the other students before passing it over to Sachie who passed it back and forth between herself and Saki until one of the students ran over and knocked over Sachie and began running with the ball only to be interrupted by Ryuu who tripped him and took the ball but then Shichi came in and tripped him and threw him to the ground but not before Ryuu managed to pass it to Natsuki who kicked it into the air over the others to Tendou who jumped in the air and spin kicked it through the air back to the goal over the goalies head!

2-0 in favor of Team Tendou!

The kids reassembled and began helping each other back up to their feet as the goalie grabbed the ball, reared back and threw it into the air. This time however Mushan ran on top of one underling, jumped off of him, jumped to the others who gave her a boost into the air, flipped in the air and kicked the ball down to the ground towards Ryousuke who bounced it off of his head and then his chest and then he put his foot on it and then he started quickly dribbling it across the field while outmaneuvering or shoving the other students out of his way until Niikura ran over and then he ducked down into a slide that kicked the ball over to Mariko who passed it between herself and Ayako until Ayako kicked it at Saburo who headbutted it out of the air down to the ground and kicked it over to one of his friends but Tendou intercepted it, smoothly danced around the team and kicked it into the air again and then kicked it at the goal aiming for their third point but Mushan jumped in the air and kicked it out of the air towards her teammates who both jumped up and kicked at Tendou's face but she just hopped up and bounced it off of her chest, back to the ground and she passed it over to one of her friends and then she dodged a swipe from another one of the students and tripped and flipped him to the ground.

The rest of her team ran into the middle of the field against Mushan's team where they all began grappling and wrestling and pushing and shoving each other to give Mariko the room to get through the crowd and kick the ball into the goal!

The score is now 3-0 in favor of Team Tendou!

The teams split up and Tendou's team helped each other up off of the ground and Tendou jogged over to them. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, fine. Just fine." Mariko assured her. She grunted from the pain and pulled herself up. "Lets keep going. We've got a lead for once. Lets keep it up."

"Love it. Love the attitude. And the rest of you? Who else wants to keep going?"

"Yes Captain!"



"Fear Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Defeat Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Nerves Do Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"



"NO CAPTAIN!" They cheered all the harder.





They all turned back to face Mushan's team again. Ready to finish the game.



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Tendou quickly outpaced the other students to reach the ball and jumped in the air, caught it on her knee, let it fall to the ground and then passed it over to Mariko! She began dribbling it around the field until she noticed one of Mushan's friends swiftly approaching her and she turned around and kicked the ball through the air to Niikura who jumped in the air and kicked it over to Ayako. She bounced it off her knee, kicked it up into the air, performed a backflip, caught it and continued doing so before suddenly throwing it into the air and then kicking it over to Natsuki who ran with it and dribbled it around and away from the other students before passing it over to Sachie who passed it back and forth between herself and Saki until one of the students ran over and knocked over Sachie and began running with the ball only to be interrupted by Ryuu who tripped him and took the ball but then Shichi came in and tripped him and threw him to the ground but not before Ryuu managed to pass it to Natsuki who kicked it into the air over the others to Tendou who jumped in the air and spin kicked it through the air back to the goal over the goalies head!

2-0 in favor of Team Tendou!

The kids reassembled and began helping each other back up to their feet as the goalie grabbed the ball, reared back and threw it into the air. This time however Mushan ran on top of one underling, jumped off of him, jumped to the others who gave her a boost into the air, flipped in the air and kicked the ball down to the ground towards Ryousuke who bounced it off of his head and then his chest and then he put his foot on it and then he started quickly dribbling it across the field while outmaneuvering or shoving the other students out of his way until Niikura ran over and then he ducked down into a slide that kicked the ball over to Mariko who passed it between herself and Ayako until Ayako kicked it at Saburo who headbutted it out of the air down to the ground and kicked it over to one of his friends but Tendou intercepted it, smoothly danced around the team and kicked it into the air again and then kicked it at the goal aiming for their third point but Mushan jumped in the air and kicked it out of the air towards her teammates who both jumped up and kicked at Tendou's face but she just hopped up and bounced it off of her chest, back to the ground and she passed it over to one of her friends and then she dodged a swipe from another one of the students and tripped and flipped him to the ground.

The rest of her team ran into the middle of the field against Mushan's team where they all began grappling and wrestling and pushing and shoving each other to give Mariko the room to get through the crowd and kick the ball into the goal!

The score is now 3-0 in favor of Team Tendou!

The teams split up and Tendou's team helped each other up off of the ground and Tendou jogged over to them. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, fine. Just fine." Mariko assured her. She grunted from the pain and pulled herself up. "Lets keep going. We've got a lead for once. Lets keep it up."

"Love it. Love the attitude. And the rest of you? Who else wants to keep going?"

"Yes Captain!"



"Fear Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Defeat Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Nerves Do Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"



"NO CAPTAIN!" They cheered all the harder.





They all turned back to face Mushan's team again. Ready to finish the game.

The game continued like this for some time. It was a long and hard fought game but with Tendou's leadership they were able to rally together and their teamwork lead to them scoring the winning goals and truimphing over Mushan's team as their teamwork fell apart the more points that Tendou's team scored. At the end of the game the score was 15-3. A twelve point difference in favor of Team Tendou.

Despite the pain and exhaustion of her team Tendou's friends celebrated alongside her and laughed and cheered and jumped around together feeling so, so good that they finally won and knocked Mushan off of her high horse.








"You did it guys. We all did it."

"Well damn, sorry Mushan."

"Dammit, we tried our best. We did everything we usually do. She was jus ttoo damn good."

"It's not that There's something else going on with her."

"What do you mean?"

"Look at us. We're all exhausted and hurt and covered in sweat and dirt and grass right?" She pointed right at Tendou. "All of them too. So how come she isn't even breathing hard?"

"...You're right. What on Earth is she made out of? Is she really just a transfer athlete?"

"Ryousuke, Shichinyan, Kyokonyan, I want you to three to pay her a visit on her way home when she's exhausted and alone. Teach her a lesson."

"Awww yeah, payback." Ryousuke laughed with them.

The coach blew his whistle. "An impressive game by everybody! Well played everyone well played! You're all extremely talented athletes! We're most impressed by you Miss Tendou. You've done exceptionally well on your first day here. Keep this up and you'll be our school's shining star in no time."

"Thank you sir. I'll do my best."

"Alright everybody that's a wrap! Excellent job, excellent job! Hit the showers and get cleaned up. We'll have refreshments lined up for you outside of the locker rooms when you're done. Everybody be sure to take just one. Understood?"


"Alright! Class Dismissed!"

The students dragged themselves up and returned to the locker room with Tendou leading the way.

"Heeey, Tendou?"


"Why aren't you tired? Did you even break a sweat?"

"I've been trained to be an athlete my whole life. This is just practice for me. Besides, Kuma didn't break a sweat either."

"Maybe a few beads." Kuma admitted. "Some of those came pretty close to my face."

"But you did a good job!" Akibara told her. "We would've lost if we had a lesser goalie. You were the best girl for the job."

"I tried my best guys."

"That's all any of us can do."

Niikura sighed with relief as the steaming hot water of the shower hosed him down. Everyone got their own private shower stall with multiple shower heads, a variety of options, soaps and oils and scents. It was exactly the kind of refreshing cleansing he needed after the soccer game turned warzone. "Sanjiro, you are not going to believe what you missed today." He laughed. After he finished cleaning up he stepped out onto a heat plate and dried right off and then he walked out to the locker room and got changed.

"Hey, Niikura!"

"...Saburo. What do you want?"

"Hey I just wanted to say that was badass out there. Where'd you find that chick?"

"Tendou? She's new. Just transfered today."

"No shit? Damn, are the lucky stars lining up for you guys or what?" He laughed again and offered his hand. "Hey man, really, good game. Lets do that again sometime."

"Uhhh...sure." He shook his hand just to be polite.

"So where the hell is Sanjiro? It's not like him to miss class."

"You don't know either?"

"What happened?"

"I haven't been able to find him all day. We're planning on looking for him after school."

"Huh. That's weird. Anyway, good luck with that. I need to put my clothes on before this gets weird."

"Yeah. But thanks."


They parted ways and got dressed.

Mushan was waiting by the door as Tendou approached it with her friends. "Hey new girl."

"Hello kitten."

"Listen I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way my team and I behaved out there. That was rude of us and I know that our behavior was wrong. I hope you can forgive us and I plan to make up for my behavior with you and the others. You played a good game and I had a lot of fun." She stepped forward and offered her hand. "Can you forgive me?"

"Sure." Tendou replied and stepped over and took her hand, shook it gently and then she suddenly pulled her close and whispered in her ear. "Just remember to take today's lesson to heart, Mushanokoji Akane, or the next one will be more painful. Don't you dare go thinking you're on my level, scum." She pulled back and drummed on her shoulders. "So lets all get along and be friends now, alright? Okay, I love you, bye-bye!" She waved and walked out of the locker room while Mushan backed against the wall. Shaken to her core.

As the other girls were filing out of the classroom one of Mushan's friends stopped and looked her up and down. "Holy cow, Mushan, you're shaking a leaf what happened? What did she say to you?"

" wasn't...what she said." She looked down at her trembling legs. "It was the way she said it." Mushan couldn't quite put her finger on it but something about the sudden shift in her tone of voice sent chills down her spine. Mushan was a big fan of Action Movies, most notably the Yakuza Genre, and just now, just for an instant, she felt like she was standing right in front of someone who had stepped straight out of those same movies.

The rest of their classes came and went and good times were had by all. Eventually the friends all gathered in front of the school.

"Heeeey! Tendou!"

"Hey everybody. Thanks for waiting for me and thanks for showing me around today."

"Hey now the fun is just starting. We still have our search and rescue mission." Akibara reminded her.

"We're going to give you the grand tour while we're at it." Yakushimaru winked. "You're going to see all the best spots in town."

"Sounds like fun. Don't you worry. I'm sure we'll find him soon."

'I hope you're right. Come on. Lets get this search party started!"



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

The game continued like this for some time. It was a long and hard fought game but with Tendou's leadership they were able to rally together and their teamwork lead to them scoring the winning goals and truimphing over Mushan's team as their teamwork fell apart the more points that Tendou's team scored. At the end of the game the score was 15-3. A twelve point difference in favor of Team Tendou.

Despite the pain and exhaustion of her team Tendou's friends celebrated alongside her and laughed and cheered and jumped around together feeling so, so good that they finally won and knocked Mushan off of her high horse.








"You did it guys. We all did it."

"Well damn, sorry Mushan."

"Dammit, we tried our best. We did everything we usually do. She was jus ttoo damn good."

"It's not that There's something else going on with her."

"What do you mean?"

"Look at us. We're all exhausted and hurt and covered in sweat and dirt and grass right?" She pointed right at Tendou. "All of them too. So how come she isn't even breathing hard?"

"...You're right. What on Earth is she made out of? Is she really just a transfer athlete?"

"Ryousuke, Shichinyan, Kyokonyan, I want you to three to pay her a visit on her way home when she's exhausted and alone. Teach her a lesson."

"Awww yeah, payback." Ryousuke laughed with them.

The coach blew his whistle. "An impressive game by everybody! Well played everyone well played! You're all extremely talented athletes! We're most impressed by you Miss Tendou. You've done exceptionally well on your first day here. Keep this up and you'll be our school's shining star in no time."

"Thank you sir. I'll do my best."

"Alright everybody that's a wrap! Excellent job, excellent job! Hit the showers and get cleaned up. We'll have refreshments lined up for you outside of the locker rooms when you're done. Everybody be sure to take just one. Understood?"


"Alright! Class Dismissed!"

The students dragged themselves up and returned to the locker room with Tendou leading the way.

"Heeey, Tendou?"


"Why aren't you tired? Did you even break a sweat?"

"I've been trained to be an athlete my whole life. This is just practice for me. Besides, Kuma didn't break a sweat either."

"Maybe a few beads." Kuma admitted. "Some of those came pretty close to my face."

"But you did a good job!" Akibara told her. "We would've lost if we had a lesser goalie. You were the best girl for the job."

"I tried my best guys."

"That's all any of us can do."

Niikura sighed with relief as the steaming hot water of the shower hosed him down. Everyone got their own private shower stall with multiple shower heads, a variety of options, soaps and oils and scents. It was exactly the kind of refreshing cleansing he needed after the soccer game turned warzone. "Sanjiro, you are not going to believe what you missed today." He laughed. After he finished cleaning up he stepped out onto a heat plate and dried right off and then he walked out to the locker room and got changed.

"Hey, Niikura!"

"...Saburo. What do you want?"

"Hey I just wanted to say that was badass out there. Where'd you find that chick?"

"Tendou? She's new. Just transferred today."

"No shit? Damn, are the lucky stars lining up for you guys or what?" He laughed again and offered his hand. "Hey man, really, good game. Lets do that again sometime."

"Uhhh...sure." He shook his hand just to be polite.

"So where the hell is Sanjiro? It's not like him to miss class."

"You don't know either?"

"What happened?"

"I haven't been able to find him all day. We're planning on looking for him after school."

"Huh. That's weird. Anyway, good luck with that. I need to put my clothes on before this gets weird."

"Yeah. But thanks."


They parted ways and got dressed.

Mushan was waiting by the door as Tendou approached it with her friends. "Hey new girl."

"Hello kitten."

"Listen I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way my team and I behaved out there. That was rude of us and I know that our behavior was wrong. I hope you can forgive us and I plan to make up for my behavior with you and the others. You played a good game and I had a lot of fun." She stepped forward and offered her hand. "Can you forgive me?"

"Sure." Tendou replied and stepped over and took her hand, shook it gently and then she suddenly pulled her close and whispered in her ear. "Just remember to take today's lesson to heart, Mushanokoji Akane, or the next one will be more painful. Don't you dare go thinking you're on my level, scum." She pulled back and drummed on her shoulders. "So lets all get along and be friends now, alright? Okay, I love you, bye-bye!" She waved and walked out of the locker room while Mushan backed against the wall. Shaken to her core.

As the other girls were filing out of the classroom one of Mushan's friends stopped and looked her up and down. "Holy cow, Mushan, you're shaking a leaf what happened? What did she say to you?"

" wasn't...what she said." She looked down at her trembling legs. "It was the way she said it." Mushan couldn't quite put her finger on it but something about the sudden shift in her tone of voice sent chills down her spine. Mushan was a big fan of Action Movies, most notably the Yakuza Genre, and just now, just for an instant, she felt like she was standing right in front of someone who had stepped straight out of those same movies.

The rest of their classes came and went and good times were had by all. Eventually the friends all gathered in front of the school.

"Heeeey! Tendou!"

"Hey everybody. Thanks for waiting for me and thanks for showing me around today."

"Hey now the fun is just starting. We still have our search and rescue mission." Akibara reminded her.

"We're going to give you the grand tour while we're at it." Yakushimaru winked. "You're going to see all the best spots in town."

"Sounds like fun. Don't you worry. I'm sure we'll find him soon."

'I hope you're right. Come on. Lets get this search party started!"

The group left the school grounds with Tendou in tow. "Feels good to finally get out of there." Tendou admitted. "Personally speaking? I've been itching to start this adventure." She told them and took another drink out of her bag and began drinking it down.

"You promise us that's non-alcoholic?" Yakushimaru asked her. "Or if it is can you hook me up?"

"Yaku!" Mariko scolded her.

"What? We're off school grounds."

"You still shouldn't be drinking in public. You could get caught. Besides we're on a rescue mission."

"I'll cut you a deal. We can drink together after we find him." Kuma offered.


"After we get answers." Niikura told the group.

"That's fair." Yaku agreed again. "I want to know what happened anyway. We all do."

"It's non-alcoholic anyway." Tendou informed her.

"Oh. Never mind then."

"How many of those do you have anyway?" Mariko questioned.

"Enough to get through the day and get my daily dose of synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything the body needs."

As their conversation continued her attention turned to the city around her. It was actually quite amazing. A beautifully pristine skyscraper city with fantastic architecture with a slight futuristic edge to it. The sun shining down on them reflected off of the buildings in such a way to make them sparkle. It made the city look like a beautiful diamond. 

"It's really beautiful, right?" Mariko asked her. "Just wait. We're going to open up a whole new world for you. You're going to love it here, Tendou."

"You know? I think you just might be right about that. I'm already making friends and this is just such a beautiful city. I would really like to stay here. Truly."

The group took a stroll around the city and down the sidewalks touring until they arrived at their first destination. "Al-right! Here's our first stop! Manga Mania Emporium!"

Tendou looked up at the giant bookstore looming over them. "How many floors does this place have?"


"What? Ten? Are you serious?"

"Makes the Mandrake Complex look small right? We come here all the time to hang out. It's kind of a second library for us. This will be our first stopping point on our grand tour search party. If we split up we can cover more ground. Mariko will give you the tour while you search the various floors while the rest of us ask around if anybody's seen him."

"Good idea. Lets get to work guys!"


They walked into the store and Tendou was quickly taken aback. The interior of it was just as fantastic as the rest and everything was incredibly neat and orderly without a speck of dust or dirty anywhere! It was immaculately clean and shiny!

"What the?"

"Yeah it's a bit overwhelming at first but it's pretty cool once you figure out the floorplan." Mariko informed her. "They even have a cafe on every floor. Come on. I'll give you a tour."

As Mariko began giving her the tour through the store Niikura walked up to the cashier. "Yo."

"Hey there Niikura. Heck of a place to bring your dates."

"Yeah it's a search party. We're actually looking for Sanjiro. Do you know if he's been in today?"

"Sanjiro? No I haven't seen him and I've been here all day. Still, people are coming and going in and out of here all day long so there's a chance he came and went and I never him."

"Alright, thanks, I'll keep looking."

"Huuuhh? You either?" Yaku asked the cafe barista.

"Sorry, I haven't seen the young man in that photo here today."

"Are you sure he's not ringing any bells?" Kuma asked the cashier.

"Sorry, I haven't seen him here today."

"Wow they have a little bit of everything in here, huh?" Tendou asked as she looked at the cover of Top Secret Sentai Ranger Rebellion. "Mint condition too and the price is pretty good..."

"Ohhh that's a good series. Spy and espionage drama with a Sentai Team is a fun idea." She paused. "It's kind of hard to tell who the heroes are sometimes though."

"When in doubt root for the guys on the cover." Tendou advised her. "What do you have there?"

"Zombie Blasters Resurrección!" She showed her the cover of a cast of wildly eccentric characters blasting apart a group of zombies in comically gory fashion. "It's like if you poured a whole bunnch of Doom all over The Walking Dead. I know it's intended for mature audiences but it's just so over the top and funny that I love it anyway." She laughed. "I mean ocme on, you can't take this stuff seriously."

"I'll...take your word for it." She assured her and set the Manga back. "Come on, lets keep looking for any sign of our missing man."

"Hey did I say something wrong?"

"Naaah, nope, nothing at all. You can buy it on the way out and a lollipop if you behave." Tendou smirked.

Unfortunately they didn't find any sign of Sanjiro. Nobody who worked there had seen him today and they didn't see him there either. Mariko bought the book though.

The next stop on their tour was The Celestial Movie Theater but unfortunately he wasn't there either. The Space Arcade was next and despite getting to look at all of the fancy games they had everywhere there was still no sign of Sanjiro. Afterword they checked out the Radiant Fitness Center Gym. No luck there either unfortunately. No matter which of his usual hangouts they investigated they didn't find any trace of him. Nobody had seen him.

The friends collapsed on benches. "I'm beat." Mariko sighed. "Physically and emotionally."

"I just don't get it. Where could he have gone?" Yuriko asked.

"We've checked all of his usual hangouts but there's no traces of him anywhere." Kuma rubbed the back of her head. "This doesn't make sense."

Niikura drew a line through the names of his friend's favorite places on a peace of paper and then folded it up and put it back into his pocket. "Okay...hell with it, I'm talking to a police officer. The first one we see we flag down."

Tendou leaned back and looked up at the sky lost in thought.

They hung out together on the bench until they spotted a police car driving by and Niikura stood back up and waved him over. "Hello! Hello! Officer! Officer wait up! We need some help!"

The police car pulled over and the police officer lowered his window. "Hello there what can we help you with?"

"It's about my friend Sanjiro Sakurai. He wasn't at school today and we haven't been able to get in touch with him all day." He showed the police officer a picture of Sakurai on his phone while taking the paper out of his pocket and then unfolding it. "We checked all of his usual hangouts today but nobody has seen him. Can you help us out?"

"Sure thing. We'll talk to his parents and see if they've been in touch with him. Do you have any other information you can provide?"


He provided the officers with his friend's phone number and address and any other information required before the officers thanked them and informed him to go straight home.

The friends walked around the city a bit more before coming to a stop at a bus stop. "Well....damn. I was so sure we'd find him. Something's definitely wrong though."

"Don't worry about it. We got the word out and the police are looking for him now. We'll find him no matter what." Yaku assured him.

"She's right." Kuma agreed as she stretched. "We're going to find him and we'll get out answers. He'll be just fine and it'll all turn out to be a huge misunderstanding."

"He'll be alright. I just know it. Sanjrio always lands on his feet."

"Yeah, you're right, thanks guys. I'll be sure to get in touch with the others and see if anybody else has seen him. Sorry your first day out together has been a mess like this."

"Nah it's cool. I'm glad I got to spend the day with you guys and join in on a search party. It was fun to try and help out even if it didn't work out yet. Don't worry though. I'm sure he'll turn up." She saluted. "I'll see you tomorrow guys. Hopefully it's better."

"Goodbye! See you tomorrow!" The friends split up and walked home.

Tendou took a long stroll through the city walking through the city blocks down the sidewalks while the people of the city walked around and past her and the cars drove to and fro and dogs barked at her in passing and cats yowled and ran off. She paid them no mind and continued strolling through the city before she suddenly walked around a corner and took a long stroll through an alley before stopping in the middle of it and sighed. "You can come out now, boys, I know you're there. Stop playing these childish games already and face me."

Ryousuke, Shichini and Kyokonyo stepped out from the shadows in front of her while another group of older boys walked up behind her.

"Let me guess: Your girlfriend put you up to this?"

"We just wanted to have a word about your behavior in class today." Ryo told her while tapping a pipe against his palm. "All that attitude and violence and poor sportsmanship? It's not cool new girl."

"It's well past time you learned how things work around here." Kyo added while resting a bat against her shoulder.

"Rest assured, you'll have plenty of time to think about your behavior in the hospital." Shichini informed her while he took a wooden sword out of his belt.

"After today, you'll stop associating with those losers and only speak whenever we speak to you. You'll follow our rules new kid and you are never going to pull that shit you pulled today again."

Another group walked up behind Ryo and they took their positions to have her completely surrounded.

"Before we get this started, I have to ask: Are you responsible for Sanjiro's disappearance or the others around school?"

"Not us. Those idiots knew their place and even the ones who didn't toe the line weren't on our list anyway. You're the first one to make our shitlist in a long time newbie. Welcome to the consequences."

"I see. That's good to know." She tossed her bag away so it landed on top of a dumpster lid safely out of the way. "Alright then, come on cockbites, lets fucking dance. I could use the exercise anyway."



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

The group left the school grounds with Tendou in tow. "Feels good to finally get out of there." Tendou admitted. "Personally speaking? I've been itching to start this adventure." She told them and took another drink out of her bag and began drinking it down.

"You promise us that's non-alcoholic?" Yakushimaru asked her. "Or if it is can you hook me up?"

"Yaku!" Mariko scolded her.

"What? We're off school grounds."

"You still shouldn't be drinking in public. You could get caught. Besides we're on a rescue mission."

"I'll cut you a deal. We can drink together after we find him." Kuma offered.


"After we get answers." Niikura told the group.

"That's fair." Yaku agreed again. "I want to know what happened anyway. We all do."

"It's non-alcoholic anyway." Tendou informed her.

"Oh. Never mind then."

"How many of those do you have anyway?" Mariko questioned.

"Enough to get through the day and get my daily dose of synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything the body needs."

As their conversation continued her attention turned to the city around her. It was actually quite amazing. A beautifully pristine skyscraper city with fantastic architecture with a slight futuristic edge to it. The sun shining down on them reflected off of the buildings in such a way to make them sparkle. It made the city look like a beautiful diamond. 

"It's really beautiful, right?" Mariko asked her. "Just wait. We're going to open up a whole new world for you. You're going to love it here, Tendou."

"You know? I think you just might be right about that. I'm already making friends and this is just such a beautiful city. I would really like to stay here. Truly."

The group took a stroll around the city and down the sidewalks touring until they arrived at their first destination. "Al-right! Here's our first stop! Manga Mania Emporium!"

Tendou looked up at the giant bookstore looming over them. "How many floors does this place have?"


"What? Ten? Are you serious?"

"Makes the Mandrake Complex look small right? We come here all the time to hang out. It's kind of a second library for us. This will be our first stopping point on our grand tour search party. If we split up we can cover more ground. Mariko will give you the tour while you search the various floors while the rest of us ask around if anybody's seen him."

"Good idea. Lets get to work guys!"


They walked into the store and Tendou was quickly taken aback. The interior of it was just as fantastic as the rest and everything was incredibly neat and orderly without a speck of dust or dirty anywhere! It was immaculately clean and shiny!

"What the?"

"Yeah it's a bit overwhelming at first but it's pretty cool once you figure out the floorplan." Mariko informed her. "They even have a cafe on every floor. Come on. I'll give you a tour."

As Mariko began giving her the tour through the store Niikura walked up to the cashier. "Yo."

"Hey there Niikura. Heck of a place to bring your dates."

"Yeah it's a search party. We're actually looking for Sanjiro. Do you know if he's been in today?"

"Sanjiro? No I haven't seen him and I've been here all day. Still, people are coming and going in and out of here all day long so there's a chance he came and went and I never him."

"Alright, thanks, I'll keep looking."

"Huuuhh? You either?" Yaku asked the cafe barista.

"Sorry, I haven't seen the young man in that photo here today."

"Are you sure he's not ringing any bells?" Kuma asked the cashier.

"Sorry, I haven't seen him here today."

"Wow they have a little bit of everything in here, huh?" Tendou asked as she looked at the cover of Top Secret Sentai Ranger Rebellion. "Mint condition too and the price is pretty good..."

"Ohhh that's a good series. Spy and espionage drama with a Sentai Team is a fun idea." She paused. "It's kind of hard to tell who the heroes are sometimes though."

"When in doubt root for the guys on the cover." Tendou advised her. "What do you have there?"

"Zombie Blasters Resurrección!" She showed her the cover of a cast of wildly eccentric characters blasting apart a group of zombies in comically gory fashion. "It's like if you poured a whole bunnch of Doom all over The Walking Dead. I know it's intended for mature audiences but it's just so over the top and funny that I love it anyway." She laughed. "I mean ocme on, you can't take this stuff seriously."

"I'll...take your word for it." She assured her and set the Manga back. "Come on, lets keep looking for any sign of our missing man."

"Hey did I say something wrong?"

"Naaah, nope, nothing at all. You can buy it on the way out and a lollipop if you behave." Tendou smirked.

Unfortunately they didn't find any sign of Sanjiro. Nobody who worked there had seen him today and they didn't see him there either. Mariko bought the book though.

The next stop on their tour was The Celestial Movie Theater but unfortunately he wasn't there either. The Space Arcade was next and despite getting to look at all of the fancy games they had everywhere there was still no sign of Sanjiro. Afterword they checked out the Radiant Fitness Center Gym. No luck there either unfortunately. No matter which of his usual hangouts they investigated they didn't find any trace of him. Nobody had seen him.

The friends collapsed on benches. "I'm beat." Mariko sighed. "Physically and emotionally."

"I just don't get it. Where could he have gone?" Yuriko asked.

"We've checked all of his usual hangouts but there's no traces of him anywhere." Kuma rubbed the back of her head. "This doesn't make sense."

Niikura drew a line through the names of his friend's favorite places on a peace of paper and then folded it up and put it back into his pocket. "Okay...hell with it, I'm talking to a police officer. The first one we see we flag down."

Tendou leaned back and looked up at the sky lost in thought.

They hung out together on the bench until they spotted a police car driving by and Niikura stood back up and waved him over. "Hello! Hello! Officer! Officer wait up! We need some help!"

The police car pulled over and the police officer lowered his window. "Hello there what can we help you with?"

"It's about my friend Sanjiro Sakurai. He wasn't at school today and we haven't been able to get in touch with him all day." He showed the police officer a picture of Sakurai on his phone while taking the paper out of his pocket and then unfolding it. "We checked all of his usual hangouts today but nobody has seen him. Can you help us out?"

"Sure thing. We'll talk to his parents and see if they've been in touch with him. Do you have any other information you can provide?"


He provided the officers with his friend's phone number and address and any other information required before the officers thanked them and informed him to go straight home.

The friends walked around the city a bit more before coming to a stop at a bus stop. "Well....damn. I was so sure we'd find him. Something's definitely wrong though."

"Don't worry about it. We got the word out and the police are looking for him now. We'll find him no matter what." Yaku assured him.

"She's right." Kuma agreed as she stretched. "We're going to find him and we'll get out answers. He'll be just fine and it'll all turn out to be a huge misunderstanding."

"He'll be alright. I just know it. Sanjrio always lands on his feet."

"Yeah, you're right, thanks guys. I'll be sure to get in touch with the others and see if anybody else has seen him. Sorry your first day out together has been a mess like this."

"Nah it's cool. I'm glad I got to spend the day with you guys and join in on a search party. It was fun to try and help out even if it didn't work out yet. Don't worry though. I'm sure he'll turn up." She saluted. "I'll see you tomorrow guys. Hopefully it's better."

"Goodbye! See you tomorrow!" The friends split up and walked home.

Tendou took a long stroll through the city walking through the city blocks down the sidewalks while the people of the city walked around and past her and the cars drove to and fro and dogs barked at her in passing and cats yowled and ran off. She paid them no mind and continued strolling through the city before she suddenly walked around a corner and took a long stroll through an alley before stopping in the middle of it and sighed. "You can come out now, boys, I know you're there. Stop playing these childish games already and face me."

Ryousuke, Shichini and Kyokonyo stepped out from the shadows in front of her while another group of older boys walked up behind her.

"Let me guess: Your girlfriend put you up to this?"

"We just wanted to have a word about your behavior in class today." Ryo told her while tapping a pipe against his palm. "All that attitude and violence and poor sportsmanship? It's not cool new girl."

"It's well past time you learned how things work around here." Kyo added while resting a bat against her shoulder.

"Rest assured, you'll have plenty of time to think about your behavior in the hospital." Shichini informed her while he took a wooden sword out of his belt.

"After today, you'll stop associating with those losers and only speak whenever we speak to you. You'll follow our rules new kid and you are never going to pull that shit you pulled today again."

Another group walked up behind Ryo and they took their positions to have her completely surrounded.

"Before we get this started, I have to ask: Are you responsible for Sanjiro's disappearance or the others around school?"

"Not us. Those idiots knew their place and even the ones who didn't toe the line weren't on our list anyway. You're the first one to make our shitlist in a long time newbie. Welcome to the consequences."

"I see. That's good to know." She tossed her bag away so it landed on top of a dumpster lid safely out of the way. "Alright then, come on cockbites, lets fucking dance. I could use the exercise anyway."

"Oh you'll get plenty of that when we're breaking your legs you cockteasing dyke. Break her face!" The gang swarmed her from all sides in an attempt to attack her simultaneously only for Tendou to backflip over the group and land on her feet behind them as the gang stopped their attacks and turned back around to attack her but Tendou ran back over to them and attacked the first punk with a double kick that launched him backwards over to his friends who caught him. She then rushed the man on her right, grabbed his bat, lowered it and punched him to the ground and kicked him away. One of the thugs from behind her swung a chain at her only for her to catch it and pull it right out of his hand, swing it around and wrap it around her arm. The thugs closed in on her again but she simply turned around and beating them around. She cracked one across the face with her normal fist and then she kicked out with her foot and caught another one in the groin and then she turned and punched another one to the ground with her chain wrapped fist. They collapsed to the ground while another one of them attacked her from the side and swung a pipe at her only for her to catch it! She opened her hand and caught it mid-swing with ease and then she punched him to the ground with her other hand. She tossed the pipe up, caught it and then she attacked them using the pipe as an improvised sword and the chain around her hand as improvised brass knuckles. She combined her improvised arsenal with martial arts skills to thrash gang of thugs and smash them to the ground while parrying attacks with her pipe and deflecting them aside and then striking them down.

It didn't take long before the gang was whittled back down to just the three idiots from school. She tossed the pipe aside and unwound the chain from her hand. "So. Is that all you've got."

"Oh God....oh God...what do we do? Sh-she just slaughtered them!"

"Shit! What the hell are we going to do?!"

"She's not even breathing hard." Ryo noticed. "Look at her. She's not even breathing hard. That crazy workout in gym, climbing the rope, the soccer game, she never even broke a sweat. She's not even breathing hard at all. She just walked around the city and she's not tired either." He explained and took a step back. "What the hell are you?"

"It's a long and sordid story. You wouldn't get it anyway but lets just say this isn't my first street brawl and you three losers don't have a chance. Not that you had one in the first place of course." She looked down at the battered thugs littering the ground. "FYI? They'll live. I have no reason to kill any of you after all and you aren't my prey anyway." She returned her attention to the trio as Ryo attacked her with his bat but she simply swatted it aside and grabbed him by his throat and pulled him close. "Now then. I'll ask you again: Are you responsible for the disappearances or involved in them in any way?" She lowered her hand so she was holding him by the shirt so he could talk but her point was clear.


"Hmmm?" She lowered him and glared at the other two causing them to freeze up mid-run. "Oh, go ahead. Step right up. Pool's open; water's fine." There was only a brief staredown before they dropped their weapons and backed off. "Oh so you can make good decisions. Now then. Back to the discussion at hand."

" told you....that...that wasn't us. We're not involved in any of that." He insisted. "We...we don't know about any of that. It wasn't us. I-I promise!"

"Good to know. Next question: Did you target my new friends or just me?"

"No. No. Nonono....j-just you. We left them alone."

"Hmmmmm...." She stared into his eyes for a minute before she loosened her grip. "Alright then. We're just about done here. I'll let you idiots off with a warning this time okay?" She asked in a sweet manner before suddenly driving her fist into his stomach and making him double over. After that she walked over to the others as they backed away from her in fear. "Don't be afraid you're only getting what he did. I want you to send a message to Mushanokoji. Tell her she has a knuckle sandwich coming her way." She lunged towards them and punched out the last boy and girl of the gang. She left them laying on the ground in pain. A warning but a painful one that they wouldn't forget. Hopefully they would learn from today and change their ways.

Tendou left them there, retrieved her bag and walked away.

A disappointed sigh escaped her lips. "Awww maaan. That just wasn't as much fun as it used to be."

"Of course not! After everything you've experienced and hunted? A gaggle of morons wouldn't even compare! It's like a heavyweight black belt fighting a bunch of flyweight white belts! Funny but no challenge at all." A high-pitch voice cackled. "Was it really necessary to throw me though? After all the help I've given you?"

"That's just attitude. Besides you were fine."

"Well it was a good enough look at your little dog and pony show. Like I said, it was funny to watch. Those pansies are going to be pissing their pants tonight!" The voice cackled again. "Of course, you could've saved yourself a lot of trouble if you'd just showed them what you really looked like."

"That would ruin the point of going undercover."



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

"Oh you'll get plenty of that when we're breaking your legs you cockteasing dyke. Break her face!" The gang swarmed her from all sides in an attempt to attack her simultaneously only for Tendou to backflip over the group and land on her feet behind them as the gang stopped their attacks and turned back around to attack her but Tendou ran back over to them and attacked the first punk with a double kick that launched him backwards over to his friends who caught him. She then rushed the man on her right, grabbed his bat, lowered it and punched him to the ground and kicked him away. One of the thugs from behind her swung a chain at her only for her to catch it and pull it right out of his hand, swing it around and wrap it around her arm. The thugs closed in on her again but she simply turned around and beating them around. She cracked one across the face with her normal fist and then she kicked out with her foot and caught another one in the groin and then she turned and punched another one to the ground with her chain wrapped fist. They collapsed to the ground while another one of them attacked her from the side and swung a pipe at her only for her to catch it! She opened her hand and caught it mid-swing with ease and then she punched him to the ground with her other hand. She tossed the pipe up, caught it and then she attacked them using the pipe as an improvised sword and the chain around her hand as improvised brass knuckles. She combined her improvised arsenal with martial arts skills to thrash gang of thugs and smash them to the ground while parrying attacks with her pipe and deflecting them aside and then striking them down.

It didn't take long before the gang was whittled back down to just the three idiots from school. She tossed the pipe aside and unwound the chain from her hand. "So. Is that all you've got."

"Oh God....oh God...what do we do? Sh-she just slaughtered them!"

"Shit! What the hell are we going to do?!"

"She's not even breathing hard." Ryo noticed. "Look at her. She's not even breathing hard. That crazy workout in gym, climbing the rope, the soccer game, she never even broke a sweat. She's not even breathing hard at all. She just walked around the city and she's not tired either." He explained and took a step back. "What the hell are you?"

"It's a long and sordid story. You wouldn't get it anyway but lets just say this isn't my first street brawl and you three losers don't have a chance. Not that you had one in the first place of course." She looked down at the battered thugs littering the ground. "FYI? They'll live. I have no reason to kill any of you after all and you aren't my prey anyway." She returned her attention to the trio as Ryo attacked her with his bat but she simply swatted it aside and grabbed him by his throat and pulled him close. "Now then. I'll ask you again: Are you responsible for the disappearances or involved in them in any way?" She lowered her hand so she was holding him by the shirt so he could talk but her point was clear.


"Hmmm?" She lowered him and glared at the other two causing them to freeze up mid-run. "Oh, go ahead. Step right up. Pool's open; water's fine." There was only a brief staredown before they dropped their weapons and backed off. "Oh so you can make good decisions. Now then. Back to the discussion at hand."

" told you....that...that wasn't us. We're not involved in any of that." He insisted. "We...we don't know about any of that. It wasn't us. I-I promise!"

"Good to know. Next question: Did you target my new friends or just me?"

"No. No. Nonono....j-just you. We left them alone."

"Hmmmmm...." She stared into his eyes for a minute before she loosened her grip. "Alright then. We're just about done here. I'll let you idiots off with a warning this time okay?" She asked in a sweet manner before suddenly driving her fist into his stomach and making him double over. After that she walked over to the others as they backed away from her in fear. "Don't be afraid you're only getting what he did. I want you to send a message to Mushanokoji. Tell her she has a knuckle sandwich coming her way." She lunged towards them and punched out the last boy and girl of the gang. She left them laying on the ground in pain. A warning but a painful one that they wouldn't forget. Hopefully they would learn from today and change their ways.

Tendou left them there, retrieved her bag and walked away.

A disappointed sigh escaped her lips. "Awww maaan. That just wasn't as much fun as it used to be."

"Of course not! After everything you've experienced and hunted? A gaggle of morons wouldn't even compare! It's like a heavyweight black belt fighting a bunch of flyweight white belts! Funny but no challenge at all." A high-pitch voice cackled. "Was it really necessary to throw me though? After all the help I've given you?"

"That's just attitude. Besides you were fine."

"Well it was a good enough look at your little dog and pony show. Like I said, it was funny to watch. Those pansies are going to be pissing their pants tonight!" The voice cackled again. "Of course, you could've saved yourself a lot of trouble if you'd just showed them what you really looked like."

"That would ruin the point of going undercover."

Tendou kept walking through the city down the long streets and walkways until she reached her home and walked up the stairs. It was a decently sized house with four bedrooms, four toilets and baths. The total floor area of the house was three hundred forty three square meters. The ground floor plan consisted of the garage which could accommodate three cars. Opening  the main entry, you will pass by the small porch and opens to the foyer. Left of the foyer is the living area which is 31.1 square meters in floor area and directly opposite is the stair going to the second floor. Next to the living room is the breakfast area, which is provided with a sliding door opening to the lanai outside. Kitchen is 10.99 sq.m. with center work table and nook. Besides the kitchen, there is also a daily kitchen area whenever the main kitchen is busy, there is always a reserved area to accommodate more kitchen work. Second floor plan consists of the 2 bedrooms provided with en-suite bathroom for each, Master’s bedroom with walk-in closet and toilet and bath; and balcony exclusive to the master’s bedroom. The third floor plan is where the family room is located complete with tv stand and shelves and toilet and and bath for convenience

"Awww yeah! Home Sweet Home!" The voice cackled. "I've gotta say we've lived in a lot of homes but they did a good job with this one."

"A good job with the disguise maybe."

"Just like you."

She strolled up the stairs and walked inside, kicking her shoes off as she did. Tendou rolled her neck. "It feels good to be back." She admitted and headed right to the kitchen where a woman dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt and dress with an apron on. Her face was beautiful enough that she could've graced any billboard. Her long hard reaching down to the middle of her back. Tendou could smell the sweet aroma of her cooking and it made her mouth water. She'd been stuck with the drink all day long. She needed something she could chomp down on.

"Hey. I'm home."

The woman turned to look at her with a way too big smile. She placed the bloody knife back on the cutting board. "Welcome home, honey! How was school?"

"It's as we thought. There's been a number of disappearances and while they can ping their phones they can't locate them anywhere. I've got some planning to do but I'm going to investigate the school again tonight."  Tendou told her. "But enough about that for right now. I'm hungry. What do you have?"

She gestured to a large steaming bowl she had sitting on the counter waiting for her. "Cabonara Ramen! The recipe usually calls 2 tonkatsu instant noodles, 2 soup powders of instant ramen, cheese, eggs, chicken sliced meat, 400 ml of mik and 400 ml of water but I added in a little bit more just for my little girl." She declared. "Of course I also included your usual favorites into the dish as well to spice it up."

"Oh thank you."

"Thank you..."


"That's my girl."

Tendou retrieved the bowl and chopsticks. "We'll be in my room, mom, feel free to call me when dinner's ready."

"Happily. Rest assured, dear, I have something special in mind for tonight."

"Cool." She accepted the bowl and walked up the stairs up to her room. Upon finding it she set the bag down on her futon and sat at her desk to eat.

"Okay. Time to drop the act." She snapped her fingers and a shimmering light surrounded her body and the face of Tendou Mika shimmered away. Her dark hair was replaced with dark short hair with dark red highlights worn in a subtle mohawk. Her beautiful flawless skin became more patchwork with multiple crisscrossing stitches around her flesh where parts of it had been sewn back on and replaced with new skin or limbs. Even a chunk of her face had been sewn back on. One eye was a bright shimmering green and the other was bright red. Her skin color was a mix of castleton green, a solid light lime green or Crayola lemon yellow in various sections of her body. There were two bolts sticking out of her neck and three others sticking out of either shoulder and one out of each wrist. Her wrists were also covered with a black band and cloths that partially covered her skin up her arm. Her clothes also became bigger to better accommodate her more muscular frame. Her teeth became razor sharp points like a shark. She stretched and then got ready to eat as her meal took on its real form. It was indeed Cabonara Ramen like 'Mother' said but with a morbid twist: Pieces of human meat had also been mixed in. Eyeballs, intestines, hearts, chunks of spines and most importantly brains! Big juicy brains floating in the ramen with the sauce already on them and spices mixed in. Exactly what she needed today. The drinks just did not compare!

She began to eat ravenously while a pair of white porcelain hands reached out of the bag and pushed it open. A dark haired head poked out of the bag and looked around before the rest of the body hopped out of the bag and landed on the bed. It was a dark haired ghostly white skinned doll with pitch black hair and no eyes, merely dark shadows where the eyes had been and dark lips. She was wearing a ghostly white frilly dress as well with a shining jewel in the center of her chest. The 30 inch tall doll girl stretched and rotated her head around three hundred sixty degrees. "Ahhhh nice to be back on the bed and out of your little lunch bag. Feels sooo good to be out of there!" She cackled and sat down on the bed. "Sooo? Enjoying the meal? Mother worked all day on it."

"She's not my Mother but...this is still so damn good!"

"I'll take that as a yes. Fresh brains and squishy guts brought to you by Archstopheles Incorporated."

"The Depths Of Hell." She corrected.

"Same thing." The doll tapped her hands on the bed. "Hey you want some tunes while you eat?"

"Sure." She licked her lips. "Put on some Café Music. Something chill and jazzy."

"I've got just the music." The doll clapped her hands and Jazzy Hip-Hop R&B Coffee Café Music began playing from a speaker on the wall next to her bed.

"Yeeeeaaahhh that's the stuff." She danced in her seat a little while she continued eating. "Thanks, Lily." She replied with the Doll's Chosen Codename she took on based on the haunted dolls of the same name.

Historians have tracked Lily’s background to the early 1600s, discovering tales of mystical practices, pagan rituals, and warding rights imported from Europe by the Dutch Colonists of Lower Manhattan. Handmade figurines like Lily were left out to scare off local spirits and new world ghosts, an archaic custom dating back to the Vikings and the Romans.

The original Lily was delivered to a paranormal research organization from its owner, who stated:

“I found her outside my door one morning, with a note that said to not put her by mirrors or in the same room I sleep in. I gave her a flashlight so she could drain the batteries, but instead, she made my lights flicker at night. My cat would not go near her, and my dog would just stare. At times I would be woken up from a dead sleep smelling burnt toast, or sometimes a sweet fruity smell. Her favorite color is red. That is all I know.”

The doll started to act strange and give off extremely unnerving paranormal vibes. The research group started to mass-produce dolls using the originals template. Now, you can actually own a Lily doll for Halloween.

"You're quite welcome, Kira Hikaru." The doll responded with the zombie girl's real name.




I feel the need to address something real quick before I return to the main story.

This Is A Reconstruction Of The Magical Girl Genre. I Swear. She Is Eating Human Organs With Her Ramen FOR A REASON.

Do Not Worry. That Reason And Where It Came From Will Be Explained In The Story.

:playful:  :rofl:



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Tendou kept walking through the city down the long streets and walkways until she reached her home and walked up the stairs. It was a decently sized house with four bedrooms, four toilets and baths. The total floor area of the house was three hundred forty three square meters. The ground floor plan consisted of the garage which could accommodate three cars. Opening  the main entry, you will pass by the small porch and opens to the foyer. Left of the foyer is the living area which is 31.1 square meters in floor area and directly opposite is the stair going to the second floor. Next to the living room is the breakfast area, which is provided with a sliding door opening to the lanai outside. Kitchen is 10.99 sq.m. with center work table and nook. Besides the kitchen, there is also a daily kitchen area whenever the main kitchen is busy, there is always a reserved area to accommodate more kitchen work. Second floor plan consists of the 2 bedrooms provided with en-suite bathroom for each, Master’s bedroom with walk-in closet and toilet and bath; and balcony exclusive to the master’s bedroom. The third floor plan is where the family room is located complete with tv stand and shelves and toilet and and bath for convenience

"Awww yeah! Home Sweet Home!" The voice cackled. "I've gotta say we've lived in a lot of homes but they did a good job with this one."

"A good job with the disguise maybe."

"Just like you."

She strolled up the stairs and walked inside, kicking her shoes off as she did. Tendou rolled her neck. "It feels good to be back." She admitted and headed right to the kitchen where a woman dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt and dress with an apron on. Her face was beautiful enough that she could've graced any billboard. Her long hard reaching down to the middle of her back. Tendou could smell the sweet aroma of her cooking and it made her mouth water. She'd been stuck with the drink all day long. She needed something she could chomp down on.

"Hey. I'm home."

The woman turned to look at her with a way too big smile. She placed the bloody knife back on the cutting board. "Welcome home, honey! How was school?"

"It's as we thought. There's been a number of disappearances and while they can ping their phones they can't locate them anywhere. I've got some planning to do but I'm going to investigate the school again tonight."  Tendou told her. "But enough about that for right now. I'm hungry. What do you have?"

She gestured to a large steaming bowl she had sitting on the counter waiting for her. "Cabonara Ramen! The recipe usually calls 2 tonkatsu instant noodles, 2 soup powders of instant ramen, cheese, eggs, chicken sliced meat, 400 ml of mik and 400 ml of water but I added in a little bit more just for my little girl." She declared. "Of course I also included your usual favorites into the dish as well to spice it up."

"Oh thank you."

"Thank you..."


"That's my girl."

Tendou retrieved the bowl and chopsticks. "We'll be in my room, mom, feel free to call me when dinner's ready."

"Happily. Rest assured, dear, I have something special in mind for tonight."

"Cool." She accepted the bowl and walked up the stairs up to her room. Upon finding it she set the bag down on her futon and sat at her desk to eat.

"Okay. Time to drop the act." She snapped her fingers and a shimmering light surrounded her body and the face of Tendou Mika shimmered away. Her dark hair was replaced with dark short hair with dark red highlights worn in a subtle mohawk. Her beautiful flawless skin became more patchwork with multiple crisscrossing stitches around her flesh where parts of it had been sewn back on and replaced with new skin or limbs. Even a chunk of her face had been sewn back on. One eye was a bright shimmering green and the other was bright red. Her skin color was a mix of castleton green, a solid light lime green or Crayola lemon yellow in various sections of her body. There were two bolts sticking out of her neck and three others sticking out of either shoulder and one out of each wrist. Her wrists were also covered with a black band and cloths that partially covered her skin up her arm. Her clothes also became bigger to better accommodate her more muscular frame. Her teeth became razor sharp points like a shark. She stretched and then got ready to eat as her meal took on its real form. It was indeed Cabonara Ramen like 'Mother' said but with a morbid twist: Pieces of human meat had also been mixed in. Eyeballs, intestines, hearts, chunks of spines and most importantly brains! Big juicy brains floating in the ramen with the sauce already on them and spices mixed in. Exactly what she needed today. The drinks just did not compare!

She began to eat ravenously while a pair of white porcelain hands reached out of the bag and pushed it open. A dark haired head poked out of the bag and looked around before the rest of the body hopped out of the bag and landed on the bed. It was a dark haired ghostly white skinned doll with pitch black hair and no eyes, merely dark shadows where the eyes had been and dark lips. She was wearing a ghostly white frilly dress as well with a shining jewel in the center of her chest. The 30 inch tall doll girl stretched and rotated her head around three hundred sixty degrees. "Ahhhh nice to be back on the bed and out of your little lunch bag. Feels sooo good to be out of there!" She cackled and sat down on the bed. "Sooo? Enjoying the meal? Mother worked all day on it."

"She's not my Mother but...this is still so damn good!"

"I'll take that as a yes. Fresh brains and squishy guts brought to you by Archstopheles Incorporated."

"The Depths Of Hell." She corrected.

"Same thing." The doll tapped her hands on the bed. "Hey you want some tunes while you eat?"

"Sure." She licked her lips. "Put on some Café Music. Something chill and jazzy."

"I've got just the music." The doll clapped her hands and Jazzy Hip-Hop R&B Coffee Café Music began playing from a speaker on the wall next to her bed.

"Yeeeeaaahhh that's the stuff." She danced in her seat a little while she continued eating. "Thanks, Lily." She replied with the Doll's Chosen Codename she took on based on the haunted dolls of the same name.

"You're quite welcome, Kira Hikaru." The doll responded with the zombie girl's real name.

"Always nice to go back to my real name." She mused and continued to enjoy her food. "You tend to get lost under the glamour."

"Wear a mask long enough and your head will grow to fit it." Lily reminded her. "But you know, if you would just put a bit more effort into your glamour, you would have people falling over themselves to help you. It would certainly make the assignments go easier."

"No." She responded adamantly. "I'm crossing enough lines with the illusions and lies as it is. There's no reason to mindfuck them further. Besides, the psychic hangovers when I inevitably leave would be killer."

"Fooling your classmates, fooling your teachers, fooling security cameras, fooling everybody else, lying to everyone else...what's wrong with taking a step further?"

"Not happening. I'm comfortable with the magic I'm using as is. Next topic." She resumed eating.

"Very well then. How are you planning to find the missing people?"

"I'm going to go back and investigate the school further tonight." She took a chunk of brain and popped it in her mouth. "Hmmmmmm." She moaned happily. "I'll do a bit more research on Vista in the meantime."

"Do you really think they're still there?"

"It's our best option. I didn't sense anything there today but I also didn't get the chance to investigate it completely." She slurped her noodles. "Ssssllluuuurrrrrppp! Ahhhh. I'll find t hem and bring down whatever's responsible for this. Hopefully they'll still be alive when we get there...."



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

"Always nice to go back to my real name." She mused and continued to enjoy her food. "You tend to get lost under the glamour."

"Wear a mask long enough and your head will grow to fit it." Lily reminded her. "But you know, if you would just put a bit more effort into your glamour, you would have people falling over themselves to help you. It would certainly make the assignments go easier."

"No." She responded adamantly. "I'm crossing enough lines with the illusions and lies as it is. There's no reason to mindfuck them further. Besides, the psychic hangovers when I inevitably leave would be killer."

"Fooling your classmates, fooling your teachers, fooling security cameras, fooling everybody else, lying to everyone else...what's wrong with taking a step further?"

"Not happening. I'm comfortable with the magic I'm using as is. Next topic." She resumed eating.

"Very well then. How are you planning to find the missing people?"

"I'm going to go back and investigate the school further tonight." She took a chunk of brain and popped it in her mouth. "Hmmmmmm." She moaned happily. "I'll do a bit more research on Vista in the meantime."

"Do you really think they're still there?"

"It's our best option. I didn't sense anything there today but I also didn't get the chance to investigate it completely." She slurped her noodles. "Ssssllluuuurrrrrppp! Ahhhh. I'll find t hem and bring down whatever's responsible for this. Hopefully they'll still be alive when we get there...."

"That reminds me. What are you planning to do if they aren't?"

There was a sullen pause before she replied. "It won't change anything. I'll just have to give the bastard responsible an extra hard ass kicking before I send it off to Hell is all." She began ravenously scarfing down and slurping her meal until she'd completely finished it and then she set down her chopsticks, picked up the large bowl and drank its contents down. Once she was done she set the bowl down and her 7 inch long forked tongue slithered out of her mouth and slid around her lips and face and caught anything still on her face. Her tongue slid back in her mouth just as she heard a knock on the door. She got up to answer it to find 'Mother' waiting for her with 40 0z glass in one hand and the other one open.

"Hello dear." She said in a singsongy voice. "I thought you might still be thirsty after your snack so I brought you a little something."

"That's more than a little but thank you all the same. You can never have too much fuel in the tank." She exchanged the empty bowl for the drink. "Hey, uh, if it's not too much to ask, could I have some....Aburi Cheese Chou Bongore Ramen with my dinner?"

"Why certainly! Aburi Cheese Chou Bongore Brain And Guts Ramen coming right up! Have fun with your investigation!"

"Thanks...and, uh, 'Mother'?"

"Yes dear?"

"You know you don't have to wear your glamour around me, right? It's just us in here anyway."

"Ohhhh that's right! Sorry, you know I can get into a role." She snapped her fingers and the light shimmered around her body and her clothing was kept mostly the same but with a more bloody outfit with a black longsleeved shirt and pants and grey apron with gnarled bloody hands and long wavy black hair on her head but her face was hidden by a tight dead-eyed mask that looked like it was actually someone's skin strapped and stapled in place. Her smile was far too wide to be human and was filled with razors. Her feet and shoes were replaced with cloven hooves. Her face couldn't be seen clearly underneath her mask but what she could see of it looked horribly burned around her black sclera eyes with red irises. Fitting considering where she came from.

The demoness popped her neck. "Ohhhhhh that feels so much better." She sighed happily with her deep imposing voice. "Thanks for the reminder kiddo. Best of luck with your investigation! Just remember to visit the doctor before you go off on your mission to be sure you're operating at peak capacity."

"You got it. Thanks again." She paused before she continued. "Mother."

"Ohh you are just so cute!" She squeed while pinching the undead flesh of her cheek. "Don't worry though. You've got this." She waved goodbye and marched away.

"Heh." She closed the door and sat back down at the desk to enjoy her drink of various spinal and brain fluids, blood, brains, organs, ectoplasm and other liquids while she pulled her computer over and opened it up to begin her research.

Do you ever feel like a misfit? Everything inside you is dark and twisted. Oh, but it's okay to be different 'cause baby, so am I!" Lily sang from the bed where she was relaxing against the pillows. "So am I, so am I, so am I-I-I-I!"

"Sometimes I wonder if you're a doll or a clown." Kira joked.

"Would you prefer a jester?"

"Screw that. Killing that clown-thing in Greyhelm was enough for one afterlife thank you very much."

"Un-life." Lily corrected.

"Eh, to-may-to, to-mah-to." She replied and sipped her drink while her computer booted up. She logged in and got to work on her research.



"That reminds me. What are you planning to do if they aren't?"

There was a sullen pause before she replied. "It won't change anything. I'll just have to give the bastard responsible an extra hard ass kicking before I send it off to Hell is all." She began ravenously scarfing down and slurping her meal until she'd completely finished it and then she set down her chopsticks, picked up the large bowl and drank its contents down. Once she was done she set the bowl down and her 7 inch long forked tongue slithered out of her mouth and slid around her lips and face and caught anything still on her face. Her tongue slid back in her mouth just as she heard a knock on the door. She got up to answer it to find 'Mother' waiting for her with 40 0z glass in one hand and the other one open.

"Hello dear." She said in a singsongy voice. "I thought you might still be thirsty after your snack so I brought you a little something."

"That's more than a little but thank you all the same. You can never have too much fuel in the tank." She exchanged the empty bowl for the drink. "Hey, uh, if it's not too much to ask, could I have some....Aburi Cheese Chou Bongore Ramen with my dinner?"

"Why certainly! Aburi Cheese Chou Bongore Brain And Guts Ramen coming right up! Have fun with your investigation!"

"Thanks...and, uh, 'Mother'?"

"Yes dear?"

"You know you don't have to wear your glamour around me, right? It's just us in here anyway."

"Ohhhh that's right! Sorry, you know I can get into a role." She snapped her fingers and the light shimmered around her body and her clothing was kept mostly the same but with a more bloody outfit with a black longsleeved shirt and pants and grey apron with gnarled bloody hands and long wavy black hair on her head but her face was hidden by a tight dead-eyed mask that looked like it was actually someone's skin strapped and stapled in place. Her smile was far too wide to be human and was filled with razors. Her feet and shoes were replaced with cloven hooves. Her face couldn't be seen clearly underneath her mask but what she could see of it looked horribly burned around her black sclera eyes with red irises. Fitting considering where she came from.

The demoness popped her neck. "Ohhhhhh that feels so much better." She sighed happily with her deep imposing voice. "Thanks for the reminder kiddo. Best of luck with your investigation! Just remember to visit the doctor before you go off on your mission to be sure you're operating at peak capacity."

"You got it. Thanks again." She paused before she continued. "Mother."

"Ohh you are just so cute!" She squeed while pinching the undead flesh of her cheek. "Don't worry though. You've got this." She waved goodbye and marched away.

"Heh." She closed the door and sat back down at the desk to enjoy her drink of various spinal and brain fluids, blood, brains, organs, ectoplasm and other liquids while she pulled her computer over and opened it up to begin her research.

Do you ever feel like a misfit? Everything inside you is dark and twisted. Oh, but it's okay to be different 'cause baby, so am I!" Lily sang from the bed where she was relaxing against the pillows. "So am I, so am I, so am I-I-I-I!"

"Sometimes I wonder if you're a doll or a clown." Kira joked.

"Would you prefer a jester?"

"Screw that. Killing that clown-thing in Greyhelm was enough for one afterlife thank you very much."

"Un-life." Lily corrected.

"Eh, to-may-to, to-mah-to." She replied and sipped her drink while her computer booted up. She logged in and got to work on her research.

"Let's see, here we go. Vista Academy. It was originally known as The Tsuchimikado School and built back around the year 843 by Tsuchimikado Mochitsune. It declined in the Muromachi Period and was revived by Karasumaru Sanetaka, blah blah blah, they acquired a metric ton of books for it, revitalized the curriculum, worked alongside doctors from different nations, oh hey it used to be free can you believe that? That's interesting. Yadda, yadda, yadda, the school continued to flourish throughout the years that it's been open throughout the centuries until it was lost in a fire in the 1800's only to be rebuilt by Vista Yuzuru back up better than ever and it continued to flourish and expand ever since now known as The Illustrious Vista Academy. Time passed and it became the High-Class Elaborate University Highschool it is today. The alternate classes were deigned to separate the poorest performing students from the top students for special classes until they could bring their grades back up. I guess that explains that and the entrance exam's bizarre, overly complicated questions that no one short of a genius could possibly figure out." She commented to herself.

"Or a Zombie."

"Ha ha ha." She continued researching. "Uh huh, yeah, see it, yep, know we go!"

"Did you find something?"

"Yeah. The gym teachers weren't the only assholes at the school. They had a guy there, Iwamoto Akashi," She began looking into him.

"Ohhhh yeaaaah, I remember him." Lily replied. "Crazy bastard. The guy would demean, insult, deride, scream, shout, throw things, abused and just generally treated his students like crap."

"That sounds about right. What I'm reading about this guy is that he was that level of asshole. Insulting his students left and right, yelling at them, hurting them and psychologically torturing them on a daily basis. He also campaigned to make life worse for the kids in the extra classes to screw them over to the point that they flat out couldn't work their way back into the main building and were tormented for trying. Even after he was exposed it took a lot of work to sort out the mess he created."

"But that wasn't the whole story was it?"

"No. He was enraged at not being fired and came back for revenge. Apparently the guy was so crazy he created this whole elaborate scheme to destroy the school but he was stopped by a security guard and his plan was foiled. He escaped and went on the run again only to be confronted by a former student who took the liberty to exact some revenge for his earlier torture. Iwamato escaped but he was hurt so badly in the altercation that he ended up stumbling into the street and was hit and killed by a truck." She sipped her drink. "It sounds like this could be our guy." She sipped her drink. "Oh man that's good. Still though this leaves the question: Is it his soul back for revenge or is this a Phantasma?"  She sat back and crossed her legs while sipping her drink and then she realized something and swiveled in her chair to look at Lily. "If that's the case however, it wouldn't be just Iwamoto being mimicked, would it? It would be taking influence from the entire school."

"That's right. So you'll be facing a Demon Teacher this time." Lily summarized.

"Huh. Not entirely sure what to expect from that."

Phantasma Illusio Bestia. Phantom Illusion Beasts.

Shapeless disembodied demonic spirits who latch onto a particular location, nest themselves inside of it and soak in the negative emotions and energy in their surroundings to gain strength to take physical form to begin hunting down the humans in their vicinity to either kill or corrupt them to bring them more victims to repeat the process. What form they take, while still demonic, is still influenced by their surroundings however and this will influence their personality and actions.  The power levels of the demons tends to vary depending on how long they've been nesting and the influence their surroundings have on them. Phantasma's tend to be territorial so it's extremely rare to find more than one in a select location.



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

"Let's see, here we go. Vista Academy. It was originally known as The Tsuchimikado School and built back around the year 843 by Tsuchimikado Mochitsune. It declined in the Muromachi Period and was revived by Karasumaru Sanetaka, blah blah blah, they acquired a metric ton of books for it, revitalized the curriculum, worked alongside doctors from different nations, oh hey it used to be free can you believe that? That's interesting. Yadda, yadda, yadda, the school continued to flourish throughout the years that it's been open throughout the centuries until it was lost in a fire in the 1800's only to be rebuilt by Vista Yuzuru back up better than ever and it continued to flourish and expand ever since now known as The Illustrious Vista Academy. Time passed and it became the High-Class Elaborate University Highschool it is today. The alternate classes were deigned to separate the poorest performing students from the top students for special classes until they could bring their grades back up. I guess that explains that and the entrance exam's bizarre, overly complicated questions that no one short of a genius could possibly figure out." She commented to herself.

"Or a Zombie."

"Ha ha ha." She continued researching. "Uh huh, yeah, see it, yep, know we go!"

"Did you find something?"

"Yeah. The gym teachers weren't the only assholes at the school. They had a guy there, Iwamoto Akashi," She began looking into him.

"Ohhhh yeaaaah, I remember him." Lily replied. "Crazy bastard. The guy would demean, insult, deride, scream, shout, throw things, abused and just generally treated his students like crap."

"That sounds about right. What I'm reading about this guy is that he was that level of asshole. Insulting his students left and right, yelling at them, hurting them and psychologically torturing them on a daily basis. He also campaigned to make life worse for the kids in the extra classes to screw them over to the point that they flat out couldn't work their way back into the main building and were tormented for trying. Even after he was exposed it took a lot of work to sort out the mess he created."

"But that wasn't the whole story was it?"

"No. He was enraged at not being fired and came back for revenge. Apparently the guy was so crazy he created this whole elaborate scheme to destroy the school but he was stopped by a security guard and his plan was foiled. He escaped and went on the run again only to be confronted by a former student who took the liberty to exact some revenge for his earlier torture. Iwamato escaped but he was hurt so badly in the altercation that he ended up stumbling into the street and was hit and killed by a truck." She sipped her drink. "It sounds like this could be our guy." She sipped her drink. "Oh man that's good. Still though this leaves the question: Is it his soul back for revenge or is this a Phantasma?"  She sat back and crossed her legs while sipping her drink and then she realized something and swiveled in her chair to look at Lily. "If that's the case however, it wouldn't be just Iwamoto being mimicked, would it? It would be taking influence from the entire school."

"That's right. So you'll be facing a Demon Teacher this time." Lily summarized.

"Huh. Not entirely sure what to expect from that."

Phantasma Illusio Bestia. Phantom Illusion Beasts.

Shapeless disembodied demonic spirits who latch onto a particular location, nest themselves inside of it and soak in the negative emotions and energy in their surroundings to gain strength to take physical form to begin hunting down the humans in their vicinity to either kill or corrupt them to bring them more victims to repeat the process. What form they take, while still demonic, is still influenced by their surroundings however and this will influence their personality and actions.  The power levels of the demons tends to vary depending on how long they've been nesting and the influence their surroundings have on them. Phantasma's tend to be territorial so it's extremely rare to find more than one in a select location.

"If you don't know what to expect then prepare for everything you can. That's the best way to prepare yourself."

"True enough. I'll visit the doc and then have a warm-up before I go out to investigate. Just to be sure I've got my bases covered."

The doll laughed. "Say, did you ever in your life think that you of all people would be risking yourself to fight a monster to save a school of all places?"

"I didn't even know monsters were real back when I was alive until one of them walked up and wiped us out." She turned her chair back around and picked up an ebony carved photo frame containing a picture of herself and a group of thirty-five other girls. Kira and the girls were wearing matching dark red leather jackets worn over black shirts and jeans and boots with skull motorcycle masks on their faces hiding the lower halves of their faces. They wore the school scarves and ribbons on their shirts. They wore leather gloves on their hands and black boots. Each girl was armed with some form of melee weaponry and standing next to their respective motorcycle of choice. The Jigokuchō Girls. The most feared girls in Minakonai, Japan. A blood sisterhood of delinquent girls. Their behavior was a general blend of everything you would expect from someone called a delinquent: Getting into fights, disturbing the peace, and generally just not getting along with society at large. Kira herself was rocking a slicked back short edgy red pompadour back then. She had some scrapes from a barfight she'd been in prior to the picture but she remembered having the biggest smile on her face underneath that mask with those brass knuckles on her left hand and a bat in the right hand pointed at the ground. The message of 'Fuku YOU! Jigokuchō For Life!' was written on the picture.

Her smile could have lit up the entire room until reality crashing back down as she remembered the thing that killed them. It had attacked them out of absolutely nowhere right out of a horror movie. Out of the entire 35 member gang only 5 of them survived that she knew of. Kira herself was among the slaughtered and the only reason why she got her new job was that she put up enough of a struggle to impress the forces of Hell that they cut her a deal. If she could kill and capture 1,000 Demons causing trouble on Earth and return them to Hell, she and her friends would be freed from their torments and Hell's services. She'd captured four so far. Nine hundred ninety-six more to go.

"One day guys. One day. Just wait for me alright? I'll find them all eventually. One day. Just please hold out until then." She kissed the frame and placed it back on the table and resumed her drinking.

"Holding up there alright, sport?"

"Yeah. I'm doing...alright. I'm going to finish this drink and then I'll go down to visit the doc and get my checkup over with."



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

"If you don't know what to expect then prepare for everything you can. That's the best way to prepare yourself."

"True enough. I'll visit the doc and then have a warm-up before I go out to investigate. Just to be sure I've got my bases covered."

The doll laughed. "Say, did you ever in your life think that you of all people would be risking yourself to fight a monster to save a school of all places?"

"I didn't even know monsters were real back when I was alive until one of them walked up and wiped us out." She turned her chair back around and picked up an ebony carved photo frame containing a picture of herself and a group of thirty-five other girls. Kira and the girls were wearing matching dark red leather jackets worn over black shirts and jeans and boots with skull motorcycle masks on their faces hiding the lower halves of their faces. They wore the school scarves and ribbons on their shirts. They wore leather gloves on their hands and black boots. Each girl was armed with some form of melee weaponry and standing next to their respective motorcycle of choice. The Jigokuchō Girls. The most feared girls in Minakonai, Japan. A blood sisterhood of delinquent girls. Their behavior was a general blend of everything you would expect from someone called a delinquent: Getting into fights, disturbing the peace, and generally just not getting along with society at large. Kira herself was rocking a slicked back short edgy red pompadour back then. She had some scrapes from a barfight she'd been in prior to the picture but she remembered having the biggest smile on her face underneath that mask with those brass knuckles on her left hand and a bat in the right hand pointed at the ground. The message of 'Fuku YOU! Jigokuchō For Life!' was written on the picture.

Her smile could have lit up the entire room until reality crashing back down as she remembered the thing that killed them. It had attacked them out of absolutely nowhere right out of a horror movie. Out of the entire 35 member gang only 5 of them survived that she knew of. Kira herself was among the slaughtered and the only reason why she got her new job was that she put up enough of a struggle to impress the forces of Hell that they cut her a deal. If she could kill and capture 1,000 Demons causing trouble on Earth and return them to Hell, she and her friends would be freed from their torments and Hell's services. She'd captured four so far. Nine hundred ninety-six more to go.

"One day guys. One day. Just wait for me alright? I'll find them all eventually. One day. Just please hold out until then." She kissed the frame and placed it back on the table and resumed her drinking.

"Holding up there alright, sport?"

"Yeah. I'm doing...alright. I'm going to finish this drink and then I'll go down to visit the doc and get my checkup over with."

Kira finished downing her drink and set it down on the desk. She licked her lips and stood up. "Ahhh that was good. You ready to go, Lily?"

"Ready to go visit our expansive underground laboratory of nightmares? Always!" Lily laughed.

Kira picked her up and walked out of her room, down the hallway and down the stairs.

"Oh hello, dear!"

"Hello Mother. I'm going down to the labs to visit the doc for a checkup before my night visit to the school."

"Oh that's a wonderful idea! I'm proud of you for taking initiative on your doctor visits."

"Yeah I guess. Thanks. Don't worry I'll be back up for dinner."

"Good to know. Have fun with your visit!"

"I will, mother, don't worry." She walked past the kitchen and to the end of the living room. She pulled a book from the bookshelf, thumbed through it the middle of the book and then she removed a page to reveal a hidden button. If you weren't able to see through the glamour you wouldn't ever be able to see it. She pressed the button and replaced the page and placed the book back on the shelf. Kira heard the movement of gears and machines as the bookshelf slid forward and then it parted in half to reveal a thick black door behind it with an eyeball esque device on top of it. The device scanned her and there was a *Ping-Pong* sound from the door and the door slid open to reveal a long descending staircase.

"Well down we go!" She declared and walked through the doorway and began descending the long staircase as the door slid down behind her and the bookcase closed back up. She walked down the long, long, staircase as the lights lit up above her as she walked and illuminated the staircase more and more. Not that it was a concern of hers of course but there were serious security measures in place. The stairs had retractable drill spikes that could drill through the feet of intruders, there were lasers built into the walls and flamethrowers built into the ceiling. Essentially if somebody was to break into the staircase there'd be nowhere for them to run.

Try to run down the stairs and your feet would be torn apart and you'd fall down on the spikes to your death.

Try to run on the walls and you'd be sliced apart by the laser grid and then you'd fall on the spikes and be ground up further.

Try to run on the ceiling like a Wall-Crawling Menace and you'd be roasted alive by the flamethrowers.

Even worse? You'd have to deal with all of this at once! So basically unless you had some way of defending yourself from the security system or were too fast for it, you'd be sliced up, ground up and barbecued and likely served up later.

Kira and Lily reached the bottom of the stairs and knocked on the door.  "Living Dead Girl and Killer Doll calling!" She called out.

"Acknowledged." A robotic voice replied and the door opened up. She walked inside to a expansive underground laboratory with a large number of capsule tanks on either side of the long hallway in front of her. Each of them containing pieces of different creatures in various states of development. All of the creatures inside of the capsule tanks are monitored through the terminals in front of them. There's also various machines that are used to compile experimental data and information. She walked past the capsule tanks and further into the lab where there were a few different machines monitoring experiments and a giant computer which monitored everything in the giant expansive laboratory and the house along with multiple different camera angles. She walked past the main room which had a few different beds with wrapped up vacuum-packed tarp packages that were writhing from whatever was inside of them down to a series of doors on either side. She looked around et each of the doors until she was able to sense them and she knocked on it. "Hey Doc! I'm here for my checkup!"

The door slid open and she was greeted by an unnaturally tall and lanky rail thin man.  He was so alarmingly thin, in fact, that it looked as if his bones were about to break through his skin. His body was covered by a skin tight white labcoat with exposed arm and bone muscle from his fingertips leading up his wrists and forearms with five organic hypodermic syringes sticking out of each hand. His mouth was covered by a steel plate with exhalation valves on either side. His eyes were covered by bright blue goggles and he ad spiky white-gold hair on his scarred head. His legs were covered by the same skintight pants legs and he had white boots on. There were clawed metal multi-jointed arm devices attached to his back with glowing red eyes in the centers and spikes running along their backs. He had a tight head mirror bolted into his head.

Steam blew out of the exhalation valves on his mask and he looked down on her. "Ahhhh hello Kira. You're early today. Are you feeling alright?" His buzzing metallic voice chimed out in a friendly tone.

"Feeling just fine. I just want to be in my best shape for my investigation tonight."

"Oh excellent. Nurse! Please go prepare a room and we'll begin Kira's check up and operation!"

"Yes sir. Of course." A sultry voice replied and she finished the work they'd been doing in the room and washed her hands of blood and strolled past her. Nurse Macabre was a tall and sultry professional looking woman with elegant luxury glasses on her face. She has a beautiful face that makes her look like a model which is offset by the top half of her head being missing and covered with a rose tinted glass with her large brain inside of it hooked up to multiple machines with other machines inside of it. She's wearing a tight white bodysuit with black boots and her burned and clawed hands, looking similar to Doctor Graves, were soon covered by tight black gloves. What little of her hair remains around her head is a jade green along with her eyebrows. She is wearing ruby red lipstick. The nurse retrieved her gloves and adjusted her glasses and walked past Kira. "Hello again Kira. I hope this day finds you well."

"Feeling great, Nurse Macabre!"

"That's good to hear. The Doctor has had a few ideas on how to upgrade your body as well. But we can discuss that after your check-up."

"Cool. Thanks guys." She bowed her head and followed the nurse to her room.

In life, Doctor Graves and Nurse Macabre were Super-Villains who'd tried to, what else, Take Over The World! According to them they'd made a pretty good go of it until they were killed in battle and they spent a prolonged period in Hell until they were recruited for The Kira Project. Her. Things had been awkward between them at first of course but ever since then they'd been developing a professional relationship together. They took care of her modifications and upkeep. Whenever she was torn up in a fight or her body had trouble working right she went to them for repair work, upgrades or check ups like she was going to do so today.



Doctor Graves!

Nurse Macabre!




SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Kira finished downing her drink and set it down on the desk. She licked her lips and stood up. "Ahhh that was good. You ready to go, Lily?"

"Ready to go visit our expansive underground laboratory of nightmares? Always!" Lily laughed.

Kira picked her up and walked out of her room, down the hallway and down the stairs.

"Oh hello, dear!"

"Hello Mother. I'm going down to the labs to visit the doc for a checkup before my night visit to the school."

"Oh that's a wonderful idea! I'm proud of you for taking initiative on your doctor visits."

"Yeah I guess. Thanks. Don't worry I'll be back up for dinner."

"Good to know. Have fun with your visit!"

"I will, mother, don't worry." She walked past the kitchen and to the end of the living room. She pulled a book from the bookshelf, thumbed through it the middle of the book and then she removed a page to reveal a hidden button. If you weren't able to see through the glamour you wouldn't ever be able to see it. She pressed the button and replaced the page and placed the book back on the shelf. Kira heard the movement of gears and machines as the bookshelf slid forward and then it parted in half to reveal a thick black door behind it with an eyeball esque device on top of it. The device scanned her and there was a *Ping-Pong* sound from the door and the door slid open to reveal a long descending staircase.

"Well down we go!" She declared and walked through the doorway and began descending the long staircase as the door slid down behind her and the bookcase closed back up. She walked down the long, long, staircase as the lights lit up above her as she walked and illuminated the staircase more and more. Not that it was a concern of hers of course but there were serious security measures in place. The stairs had retractable drill spikes that could drill through the feet of intruders, there were lasers built into the walls and flamethrowers built into the ceiling. Essentially if somebody was to break into the staircase there'd be nowhere for them to run.

Try to run down the stairs and your feet would be torn apart and you'd fall down on the spikes to your death.

Try to run on the walls and you'd be sliced apart by the laser grid and then you'd fall on the spikes and be ground up further.

Try to run on the ceiling like a Wall-Crawling Menace and you'd be roasted alive by the flamethrowers.

Even worse? You'd have to deal with all of this at once! So basically unless you had some way of defending yourself from the security system or were too fast for it, you'd be sliced up, ground up and barbecued and likely served up later.

Kira and Lily reached the bottom of the stairs and knocked on the door.  "Living Dead Girl and Killer Doll calling!" She called out.

"Acknowledged." A robotic voice replied and the door opened up. She walked inside to a expansive underground laboratory with a large number of capsule tanks on either side of the long hallway in front of her. Each of them containing pieces of different creatures in various states of development. All of the creatures inside of the capsule tanks are monitored through the terminals in front of them. There's also various machines that are used to compile experimental data and information. She walked past the capsule tanks and further into the lab where there were a few different machines monitoring experiments and a giant computer which monitored everything in the giant expansive laboratory and the house along with multiple different camera angles. She walked past the main room which had a few different beds with wrapped up vacuum-packed tarp packages that were writhing from whatever was inside of them down to a series of doors on either side. She looked around et each of the doors until she was able to sense them and she knocked on it. "Hey Doc! I'm here for my checkup!"

The door slid open and she was greeted by an unnaturally tall and lanky rail thin man.  He was so alarmingly thin, in fact, that it looked as if his bones were about to break through his skin. His body was covered by a skin tight white labcoat with exposed arm and bone muscle from his fingertips leading up his wrists and forearms with five organic hypodermic syringes sticking out of each hand. His mouth was covered by a steel plate with exhalation valves on either side. His eyes were covered by bright blue goggles and he ad spiky white-gold hair on his scarred head. His legs were covered by the same skintight pants legs and he had white boots on. There were clawed metal multi-jointed arm devices attached to his back with glowing red eyes in the centers and spikes running along their backs. He had a tight head mirror bolted into his head.

Steam blew out of the exhalation valves on his mask and he looked down on her. "Ahhhh hello Kira. You're early today. Are you feeling alright?" His buzzing metallic voice chimed out in a friendly tone.

"Feeling just fine. I just want to be in my best shape for my investigation tonight."

"Oh excellent. Nurse! Please go prepare a room and we'll begin Kira's check up and operation!"

"Yes sir. Of course." A sultry voice replied and she finished the work they'd been doing in the room and washed her hands of blood and strolled past her. Nurse Macabre was a tall and sultry professional looking woman with elegant luxury glasses on her face. She has a beautiful face that makes her look like a model which is offset by the top half of her head being missing and covered with a rose tinted glass with her large brain inside of it hooked up to multiple machines with other machines inside of it. She's wearing a tight white bodysuit with black boots and her burned and clawed hands, looking similar to Doctor Graves, were soon covered by tight black gloves. What little of her hair remains around her head is a jade green along with her eyebrows. She is wearing ruby red lipstick. The nurse retrieved her gloves and adjusted her glasses and walked past Kira. "Hello again Kira. I hope this day finds you well."

"Feeling great, Nurse Macabre!"

"That's good to hear. The Doctor has had a few ideas on how to upgrade your body as well. But we can discuss that after your check-up."

"Cool. Thanks guys." She bowed her head and followed the nurse to her room.

In life, Doctor Graves and Nurse Macabre were Super-Villains who'd tried to, what else, Take Over The World! According to them they'd made a pretty good go of it until they were killed in battle and they spent a prolonged period in Hell until they were recruited for The Kira Project. Her. Things had been awkward between them at first of course but ever since then they'd been developing a professional relationship together. They took care of her modifications and upkeep. Whenever she was torn up in a fight or her body had trouble working right she went to them for repair work, upgrades or check ups like she was going to do so today.

Nurse Macabre lead Kira around the laboratory to another room containing the pod. The room had a few computer terminals, capsule tanks with a variety of body parts floating in them, vials of various fluids contained in boxes, numerous medical tools, a large pod covered by a glass lid that could open to hold a grown adult or a zombie of her size, several other machines and glass tubes with various fluids flowing through them. The floor was littered with occult symbols and scribblings. Kira set Lily down on a table and walked behind a curtain where she removed her school uniform and and walked out in the buff with her naked stitched together zombie flesh and bolts exposed. Kira casually rolled her neck and strolled across the room to the pod without a care in the world. Doing this had been awkward at first but after a couple of times she'd gotten used to it. Not like the Southern Hemisphere was worth looking at anyway. Or her Cans either for that matter. The pod opened up on its own and she climbed inside and she laid down inside of the pod as it closed back up. Nurse Macabre logged onto a terminal and typed in her password for it: !WWgh0ghigh0woV^&%^8(()%%#1165756711868123489907U*V1CMKBJ12B0dcvyVdYinRWGN3iv0d5t%%GWt9^4h%ZVfOh&FL#eGJEDjMQ8Xoo@c5ic7QoGJrtg#BxRk!dm5SGD!

It was a very long password.

"Alright so what are we doing today? Any upgrades or modifications you would like?"

"I think just a general check-up, refill, recharge and a slight boost will work best."

"Understood. I'll start with the check-up analysis and then I'll move onto the shock and injections." Nurse Macabre explained while The Doctor strolled into the room. The pod lit up with a bright blue light as Kira's zombified body was scanned and analyzed both internally and externally while a readout of her body's condition and a rotating three dimensional image of her body appeared on the screen.

"Hmmmm. This is good! Your body is in excellent condition. Of course it was highly unlikely to be damaged in any way over the course of a simple school day. We worked much too hard on you for that to be a problem. All of your body's vitals are good. For a Zombie." Doctor Graves joked.

Kira laughed. "What can I say? I keep myself well fed and hydrated." 

"All day long that's good. That will keep your body in working order and ensure you don't lose your mental faculties and degenerate into a shambling drooling simpleton."

"Oh hell no. I've seen way too many Zombie Movies to let that happen to me."

"Glad to hear it. Would you like the shock now?"

"Sure. Charge me up."

Doctor Graves nodded and flipped a few switches, turned a dial and pressed a button and the pod began warming up.

"Heh. I remember you used to scream like a banshee before you got used to this." Nurse Macabre teased.

"Can you blame me? A normal human would be fried to a crisp. I could shrug off a taser or two back in the day but this is something completely different."

"Now, now, it's only the 50,000 volts. Just a quick little charge-up. You'll be fine."

The sigils around the room began glowing blue while the pod glowed around her once again and then she had 50,000 Volts charged around her and through her body. A normal human would be cooked in the pod by all of this electricity but her Zombie Body was designed to be able to withstand and absorb it. Essentially she was like a machine being plugged in and charged up. It was quite appropriate for her Frankenstein-esque aesthetic. Even if the lightning bolt was not featured in the original novel but...details. At any rate she simply laughed as the electricity arced and danced around her body. The mad scientists kept this up for a minute before they slowly powered the pod back down. After it finished and the pod cooled back down she finally finished laughing and relaxed. "Oh man that always feels so good."

"Of course it does. We designed your body to be able to absorb electricity after all. I'm quite proud over how you've turned out as well. We really did such magnificent work on her didn't we doctor?"

"We really did, didn't we? You're a work of art, Kira!"

"Thanks guys! I think I'm ready for the injections."

"Excellent. Now lets see...alright it's ready." They pressed a few buttons on the terminal and turned a nozzle. The sigils around the room turned green and hole slots began opening around the pod and long thin syringe tipped tubes slid out of the holes and stabbed into her skin. These of course were specifically designed to be able to pierce her skin. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to get through. Once all of these were stabbed into her body another hole opened up and a long metal device slid out and opened up to hold her head. Once all of this was done a sickly green gas began spraying into the pod while a dark green fluid was injected into her body. She wasn't entirely sure what it was only that it was a mixture of different chemicals they'd created: R35urr3cc1ón, 7yr4nn1z3r, Hexachluchiene and 3,5,6-Terephthalamide among others. The serum was injected into her body and spread through it while she bathed in and inhaled the gas. The gas was absorbed through her zombie skin and inhaled. The sickly green gas reached out to her, covering and embracing her with its many arms in an amorphous shape she could only barely comprehend. A yellow-ish green with a writhing cloud-like shape covered with a thin layer of a slickly, oily liquid and surrounded by rapidly shaking shapes she couldn't quite make out. The cloud filled the entire pod until it was finished being absorbed into her body and the syringes pulled out of her body and retracted back into the pod.

Kira breathed out a sigh of relief. She felt incredibly relaxed now. Between the serums and the shocks and the gas her body felt lighter and stronger and completely recharged and refreshed. The brain food and drinks helped keep her functioning and her mental faculties intact but it was their treatments that kept her body operating at full capacity. Not just her physical abilities but her mystical abilities as well. She needed both to be operating at full capacity.

"How was that? Are you feeling good, Kira?"

"Hell yeah." She breathed out while relaxing and waiting for the pod to open while the holes from the syringes closed back up. "Hell yeah."

Doctor Graves turned around politely while Kira got out of the pod and walked across the lab to get her clothes.

"Thanks for the treatment guys. I needed that today and I know it will be enough to accomplish the assignment with flying colors."

"Of course. Anytime dear."

Kira walked behind the curtain and started getting dressed. "You know, you still haven't told me how you originally died."

Doctor Graves laughed. "Well, that's a story for another time. Besides, it was a long time ago."



Akibara Mariko kicked her feet while working on her homework and talking with Yakushimaru Ayako through video chat. "Sooo? What do you think of the new girl, Yakuu?"

"Oh she is a firecracker!" Ayako replied with a smile. "Remember her badass speech at gym class? She was on fire! So was I."

"So? Are you planning to ask her out?"

"Eventually. I'm not going to rush it though. I want to know what happened to our friends first and we can build the relationship while we're doing so."

"Clever and heroic. I like it." Mariko continued working on her homework. "Any idea where they could be though?"

"I have no clue." Ayako admitted. "If they were kidnapped we wouldn't be able to ping their phones or if we could we'd be able to locate them but we can but we aren't able to locate their phones. The only thing I can think of is that their phones were hacked but that just seems like an unnecessary extra step."

"Well I'm not too worried. We got the word out about the missing people and both the police and their families are out looking for them. This mystery will be solved in no time."

"You're right. I'm sure everyone's fine and there's a reasonable explanation for all of this."

They both got back to work until Ayako started laughing. "Hey! Hey! Did you see the look on Mushan's face when we pulverized them today?"

Mariko laughed alongside her best friend. "Oh that was hilarious! I'm just sad we couldn't get it on video! I am going to remember that forever!"

"It's about time she got knocked off of her high horse. Maybe getting punked in class like that will knock some sense into her."

"Hell yeah. She can suck it." She tapped her pencil against her paper. "There's a chance she might be out for revenge tomorrow though so we should stick by Tendou as much as possible."

"Oh I'm not worried about that. Mushan's whole crew couldn't even touch her!" Ayako cheered momentarily before she slowly calmed back down and looked thoughtful. "Hey, do you think that maybe Mushan's crew are responsible?"

"No. Mushan's a colossal jerk but there's no way she's smart enough to pull this off. There's something more going on here. Anyway, like I said, the police will handle it. For now lets just focus on our schoolwork."

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure you're right." They got back to work.

Niikura Orinosuke sighed and set his notebook down and picked up his phone again. He looked through his messages hoping to find something, anything, any sign of his friend but he still hadn't called back or texted him or E-mailed him and he still hadn't received any messages from anyone else with any news. "What the hell is going on? Where are you man?"

He heard a knocking on the door. "It's open!"

Orinosuke's father, Mister Niikura, walked into the room and sat down next to his son. "Hey, Orino, how are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess but I just don't know what happened to him. This so creepy."

"Yeah, I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now but don't worry alright? You did the right thing by going to look for him and informing authority figures and the police. You got the word out and now everybody is out there looking for Sanjiro. They'll find him before you know it. It will be fine. Years from now, you and Sanjiro will look back on all of this and laugh."

Orinosuke chuckled. "Yeah we will. I know we will. Thanks dad."

"Anytime, Son, anytime." He ruffled his hair. "So don't you worry alright? Just kick your homework's butt and get those Straight A's I know you can get."

"Not even going to be a problem dad, thanks."

"That's my boy." He patted him on the back. "We'll call you when dinner's ready."

His dad stood back up and walked back out of the room and closed the door. Orinosuke relaxed as he heard him descend back downstairs and refocused his attention on his homework.

"Lets see now, string theory, the initial condition in mathamatical physics, an air compressor operates at a steady state with air entering at 101 kPa and 20°C, and exiting at 500 kPa. Assuming the air undergoes an isentropic process with an isentropic index of n=1.4, alright this looks like standard stuff." He got to work on his homework and really focused on his problems and pages for what felt like forever. He became so engrossed into his homework from his various classes that he completely lost track of time until a sudden knock on the door caused him to jump. "Woah!  What? Huh? Oh, hey Dad is it dinner time already?" He asked and hopped off of his bed only for the floor and his room to begin shifting around! His bedroom began shifting around to the side and the floor tilted with it! Orinosuke stumbled and fell to the side and crashed against his dresser. "Owwww! What the hell? What's going on? Hey! Hey! DAD! MOM! WHERE ARE YOU? WHAT'S GOING ON?!" The room shifted again and he fell to the left and fell on his side! "Ow! What the hell?! WHAT'S GOING ON?! HEY! HEY! HEEELLLP! HELLLLP! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" He tried to stand up again only for the room to shift again and he fell against a wall and then it shifted to the other side and he rolled across the room to the other side and then it shifted again and he rolled to the other side. He slid a leg up from underneath his stomach and got up on one knee and raised his hands as he fell against the wall. He leaned against it and turned around just in time for the room to turn and shift again and he slid with it this time until he hit the wall and he began sliding across it before the room shifted again and he fell against the opposite wall and then he ran for the door and leaped towards it and grabbed onto the doorknob. Orinosuke fell to his knees desperately gasping for breath. "What...what..what the" He stammered out and opened the door and was met with a wall of darkness.

"M-Mom? D-Dad? Wh-where...where are you?" He asked timidly.

He heard a loud booming thudding sound running towards him like bombs echoing off of the floor and he immediately slammed the door shut and locked it. He didn't know what was going on or what was coming for him but he did not want to face it without a weapon. Orinosuke turned around to make a beeline for the bat he kept by his desk only to see a tall gangly thing with overly long arms and legs dressed in an all black students uniform with dark red highlights on it. As he looked up and up and up at this towering thing staring down at him he noticed it was wearing a helmet mask in the crude shape of a human face but with doll-like features, gleaming red eyes and a way, way too big smile plastered on its face. The creature barreled towards him while moving its arms around in a herky jerky inhuman motion and Orinosuke screamed in horror and frantically unlocked the door and he ran out of his room into the darkness waiting for him. Into and through the darkness to find himself in a dimly lit schoolhouse with dark blue tiles lining the floor. "What...what the..."

That was all he managed to get out before he felt two giant hands grab him around his middle section as he was lifted up off of the floor and he was carried down the hallway towards a door where he was dragged into a classroom kicking and screaming and the door slammed shut behind them.



Mushanokoji Akane played with her cat Diana in her room by dangling a toy above the Fluffy Persian's head so the cat had to reach up to bat it. "Come on, Diana, get it! Get it! Come on! Good kitty!" She laughed and pulled the toy back up as the cat reached up and pawed at it until the cat got back down on all fours and she lowered it again. She repeated this a few times before bringing the toy back onto her bed and patting it. The cat wiggled her butt and then leaped up onto the bed to attack the toy. Mushan laughed again and set it down and amused herself by petting her fluffy cat. Stroking and petting her favorite feline's fluffy fur while her cat enjoyed his toy and purred happily and leaned into her. It didn't take long before the cat got up and crawled onto her shirt for cuddle time. Elated, she resumed petting him with both hands. "Awwwww you're so sweet! Who's a good kitty? Who's a good kitty? You! You're a good kitty! Nyan-nyan, Diana!" 
Diana purred in response and got comfortable on her hooman.  Mushanokojii Akane would get to her schoolwork eventually of course but it was cuddle time right now. Besides this was a good way for her to unwind from the day's events. She couldn't be evil 24/7 after all. Even she needed to take the time to kick back and relax and play games with her kitty.

She continued to pet her for a good long time until she eventually decided she'd had enough and got up off of her, shook off and leaped off of the bed and walked to her door and began pawing at it. She meowed at Akane to let her out.

"Hey there, Diana, you want out? Huh, you want out? Alright, alright, I'll let you out, you silly kitty." She stood up and brushed off her shirt. The Help would take care of the cat hairs anyway. She got up and strolled across her large luxurious bedroom, which was the size of an apartment on its own, 882 square feet, with her Abygaël Upholstered Low Profile Sleigh Bed being just as fancy as someone would expect with a bedroom like this. Her parents took a page out of the Sistine Chapel design book when setting up her bedroom and applied beautiful murals on the ceilings. Elegant maroon archways serve to segregate the sitting area and sleeping area. The maroon motif is seen the drapes of the white four post bed, the English sofa, and the ottoman. The pillars around the room have gilded Corinthian capitals and add extra sophistication to the space. The marble floor also add a nice finishing touch. Mushan reached the bedroom door and opened it up so Diana could rush out of the room to go play or nap somewhere else in their mansion. "Now where are you going, huh?" Mushan asked while she stretched.

The cat said nothing of course but just ran away down the hallway and turned a corner. Mushan just followed at her. All of the doors were closed so it wasn't like she could go anywhere. Mushan turned the corner to the next hallway knowing it would lead another doorway to the staircase down to the second floor of the manor. Mushan would have had her but...she noticed something was off. Where was the Staff? They were usually working around the clock to ensure her home remained as spick and span and sparkly clean or working in the kitchen but Mushan didn't see them anywhere. Where were they?

"Emmalyn?" She called out. "Emmalyn? Are you here? Where are you? Quincy? Trudy? Ethel?" She called out to her staff but nobody responded. This was strange because there would have been somebody up here with her at all times. At least one or two of their staff to both cater to her whims and protect her if it ever became necessary. But she didn't see them around and nobody was answering her. What was going on? "Cicely? Madge? Where you guys? HELLO! Where are you? Come on out! Ugh, I swear if this is a prank you are all in so much trouble! Come on out here! Where are you?" She turned the corner and stopped cold as instead of her beloved kitty cat waiting for her patiently at the door or crossing her path to go sit somewhere else it was nowhere to be found and she instead found herself staring down a long long hallway that seemed to stretch into infinity! It was one incredibly long hallway that stretched on forever. She couldn't see where it ended. The longer she looked down the hallway the longer it seemed to stretch on.

"What...what the hell?" She blinked and rubbed her eyes and looked again to see a towering hunched over man with long gibbon arms reaching down to the floor so that its arms dragged across the floor. It was monstrously tall. At least over seven feet tall and dressed in a black school uniform. The creature looked down at her with a mask in the shape of a student smiled down at her but even this far away she could tell that this man, this thing, was not human. The creature slowly lifted up its right arm and waved to her with its right hand.

Mushan had seen enough movies to know this was not a good situation to be in. "NOPE!" She declared and ran like hell towards the kitchen while the creature stampeded down the hallway. She could hear its thunderous footsteps thundering after her but she didn't dare look back. Whatever the hell this thing was it was too damn fast for its size! It didn't seem possible! Where the hell had it even come from? That hallway wasn't supposed to be there! It wasn't possible! Mushan didn't know if this was a nightmare or something else but she knew her only option was to fight and she had options available. There was no way in hell she could beat it in a fist fight but thankfully there were a LOT of knives up ahead. She stampeded into the kitchen, leaped onto the kitchen island, slid across it, landed on the floor, yanked open the drawer and pulled out two knives, stuffed them into the back of her skirt, pulled out two more large knives, jumped on top of the island and faced the creature standing in the archway into the kitchen. It had raced down that too damn long hallway and chased her across the floor into the kitchen and she'd only barely evaded it!

(Fine then. Bring it on!) "I don't know who, or what, the fuck you are but I'm about to make you tell me! BOW TO YOUR QUEEN!" She declared and ran towards the creature, took a flying leap off of the kitchen island and screamed bloody murder while she thrusted her knives forward! She flew through the air like an arrow! Straight and true with her knives pointed right at the monster's eyes which she fully intended to cut right out!

The creature's arm smacked her like a flyswatter and slapped her right back down to the floor. Her knives clattering to the floor as the darkness took the young girl. The creature lifted her up into the air and shook her a few times causing the other two knives to fall down to the floor as well. The creature simply lifted her up and placed Akane on its shoulder and walked away. The floor shifting and turning left and right and back and forth until it reached the hallway again and the Manor returned to normal.

Diana the cat meowed in confusion while calling out for her beloved Akane-Mommy. Where was she? Where had her Akane-Mommy gone? She was just here wasn't she but then Diana lost track of her after turning the corner. Where was she? Where was everyone? "Meow?" The cat called out again. "Meow?" She called out and sniffed the air. Finally finding her scent again Diana raced towards it happily only to come to a sudden stop as she saw the sharp things on the floor. What were they doing here? Akane-Mommy always said they were supposed to go up high inside big thing. They didn't belong on the floor! She sniffed them curiously. That was definitely Akane-Mommy's scent but...there was something else. Something that made her recoil in horror. Something not right. Something that didn't belong here. Not in her home. Not anywhere. Not in this world. Something scary. She let out another timid scared "Meow?" louder this time hoping Akane-Mommy would hear her and come out to comfort her and let her know it was all okay.

"There you are!"

Diana turned around and looked hoping to see Mommy again but only saw the servant lady. Good enough. The cat bounded over and began rubbing against her while mewing.  Emmalyn reached down to pet her and Diana leaped into her arms!

"Ohhhh you're so sweet...but what's this? Is something wrong? You're shaking like a leaf. Whatever could be the matter?" The cat mewed in her arms. "Okay. Have you seen Lady Akane?" The cat mewed again and just got comfortable.

"I see. Well we'll just have to look for her won't we? But what do you suppose those are doing there? Knives don't belong on the floor do they? That's just silly." She knelt down and kept a hold of the cat with one arm and retrieved the knives with the other, picked up two, returned them to the shelf and then the other two. After closing it up she sat down on the sofa and pet the cat to help calm her down. "Now, now, there, there, whatever could have frightened you so much?"



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Akibara Mariko kicked her feet while working on her homework and talking with Yakushimaru Ayako through video chat. "Sooo? What do you think of the new girl, Yakuu?"

"Oh she is a firecracker!" Ayako replied with a smile. "Remember her badass speech at gym class? She was on fire! So was I."

"So? Are you planning to ask her out?"

"Eventually. I'm not going to rush it though. I want to know what happened to our friends first and we can build the relationship while we're doing so."

"Clever and heroic. I like it." Mariko continued working on her homework. "Any idea where they could be though?"

"I have no clue." Ayako admitted. "If they were kidnapped we wouldn't be able to ping their phones or if we could we'd be able to locate them but we can but we aren't able to locate their phones. The only thing I can think of is that their phones were hacked but that just seems like an unnecessary extra step."

"Well I'm not too worried. We got the word out about the missing people and both the police and their families are out looking for them. This mystery will be solved in no time."

"You're right. I'm sure everyone's fine and there's a reasonable explanation for all of this."

They both got back to work until Ayako started laughing. "Hey! Hey! Did you see the look on Mushan's face when we pulverized them today?"

Mariko laughed alongside her best friend. "Oh that was hilarious! I'm just sad we couldn't get it on video! I am going to remember that forever!"

"It's about time she got knocked off of her high horse. Maybe getting punked in class like that will knock some sense into her."

"Hell yeah. She can suck it." She tapped her pencil against her paper. "There's a chance she might be out for revenge tomorrow though so we should stick by Tendou as much as possible."

"Oh I'm not worried about that. Mushan's whole crew couldn't even touch her!" Ayako cheered momentarily before she slowly calmed back down and looked thoughtful. "Hey, do you think that maybe Mushan's crew are responsible?"

"No. Mushan's a colossal jerk but there's no way she's smart enough to pull this off. There's something more going on here. Anyway, like I said, the police will handle it. For now lets just focus on our schoolwork."

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure you're right." They got back to work.

Kuma Ritsuko logged on to greet her friends. "Surprise!"

"RITSUUUUU!" The girls greeted.

"How's it going?"

"Doing great! How about you?"

"Okay. I'm doing alright but I still haven't found anything related to Sanjiro's disappearance, though I have been getting the word out, but I did find something else. Apparently there have been a couple of other disappearances too."

"What?!" The two girls asked in shock.

"Yeah. I made some calls, got the word out, and Hachimitsu told me that Ishikura wasn't in class today either."

"Ishikura Shizuka, right?" Ayako asked. "They're in Class 6-G together. So someone else disappeared, huh?"

"Yeah. They have their own smaller campus so it makes sense that we wouldn't think to check there. Stupid. I should've thought of that." Mariko scolded herself.

"Don't beat yourself over it. None of us thought of it either." Akibara assured her friend over the video chat.

"Thanks. So were there any other disappearances?"

"Yeah. They were all recent graduates too. Kusumoto Daiki, Iwai Taro and Shinkawa Shin have all disappeared as well." Kuma listed.

"Okay, wait, back up. Three graduates, a staff member and students have all disappeared?" Akibara questioned. "What the hell is going on?"

"Someone's definitely targeting the school. But who would do this?"

"There's no way to tell but this is getting spooky." Kuma sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm sure the police are already on it and putting this together though."

"I'm calling Niikura. He needs to know about this. Everyone needs to know. We need to get the word out to the rest of the school. Call everyone we can!" Ayako declared while speed dialing with his contact on her phone. She waited and waited and waited until she finally got an answer.

"We're Sorry The Number You Have Dialed Has Been Disconnected Or Is No Longer In Service." A cheerful voice spoke to her. "Please Give Up And Accept That You Are All Going To Die!" The voice threatened cheerfully before repeating itself. "We're Sorry The Number You Have Dialed Has Been Disconnected Or Is No Longer In Service." A cheerful voice spoke to her. "Please Give Up And Accept That You Are All Going To Die!"

"...What the fuck?"

"What happened what did it say?"

"H-he's not picking up...I think somethiAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Ayako let out an ear splitting screech as her screen froze up!

"AYAKO!" The two screamed.

"Ayako what's wrong? What's wrong?! AYAKO!" Akibara screamed at the computer. They only heard screaming and crashing before her screen shut down.


"Ayako what's happening? Ayako can you hear us? Dammit! I'm calling the police!"

"What the hell happened?! How could someone even get into her house without somebody noticing?"

"I don't know! I don't know but I'm calling for help right the hell now! You do the same! Call her parents! Call everyone!" She was about to call and that was when Akibara Mariko saw a giant towering shadow fall over Kuma. Shadows wrapped around her and she was pulled right out of her chair and across the room where she was dragged into the closet. The door slammed shut.

Akibara Mariko stared in horror for a moment before bolting from her chair and running across the room to her door. "MOOOOOOM!" She shrieked.



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Nurse Macabre lead Kira around the laboratory to another room containing the pod. The room had a few computer terminals, capsule tanks with a variety of body parts floating in them, vials of various fluids contained in boxes, numerous medical tools, a large pod covered by a glass lid that could open to hold a grown adult or a zombie of her size, several other machines and glass tubes with various fluids flowing through them. The floor was littered with occult symbols and scribblings. Kira set Lily down on a table and walked behind a curtain where she removed her school uniform and and walked out in the buff with her naked stitched together zombie flesh and bolts exposed. Kira casually rolled her neck and strolled across the room to the pod without a care in the world. Doing this had been awkward at first but after a couple of times she'd gotten used to it. Not like the Southern Hemisphere was worth looking at anyway. Or her Cans either for that matter. The pod opened up on its own and she climbed inside and she laid down inside of the pod as it closed back up. Nurse Macabre logged onto a terminal and typed in her password for it: !WWgh0ghigh0woV^&%^8(()%%#1165756711868123489907U*V1CMKBJ12B0dcvyVdYinRWGN3iv0d5t%%GWt9^4h%ZVfOh&FL#eGJEDjMQ8Xoo@c5ic7QoGJrtg#BxRk!dm5SGD!

It was a very long password.

"Alright so what are we doing today? Any upgrades or modifications you would like?"

"I think just a general check-up, refill, recharge and a slight boost will work best."

"Understood. I'll start with the check-up analysis and then I'll move onto the shock and injections." Nurse Macabre explained while The Doctor strolled into the room. The pod lit up with a bright blue light as Kira's zombified body was scanned and analyzed both internally and externally while a readout of her body's condition and a rotating three dimensional image of her body appeared on the screen.

"Hmmmm. This is good! Your body is in excellent condition. Of course it was highly unlikely to be damaged in any way over the course of a simple school day. We worked much too hard on you for that to be a problem. All of your body's vitals are good. For a Zombie." Doctor Graves joked.

Kira laughed. "What can I say? I keep myself well fed and hydrated." 

"All day long that's good. That will keep your body in working order and ensure you don't lose your mental faculties and degenerate into a shambling drooling simpleton."

"Oh hell no. I've seen way too many Zombie Movies to let that happen to me."

"Glad to hear it. Would you like the shock now?"

"Sure. Charge me up."

Doctor Graves nodded and flipped a few switches, turned a dial and pressed a button and the pod began warming up.

"Heh. I remember you used to scream like a banshee before you got used to this." Nurse Macabre teased.

"Can you blame me? A normal human would be fried to a crisp. I could shrug off a taser or two back in the day but this is something completely different."

"Now, now, it's only the 50,000 volts. Just a quick little charge-up. You'll be fine."

The sigils around the room began glowing blue while the pod glowed around her once again and then she had 50,000 Volts charged around her and through her body. A normal human would be cooked in the pod by all of this electricity but her Zombie Body was designed to be able to withstand and absorb it. Essentially she was like a machine being plugged in and charged up. It was quite appropriate for her Frankenstein-esque aesthetic. Even if the lightning bolt was not featured in the original novel but...details. At any rate she simply laughed as the electricity arced and danced around her body. The mad scientists kept this up for a minute before they slowly powered the pod back down. After it finished and the pod cooled back down she finally finished laughing and relaxed. "Oh man that always feels so good."

"Of course it does. We designed your body to be able to absorb electricity after all. I'm quite proud over how you've turned out as well. We really did such magnificent work on her didn't we doctor?"

"We really did, didn't we? You're a work of art, Kira!"

"Thanks guys! I think I'm ready for the injections."

"Excellent. Now lets see...alright it's ready." They pressed a few buttons on the terminal and turned a nozzle. The sigils around the room turned green and hole slots began opening around the pod and long thin syringe tipped tubes slid out of the holes and stabbed into her skin. These of course were specifically designed to be able to pierce her skin. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to get through. Once all of these were stabbed into her body another hole opened up and a long metal device slid out and opened up to hold her head. Once all of this was done a sickly green gas began spraying into the pod while a dark green fluid was injected into her body. She wasn't entirely sure what it was only that it was a mixture of different chemicals they'd created: R35urr3cc1ón, 7yr4nn1z3r, Hexachluchiene and 3,5,6-Terephthalamide among others. The serum was injected into her body and spread through it while she bathed in and inhaled the gas. The gas was absorbed through her zombie skin and inhaled. The sickly green gas reached out to her, covering and embracing her with its many arms in an amorphous shape she could only barely comprehend. A yellow-ish green with a writhing cloud-like shape covered with a thin layer of a slickly, oily liquid and surrounded by rapidly shaking shapes she couldn't quite make out. The cloud filled the entire pod until it was finished being absorbed into her body and the syringes pulled out of her body and retracted back into the pod.

Kira breathed out a sigh of relief. She felt incredibly relaxed now. Between the serums and the shocks and the gas her body felt lighter and stronger and completely recharged and refreshed. The brain food and drinks helped keep her functioning and her mental faculties intact but it was their treatments that kept her body operating at full capacity. Not just her physical abilities but her mystical abilities as well. She needed both to be operating at full capacity.

"How was that? Are you feeling good, Kira?"

"Hell yeah." She breathed out while relaxing and waiting for the pod to open while the holes from the syringes closed back up. "Hell yeah."

Doctor Graves turned around politely while Kira got out of the pod and walked across the lab to get her clothes.

"Thanks for the treatment guys. I needed that today and I know it will be enough to accomplish the assignment with flying colors."

"Of course. Anytime dear."

Kira walked behind the curtain and started getting dressed. "You know, you still haven't told me how you originally died."

Doctor Graves laughed. "Well, that's a story for another time. Besides, it was a long time ago."

"Cool." She walked out from behind the curtain fully dressed again. "So how's it look? A clean bill of health?"

"Sure. For A Ghoulish Frankenzombie." Nurse Macabre joked.

"This from the lady with her delicious juicy brain on display." She quipped back.

"Well I certainly can't give you that, and it would take more effort than you think to get through the glass and my skull." She tapped it. "It's a nanomechanically strengthened polycarbonate thermoplastic laminated hellglass case. A highly damage-tolerant metallic glass forged from materials in Hell and Earth that is tougher and stronger than most alloys you'll find on Earth. Even your strength would have trouble breaking it." Nurse Macabre assured her. "But rest assured there's a big juicy dinner waiting for you upstairs."

"Oh I know. I'm just ribbing you." She joked. "So are you guys eating with us tonight?"

"Hmmmm, I suppose we could use a break. What do you think, Doctor?"

"I would be more than happy to assist with preparation!" He offered. "Besides I could use a break myself. I don't need to eat much but taking some time away from the labs to do some cooking again sounds like fun." Doctor Graves agreed. "Just give us a minute to secure the labs and we'll meet you back upstairs."

"Cool. Thanks. This should be fun." She grinned and retrieved Lily. "I'll inform Mother that you're joining us tonight. I'll see you then!" Kira waved and walked out of the labs with Lily in tow. Before she could leave however an alarm began blaring from the computer!



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

"Cool." She walked out from behind the curtain fully dressed again. "So how's it look? A clean bill of health?"

"Sure. For A Ghoulish Frankenzombie." Nurse Macabre joked.

"This from the lady with her delicious juicy brain on display." She quipped back.

"Well I certainly can't give you that, and it would take more effort than you think to get through the glass and my skull." She tapped it. "It's a nanomechanically strengthened polycarbonate thermoplastic laminated hellglass case. A highly damage-tolerant metallic glass forged from materials in Hell and Earth that is tougher and stronger than most alloys you'll find on Earth. Even your strength would have trouble breaking it." Nurse Macabre assured her. "But rest assured there's a big juicy dinner waiting for you upstairs."

"Oh I know. I'm just ribbing you." She joked. "So are you guys eating with us tonight?"

"Hmmmm, I suppose we could use a break. What do you think, Doctor?"

"I would be more than happy to assist with preparation!" He offered. "Besides I could use a break myself. I don't need to eat much but taking some time away from the labs to do some cooking again sounds like fun." Doctor Graves agreed. "Just give us a minute to secure the labs and we'll meet you back upstairs."

"Cool. Thanks. This should be fun." She grinned and retrieved Lily. "I'll inform Mother that you're joining us tonight. I'll see you then!" Kira waved and walked out of the labs with Lily in tow. Before she could leave however an alarm began blaring from the computer!

Kira immediately ran back to the lab where the computer continued blaring its alarm. "What's that? What did it pick up on?"

Nurse Macabre and Doctor Graves hurried over and The Doctor's hands flew over the keyboard and an overhead view of the city was displayed with several swirling circles appearing and disappearing around the city. "Ahhhh. Spatial Distortions. It seems your prey are making their moves."

"That's got to be the kidnappers. They must be going after everybody now. But that would mean..." She looked over the screen and her eyes narrowed as she realized who was likely being taken. "My friends too."

"Wow you must've had a very nice first day if they're your friends already. Good for you." The Nurse complimented.

"They're more like Tendou's friends than Kira's. Kira's just too freaky to be herself around them." Lily cackled.

Kira ignored her and focused on the screen to see where the Spatial Distortions were moving. It was definitely in a visible pattern down the city. House by house in a line. "Got it. I know where they're going." Kira ran back towards the stairs and began rapidly ascending them. "It's SHOWTIME!"

Mother turned around to see Kira running to the fridge, grabbing a brain drink, popping the top and chugging it. After downing the entire drink she set the large thermos drink back down on the table as the refrigerator closed. "Ahhh that was good."

"Is everything alright, dear?" Mother questioned.

"It's fine. The kidnappers are making their move now. I might be a little late for dinner but I'll be back after I take care of this."

"I see. Don't worry I'll keep your dinner warm dear. Have fun, be safe, ice some motherfuckers."

"Name of the game!" Kira called back while running to the door and holing up Lily. "Game Time, Lily! You hold the key to my heart!"

"About time! Lets get some action!" In a flash of light the doll transformed herself into a twelve inch long Vantablack Key with a black rose design at the end of it with a skull in the center of it and long boney blades at the other end. Without hesitation Kira grabbed the key, plunged it into her chest and rotated it clockwise to an upright position. The skull glowed and it sank into her chest momentarily before a jet of flame erupted out of her chest. Kira grabbed onto the key again and pulled it back out now in the form of a dark magical wand! The wand is longer than the key was with a dark grey design with some red rings on it. The head of the wand is a Gotic-looking cross with pointed blades on the top, bottom, left and right of it, an intricate pattern in the center and a skull in the middle of it. She thrust the wand forward while calling out her transformation spell to transform into her Magical Girl Form and unlock her real power!

"Puella Magica Corpus Animatum! IT'S THE DAY OF THE DEAD!" The eyes of the skull flashed and a greenish-blue cloud surrounded her as lights flashed around her body.


The transformation process takes only 50 milliseconds, 0.05 seconds, but lets have some fun and give you an actual transformation process! Kira is transported to another dimension to complete the transformation process before being returned to Earth all in the space of 50 milliseconds.

The cloud surrounds her and the evil lights shine. Kira is surrounded by fuchsia/magenta lights and her clothes vanish. She falls backwards into a floating coffin which closes over her. The Leviathan Cross, depicted on the bottom with an infinity sign (∞), and above with a double cross (‡), is written in blood on top of it while a Satanic Pentagram is written around that and candles grow out of the coffin and light themselves on each point of the pentagram. An evil looking fog sprays out from the coffin and the door breaks open! Kira steps out as her costume surrounds her. A dark blue dress with green highlights that reaches down to her legs before ending in a large skirt, dark blue boots with a greenish tint, dark blue goves with green lines, armored bracelets, armor around her chest, the logo of a skull and crossbones on the armor, poof dark blue shoulder sleeves with green lines, a belt of skulls around her waist, her lips were covered by black lipstick, a dark blue-ish green skull helmet covered her head to above her mouth and the area of the skull around her eyes became covered in black armor. She landed back down on the ground and stood tall in the graveyard that surrounded her as the dark clouds overhead parted to reveal a blood red sky and a pitch black moon. A gigantic blood red eye opened up in the center of the moon and rays of red light shined down upon the graveyard to welcome the birth of the dark heroine.

She returned to Earth and leaped out of her house. It was time to go to work.



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Kuma Ritsuko logged on to greet her friends. "Surprise!"

"RITSUUUUU!" The girls greeted.

"How's it going?"

"Doing great! How about you?"

"Okay. I'm doing alright but I still haven't found anything related to Sanjiro's disappearance, though I have been getting the word out, but I did find something else. Apparently there have been a couple of other disappearances too."

"What?!" The two girls asked in shock.

"Yeah. I made some calls, got the word out, and Hachimitsu told me that Ishikura wasn't in class today either."

"Ishikura Shizuka, right?" Ayako asked. "They're in Class 6-G together. So someone else disappeared, huh?"

"Yeah. They have their own smaller campus so it makes sense that we wouldn't think to check there. Stupid. I should've thought of that." Mariko scolded herself.

"Don't beat yourself over it. None of us thought of it either." Akibara assured her friend over the video chat.

"Thanks. So were there any other disappearances?"

"Yeah. They were all recent graduates too. Kusumoto Daiki, Iwai Taro and Shinkawa Shin have all disappeared as well." Kuma listed.

"Okay, wait, back up. Three graduates, a staff member and students have all disappeared?" Akibara questioned. "What the hell is going on?"

"Someone's definitely targeting the school. But who would do this?"

"There's no way to tell but this is getting spooky." Kuma sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm sure the police are already on it and putting this together though."

"I'm calling Niikura. He needs to know about this. Everyone needs to know. We need to get the word out to the rest of the school. Call everyone we can!" Ayako declared while speed dialing with his contact on her phone. She waited and waited and waited until she finally got an answer.

"We're Sorry The Number You Have Dialed Has Been Disconnected Or Is No Longer In Service." A cheerful voice spoke to her. "Please Give Up And Accept That You Are All Going To Die!" The voice threatened cheerfully before repeating itself. "We're Sorry The Number You Have Dialed Has Been Disconnected Or Is No Longer In Service." A cheerful voice spoke to her. "Please Give Up And Accept That You Are All Going To Die!"

"...What the fuck?"

"What happened what did it say?"

"H-he's not picking up...I think somethiAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Ayako let out an ear splitting screech as her screen froze up!

"AYAKO!" The two screamed.

"Ayako what's wrong? What's wrong?! AYAKO!" Akibara screamed at the computer. They only heard screaming and crashing before her screen shut down.


"Ayako what's happening? Ayako can you hear us? Dammit! I'm calling the police!"

"What the hell happened?! How could someone even get into her house without somebody noticing?"

"I don't know! I don't know but I'm calling for help right the hell now! You do the same! Call her parents! Call everyone!" She was about to call and that was when Akibara Mariko saw a giant towering shadow fall over Kuma. Shadows wrapped around her and she was pulled right out of her chair and across the room where she was dragged into the closet. The door slammed shut.

Akibara Mariko stared in horror for a moment before bolting from her chair and running across the room to her door. "MOOOOOOM!" She shrieked.

The Akibara's were in the living room talking when they heard her ear piercing shriek of terror compounded by Mariko stampeding down the hallway like the hounds of hell were on her tail. "MOOOOOMMM!"

Her parents got right back up to their feet and ran to their daughter's aid. "Whatever's the matter? What happened?"

"Did somebody try to break in?"

" saw it...I saw them take them...We need to call the police please."

"Calm down dear, please, calm down, deep breaths, come, lets sit down." Her father offered to her in a calm and gentle voice as he guided her to the couch and sat down with her. "Now please, tell us what happened."

"I-I with m-my friends while doing homework...and s-something took them away! Something...something scary invaded their house and-and took them! I-it took Ritsuko right on camera and it took Ayako too! I-I don't know...I don't they got into their homes...b-but they took them It's them! It's them! It's always been them! They're the ones who kidnapped Sanjiro and the others!"

"Others? What others?" Her mother asked her. "A lady who works at the school was abducted too...a-and...and...R-Ritsu...s-she...she found out there were others. Graduates. Who were abducted too. Kusumoto Daiki, Iwai Taro and Shinkawa Shin she said."

"Oh Goodness, you poor girl. You're shaking like a leaf. Here let me get you some water. You can take a few deep breaths, sip some ice water and then you can tell us what happened." Her mother stood back up and walked to the kitchen leaving Mariko to hug her father.

"I'm so scared. I'm so scared, daddy." Mariko sobbed. "I-I don't...I don't know they got into their houses but they're coming for everyone! They're coming for me I just know it!"

"Shhhh, shhhh, it's okay. It's alright dear. Nobody is coming to get you. We'll call the police and get you protection. In the meantime?" Her father directed her vision to the swords in the display case on the wall. "I've got two nice sharp swords hanging over there in case of emergency. Also." He turned his daughter's attention to the bookshelf. "I have a hidden gunsafe behind there where I keep my shotgun. Of course, the ammunition is stored separately. It's the law after all. But my point is, nobody is breaking in here. Not while we're around."

If you want to buy a gun in Japan you need patience and determination. You have to attend an all-day class, take a written exam and pass a shooting-range test with a mark of at least 95%.

There are also mental health and drugs tests. Your criminal record is checked and police look for links to extremist groups. Then they check your relatives too - and even your work colleagues. And as well as having the power to deny gun licences, police also have sweeping powers to search and seize weapons.

That's not all. Handguns are banned outright. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed.

The law restricts the number of gun shops. In most of Japan's 40 or so prefectures there can be no more than three, and you can only buy fresh cartridges by returning the spent cartridges you bought on your last visit.

Police must be notified where the gun and the ammunition are stored - and they must be stored separately under lock and key. Police will also inspect guns once a year. And after three years your license runs out, at which point you have to attend the course and pass the tests again.




"It is so long as I go through all of the proper channels. If someone is dumb enough to try and break in here and we can't de-escalate the situation?" He booped his daughter's nose. "You can bet your bottom dollar I'll do whatever it takes to protect you both."

"Thanks daddy. But, these guys, the kidnappers, I think we might really need that shotgun for them."

Her mother returned with the ice water. "Now, now, dear, drink your water, take a deep breath, blow it out and tell us what happened."

Mariko took a few sips of the ice water and then performed her breathing exercises until she was able to calm back down and relax enough to explain what happened. "I was talking with Ritsuko and Ayako while working on my homework and we started talking about the kidnappings, right? But then Ayako's screen froze up, we heard crashing and screaming and then her screen cut out and she was logged out. Th-then...then...they came for Ritsuko. We were about to call the police but then I saw it. I-I saw...a shadow. A giant looming shadow leaning over her. It reached down and grabbed her and pulled her across the room and into the closet." She sipped the ice water before continuing. "N-now...Ritsuko...Ritsuko is a big girl. Strong too. She's tough. But this thing...this person...whatever it grabbed her and pulled her away like she was a doll and she couldn't do anything!" She looked back up at her parents. "I'm scared. I'm really scared. Something's wrong."

"Ooookaaaay....that's...certainly a story. Well, don't you worry, sweetie, we' police. They'll...take care of it."

Mariko looked up at her mother. "Mom? Why are you talking so slowly?"

"It's...fine...dear." Her father assured her. " You'"

Mariko got back up on her feet and looked back at her parents. "MOM? DAD? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO YOU?!"

Her parents reached out to her but then they froze in place as they were pushed away from her by some invisible unseen force. The glass dropped from her hand and she completely forgot about it to chase after her parents. "MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? DON'T LEAVE ME! WHAT'S HAPPENING?" No matter how fast she ran her parents were just pushed further and further away from her until she tripped and fell to her knees. "Ow. M-mom? D-dad? Where are you? Huh?" Mariko looked around the living room to see that everything in the living room had been pushed away as well! The walls and furniture were all so far away from her it was like she was kneeling in an empty room!

"Wh-wh-wh..." She stammered and trailed off as she tried in vain to make sense of all of this! Her brain twisting itself into knots as she desperately tried to make sense of this. "What the hell?" She finally managed. She stumbled forward until she could find her footing again and looked around the room. The walls, the furniture, the tables, her glass, it was all so far away. The only thing she could see clearly was the towering giant standing where her doorway had been. Mariko did a double take and stared in horror at the giant making its way towards her twitching and jerking in a very inhuman manner as it smiled down at her. It was here.

The Kidnapper.

"Where are my friends?" She questioned him in a quiet timid shaking voice.

"Heeeee heeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeee." The giant's only response was long drawn out breathy gravely laughs.

"" She repeated more angry now. "Where. Are. They? Where are my parents? What did you do to them? TELL ME!"

"Heeeeeeee heeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" The giant laughed again and began making it was towards her.

Mariko was not going to win this. She knew that. She didn't have a chance against someone that big. She didn't even know how many of them were here. She had even less of an idea of how this thing was even doing any of this but she knew one thing for sure. This thing had taken her friends and likely her parents too. Understandably she felt a rage boiling in her heart as she recalled today's soccer game and Tendou's words rang in her mind.

"Now listen up! I know you all thought you were being nice and quiet but I heard you loud and clear! 'We can't do it.' 'They're going to cream us' 'It's always the same' 'We can never win'."

"Never. Can't. Helpless. Those are just words. They're meaningless! Wake up! Those words only have power if you give it to them! That is loser talk! You are not losers! I handpicked all of you myself because I saw your potential! I saw the fire burning deep inside your hearts and I AM YOUR GASOLINE! I will light the fire in your asses and awaken the sleeping giants inside of you! Look around! Look at the proud men and women standing next to you! You have trained together! You have exercised together! You have played together! You have attended classes together! You know each other! You know your strengths and weaknesses! You know where your power lies! Use that! You are not a ragtag group of quitters! You are one cohesive unit! Our enemies think us weak. They see us as easy prey. We will prove them wrong. We are going storm that field and score as many goals as we want! Nobody will stop us! I want you all to stick together out there and here's how I want you arranged: tough, tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft! Kuma! You're our goalie! That makes you our last line of defense between the enemy and our goal! Do not take your eyes off the ball. Focus on that at all times. The rest of you take your positions and watch me. I will be scoring the first goal myself. Focus on the enemy team, watch how they move and find their weaknesses. When it comes time for the second goal I will be expecting you to capitalize on the enemies weaknesses and flaws. The enemy does not see us as threats. Use that arrogance and stupidity against them. Engage with maximum speed, neutralize the shooters and move on to our objective: Kicking that soccer ball into that goal and letting nothing stand in our way. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

"Fear Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Defeat Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Nerves Do Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"








"GIVE THEM BACK TO ME!" She screamed and charged the monster with her fist raised up. The herky-jerky monster man continued to lumber towards her and swiped at her but she just barely managed to clear its lazy swipe with a running leap! She jumped into the air and planted a powerpacked kick to the monster man! Her kick collided with it full force but the monster man didn't even flinch! Shock ran through her leg instead like she'd just kicked a solid wall! She dropped back down to the ground and the monster swatted her down to the floor. She hit the floor hard, bounced off of it, and dropped to the floor sprawled out in pain. The monster man reached down, grabbed her with its giant hand and curled its unnaturally long fingers around her torso and carried her towards the pitch black doorway to bring her to the classroom for her lesson.

The monster was promptly kicked in the face so hard that its head jerked backwards so hard that the neck would've been snapped right off of the body were it a normal being and the monster man was flung across the living room! The monster man flew backwards a considerable distance before landing down on its head, sliding across the floor and then falling down on its stomach. The monster man groaned in pain and lifted its head up gingerly to see a new arrival in heeled boots and a blue dress with a skull helmet staring him down with the girl in her arms.

The Skull-Woman walked several feet to the right and set Mariko down on the floor gently. "Wh...wha..." She groaned and tried to get a good look at her mysterious savior through her blurred vision. ""

The Skull-Woman smiled and stood up. "Don't worry about. I'm here to help."

" really?"

"Trust me." The Skull-Woman raised her hand up and caught the Monster Man's punch without even turning to look at him. The impact of his fist against her gloved palm was like a bomb going off completely with an air burst that blew over Mariko but The Skull-Woman didn't even flinch! "I'm A Magical Girl!" She declared and squeezed her hand so hard she began crushing the monster's hand! Mariko heard the bones in the monster's hand crumpling and cracking and breaking apart is it began to howl in pain!



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

The Akibara's were in the living room talking when they heard her ear piercing shriek of terror compounded by Mariko stampeding down the hallway like the hounds of hell were on her tail. "MOOOOOMMM!"

Her parents got right back up to their feet and ran to their daughter's aid. "Whatever's the matter? What happened?"

"Did somebody try to break in?"

" saw it...I saw them take them...We need to call the police please."

"Calm down dear, please, calm down, deep breaths, come, lets sit down." Her father offered to her in a calm and gentle voice as he guided her to the couch and sat down with her. "Now please, tell us what happened."

"I-I with m-my friends while doing homework...and s-something took them away! Something...something scary invaded their house and-and took them! I-it took Ritsuko right on camera and it took Ayako too! I-I don't know...I don't they got into their homes...b-but they took them It's them! It's them! It's always been them! They're the ones who kidnapped Sanjiro and the others!"

"Others? What others?" Her mother asked her. "A lady who works at the school was abducted too...a-and...and...R-Ritsu...s-she...she found out there were others. Graduates. Who were abducted too. Kusumoto Daiki, Iwai Taro and Shinkawa Shin she said."

"Oh Goodness, you poor girl. You're shaking like a leaf. Here let me get you some water. You can take a few deep breaths, sip some ice water and then you can tell us what happened." Her mother stood back up and walked to the kitchen leaving Mariko to hug her father.

"I'm so scared. I'm so scared, daddy." Mariko sobbed. "I-I don't...I don't know they got into their houses but they're coming for everyone! They're coming for me I just know it!"

"Shhhh, shhhh, it's okay. It's alright dear. Nobody is coming to get you. We'll call the police and get you protection. In the meantime?" Her father directed her vision to the swords in the display case on the wall. "I've got two nice sharp swords hanging over there in case of emergency. Also." He turned his daughter's attention to the bookshelf. "I have a hidden gunsafe behind there where I keep my shotgun. Of course, the ammunition is stored separately. It's the law after all. But my point is, nobody is breaking in here. Not while we're around."




"It is so long as I go through all of the proper channels. If someone is dumb enough to try and break in here and we can't de-escalate the situation?" He booped his daughter's nose. "You can bet your bottom dollar I'll do whatever it takes to protect you both."

"Thanks daddy. But, these guys, the kidnappers, I think we might really need that shotgun for them."

Her mother returned with the ice water. "Now, now, dear, drink your water, take a deep breath, blow it out and tell us what happened."

Mariko took a few sips of the ice water and then performed her breathing exercises until she was able to calm back down and relax enough to explain what happened. "I was talking with Ritsuko and Ayako while working on my homework and we started talking about the kidnappings, right? But then Ayako's screen froze up, we heard crashing and screaming and then her screen cut out and she was logged out. Th-then...then...they came for Ritsuko. We were about to call the police but then I saw it. I-I saw...a shadow. A giant looming shadow leaning over her. It reached down and grabbed her and pulled her across the room and into the closet." She sipped the ice water before continuing. "N-now...Ritsuko...Ritsuko is a big girl. Strong too. She's tough. But this thing...this person...whatever it grabbed her and pulled her away like she was a doll and she couldn't do anything!" She looked back up at her parents. "I'm scared. I'm really scared. Something's wrong."

"Ooookaaaay....that's...certainly a story. Well, don't you worry, sweetie, we' police. They'll...take care of it."

Mariko looked up at her mother. "Mom? Why are you talking so slowly?"

"It's...fine...dear." Her father assured her. " You'"

Mariko got back up on her feet and looked back at her parents. "MOM? DAD? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO YOU?!"

Her parents reached out to her but then they froze in place as they were pushed away from her by some invisible unseen force. The glass dropped from her hand and she completely forgot about it to chase after her parents. "MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? DON'T LEAVE ME! WHAT'S HAPPENING?" No matter how fast she ran her parents were just pushed further and further away from her until she tripped and fell to her knees. "Ow. M-mom? D-dad? Where are you? Huh?" Mariko looked around the living room to see that everything in the living room had been pushed away as well! The walls and furniture were all so far away from her it was like she was kneeling in an empty room!

"Wh-wh-wh..." She stammered and trailed off as she tried in vain to make sense of all of this! Her brain twisting itself into knots as she desperately tried to make sense of this. "What the hell?" She finally managed. She stumbled forward until she could find her footing again and looked around the room. The walls, the furniture, the tables, her glass, it was all so far away. The only thing she could see clearly was the towering giant standing where her doorway had been. Mariko did a double take and stared in horror at the giant making its way towards her twitching and jerking in a very inhuman manner as it smiled down at her. It was here.

The Kidnapper.

"Where are my friends?" She questioned him in a quiet timid shaking voice.

"Heeeee heeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeee." The giant's only response was long drawn out breathy gravely laughs.

"" She repeated more angry now. "Where. Are. They? Where are my parents? What did you do to them? TELL ME!"

"Heeeeeeee heeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" The giant laughed again and began making it was towards her.

Mariko was not going to win this. She knew that. She didn't have a chance against someone that big. She didn't even know how many of them were here. She had even less of an idea of how this thing was even doing any of this but she knew one thing for sure. This thing had taken her friends and likely her parents too. Understandably she felt a rage boiling in her heart as she recalled today's soccer game and Tendou's words rang in her mind.

"Now listen up! I know you all thought you were being nice and quiet but I heard you loud and clear! 'We can't do it.' 'They're going to cream us' 'It's always the same' 'We can never win'."

"Never. Can't. Helpless. Those are just words. They're meaningless! Wake up! Those words only have power if you give it to them! That is loser talk! You are not losers! I handpicked all of you myself because I saw your potential! I saw the fire burning deep inside your hearts and I AM YOUR GASOLINE! I will light the fire in your asses and awaken the sleeping giants inside of you! Look around! Look at the proud men and women standing next to you! You have trained together! You have exercised together! You have played together! You have attended classes together! You know each other! You know your strengths and weaknesses! You know where your power lies! Use that! You are not a ragtag group of quitters! You are one cohesive unit! Our enemies think us weak. They see us as easy prey. We will prove them wrong. We are going storm that field and score as many goals as we want! Nobody will stop us! I want you all to stick together out there and here's how I want you arranged: tough, tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft! Kuma! You're our goalie! That makes you our last line of defense between the enemy and our goal! Do not take your eyes off the ball. Focus on that at all times. The rest of you take your positions and watch me. I will be scoring the first goal myself. Focus on the enemy team, watch how they move and find their weaknesses. When it comes time for the second goal I will be expecting you to capitalize on the enemies weaknesses and flaws. The enemy does not see us as threats. Use that arrogance and stupidity against them. Engage with maximum speed, neutralize the shooters and move on to our objective: Kicking that soccer ball into that goal and letting nothing stand in our way. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

"Fear Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Defeat Does Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"


"Nerves Do Not Exist For Our Team. DOES IT?!"








"GIVE THEM BACK TO ME!" She screamed and charged the monster with her fist raised up. The herky-jerky monster man continued to lumber towards her and swiped at her but she just barely managed to clear its lazy swipe with a running leap! She jumped into the air and planted a powerpacked kick to the monster man! Her kick collided with it full force but the monster man didn't even flinch! Shock ran through her leg instead like she'd just kicked a solid wall! She dropped back down to the ground and the monster swatted her down to the floor. She hit the floor hard, bounced off of it, and dropped to the floor sprawled out in pain. The monster man reached down, grabbed her with its giant hand and curled its unnaturally long fingers around her torso and carried her towards the pitch black doorway to bring her to the classroom for her lesson.

The monster was promptly kicked in the face so hard that its head jerked backwards so hard that the neck would've been snapped right off of the body were it a normal being and the monster man was flung across the living room! The monster man flew backwards a considerable distance before landing down on its head, sliding across the floor and then falling down on its stomach. The monster man groaned in pain and lifted its head up gingerly to see a new arrival in heeled boots and a blue dress with a skull helmet staring him down with the girl in her arms.

The Skull-Woman walked several feet to the right and set Mariko down on the floor gently. "Wh...wha..." She groaned and tried to get a good look at her mysterious savior through her blurred vision. ""

The Skull-Woman smiled and stood up. "Don't worry about. I'm here to help."

" really?"

"Trust me." The Skull-Woman raised her hand up and caught the Monster Man's punch without even turning to look at him. The impact of his fist against her gloved palm was like a bomb going off completely with an air burst that blew over Mariko but The Skull-Woman didn't even flinch! "I'm A Magical Girl!" She declared and squeezed her hand so hard she began crushing the monster's hand! Mariko heard the bones in the monster's hand crumpling and cracking and breaking apart is it began to howl in pain!

Mariko had to cover her ears from the cacophonic crying wail of the anguished monster man but Skull-Woman seemed unaffected. "Hmph. Shut up already." She scolded and pulled the monster forward, kicked out its leg and then kicked it in the stomach with enough force to send the monster flying across the room all over again! The monster's hand reached down and dug into the carpeting of the floor while it soared through the air like a soccer ball and left deep claw marks in the carpeting tearing it up. It didn't do much to slow it down but the monster was able to get its feet down on the floor again. Afterword the monster straightened itself back up again and stared at her casually walking towards it like any other day. She retrieved her wand from her belt and raised it to the ceiling. "You've worn out your welcome here. It's time to leave. By The Mysterious Aenchabu! I Invoke The Veil Of Meturani! Transport us away from this house to do battle!"

Large thick velvety Tableau stage curtains dropped down from the ceiling and surrounded Skull-Woman and Monster Man on all sides and rapidly spun around.

The tableau, tab, or tabbed curtain, also called opera drapes, though iconic of the theater setting, is the rarest of curtains to actually be employed on the stage. It has two overlapping panels (often but not always pleated) immovably secured at the top, to a fixed batten. Each panel is sewn with a more-or-less diagonal series of rings, running from the upper offstage corner to the onstage-most side, either midway down or lower. A line or cable attaches to the lowest ring, runs diagonally offstage through the other rings, through a pulleys on the batten, then down to the floor. When the lines are pulled, each curtain is lifted diagonally offstagewards and out (upwards). In its open position it creates a frilled, tent-like viewing frame for the performance, like an inner proscenium arch: a top "scallop" with the rest of the curtain gathered at the sides (replacing the foremost fixed side curtains often used with other curtain types).

Skull-Woman and Monster Man disappeared behind the spinning rotating curtains and that was all Mariko could see. Just the rotating wall of curtains spinning like a top before they suddenly retreated into the ceiling! "Wh-wh-wha....what? What? Where did they go? What just happened?"

"Mariko dear!" She looked up to see her parents still sitting on the couch like nothing had happened. They'd never even moved from their spot!

"M-mom? Dad?"

"What are you doing over there?"

"When did you get off the couch?"

"MOM! DAD! YOU'RE OKAY!" She scrambled to her feet and ran over and gave the two of them the biggest hug.

"Woah! Hey! Of course we're alright! Why wouldn't we be?" Her mother laughed. "We were sitting right here the entire time!"

"No! Mom! Dad! You don't understand! I saw him! I saw the kidnapper and there was this girl with a skull on her head and she was dressed like a magical girl and she started beating up the monster and then these curtains dropped down and they disappeared and now I'm back and you're back!" She paused for breath. "I-I was attacked. That thing attacked me. I know I have the bruises to prove it!" Mariko insisted. "And-and-and...l-look Lookie! Look there!" She pointed at the claw marks in the carpeting. "Those weren't their a second ago!"

Her parents followed her pointing finger and stared in disbelief. "Where did those come from?"


The curtains unveiled themselves and vanished to release Kira and the Monster Man from the veil they'd been transported through. Kira looked around the wide open rock quarry they'd been transported to. "How nice. I can fight as I like here. That okay with you, Talgrid?"

The creature looked back down at her in surprise. "Oh don't be so shocked. You're a Talgrid right? Of the Umaezr's Long-Arm Tribe."

The creature growled and spoke to her in a bizarre language that would've made the ears of human's bleed just by listening to it but Kira's supernatural nature enabled her to understand it just fine.

"pV SmQmGg oLpBiEgF WnH WmQmVnSmQmG CnBg zPh pV BeEh lF WeMqMhR, mQmGcNsC SlBwIe! M WeBe hRlAzNe! OeH Pv dMqMbE SrMqMsH MqMvMqMnJsR Pi? M WeBe sRnHiHe hLvEhReB IhNgD GnCe rMqMi tL WbMqMoEb mQmVmQmNjSr iBpE ReGgZlBj! RpWw lPgD Pv sRmQmSh pA Xe rPaMqMjI Rl lPgD Ze oLlW WbEpWw? VjEeG ZeFlBe pI Wn pV SmQmJ HgMqMpDdEb mQmI Pv gNcE!"

<You call yourself a Magical Girl but you reek of death, Walking Corpse! A mere zombie! Yet you dare stand against us? A mere stitched together child like has no prayer against True Hellborn! Why would you stand with the humans who would be your prey? Kneel before us and you can slaughter as you like!>

"Oh but I am slaughtering as I like. I'm slaughtering bottom feeder bitches like you who prey on the innocent humans of the world who are just trying to live their lives. Allow me to introduce myself properly. I Am An Emissary From Hell, Devourer Of Brains, The Slayer Of Devils, Bringer Of Death And Wrecker Of Your Shit! Sailor Izanami! On Behalf Of Humanity: I Will End Your Fucking Bloodline."

Heh, heh, heh. Hah, hah hah, hah hah! HA HA HA HA HA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The demon laughed madly while its disguised shell began cracking around its body.

<A mere zombie mocks me A mere zombie! Walking Corpse! I shall enjoy shredding your flesh and grinding your bones into powder!> The shell disguise rapidly fell apart while it monologued and it took its true form. "<Feast your eyes upon my true form child! It shall be the last thing GRAAAAHHH!>" He suddenly screamed as Kira took the chance to punch him in the face and smash him to the ground.

"You left yourself open dumbass." She scolded.

"GGRRAAAAARRGGHHHH!" The monster roared and in a flash of light the demon's true form burst out of its shell. Long spindly boney arms riddled with spikes ending in long clawed hands ripped from the sleeves and gloves of the shell. Equally boney legs ripped out of the pants. Its upper torso bulked up into an unsightly boney hump that ripped through its shirt. A long tail grew out of its back. its spiney neck became considerably longer than a normal human's and twisted at an inhuman angle. Horns grew out of the top of its head and its head grew much larger, taking similar form to a bull, as four more red eyes opened up on its head and its skin turned a chalky blue. The now 8 foot tall demon now lunged at her! Warping the spatial distance between the two of them to reach her instantaneously and slash at her face with its razor sharp claws! They cut through the air and she turned her head and her body aside as the monster slid to a stop and turned back around to snarl at her expecting to see her zombified face torn clean off by its claws only to feel burning pain from his hand! He looked down at it to see blood spurting from his hand. <WHAT?! WHAT?> He looked down at his hand to see two of his fingers, the pinky and ring finger, missing now with blood spraying from the holes! He looked back up at her to see the zombie girl chewing something in her mouth. Completely unharmed. She opened her mouth just enough to show him that she was now chewing on the two fingers before closing her mouth and she resumed chewing. A smug smile on her face the entire time.

She finished chewing and swallowed. Her tongue slipping out to slide around her mouth and lap up the demonic blood that had dribbled out. "Oh I'm sorry are we starting?"



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Mariko had to cover her ears from the cacophonic crying wail of the anguished monster man but Skull-Woman seemed unaffected. "Hmph. Shut up already." She scolded and pulled the monster forward, kicked out its leg and then kicked it in the stomach with enough force to send the monster flying across the room all over again! The monster's hand reached down and dug into the carpeting of the floor while it soared through the air like a soccer ball and left deep claw marks in the carpeting tearing it up. It didn't do much to slow it down but the monster was able to get its feet down on the floor again. Afterword the monster straightened itself back up again and stared at her casually walking towards it like any other day. She retrieved her wand from her belt and raised it to the ceiling. "You've worn out your welcome here. It's time to leave. By The Mysterious Aenchabu! I Invoke The Veil Of Meturani! Transport us away from this house to do battle!"

Large thick velvety Tableau stage curtains dropped down from the ceiling and surrounded Skull-Woman and Monster Man on all sides and rapidly spun around.

The tableau, tab, or tabbed curtain, also called opera drapes, though iconic of the theater setting, is the rarest of curtains to actually be employed on the stage. It has two overlapping panels (often but not always pleated) immovably secured at the top, to a fixed batten. Each panel is sewn with a more-or-less diagonal series of rings, running from the upper offstage corner to the onstage-most side, either midway down or lower. A line or cable attaches to the lowest ring, runs diagonally offstage through the other rings, through a pulleys on the batten, then down to the floor. When the lines are pulled, each curtain is lifted diagonally offstagewards and out (upwards). In its open position it creates a frilled, tent-like viewing frame for the performance, like an inner proscenium arch: a top "scallop" with the rest of the curtain gathered at the sides (replacing the foremost fixed side curtains often used with other curtain types).

Skull-Woman and Monster Man disappeared behind the spinning rotating curtains and that was all Mariko could see. Just the rotating wall of curtains spinning like a top before they suddenly retreated into the ceiling! "Wh-wh-wha....what? What? Where did they go? What just happened?"

"Mariko dear!" She looked up to see her parents still sitting on the couch like nothing had happened. They'd never even moved from their spot!

"M-mom? Dad?"

"What are you doing over there?"

"When did you get off the couch?"

"MOM! DAD! YOU'RE OKAY!" She scrambled to her feet and ran over and gave the two of them the biggest hug.

"Woah! Hey! Of course we're alright! Why wouldn't we be?" Her mother laughed. "We were sitting right here the entire time!"

"No! Mom! Dad! You don't understand! I saw him! I saw the kidnapper and there was this girl with a skull on her head and she was dressed like a magical girl and she started beating up the monster and then these curtains dropped down and they disappeared and now I'm back and you're back!" She paused for breath. "I-I was attacked. That thing attacked me. I know I have the bruises to prove it!" Mariko insisted. "And-and-and...l-look Lookie! Look there!" She pointed at the claw marks in the carpeting. "Those weren't their a second ago!"

Her parents followed her pointing finger and stared in disbelief. "Where did those come from?"


The curtains unveiled themselves and vanished to release Kira and the Monster Man from the veil they'd been transported through. Kira looked around the wide open rock quarry they'd been transported to. "How nice. I can fight as I like here. That okay with you, Talgrid?"

The creature looked back down at her in surprise. "Oh don't be so shocked. You're a Talgrid right? Of the Umaezr's Long-Arm Tribe."

The creature growled and spoke to her in a bizarre language that would've made the ears of human's bleed just by listening to it but Kira's supernatural nature enabled her to understand it just fine.

"pV SmQmGg oLpBiEgF WnH WmQmVnSmQmG CnBg zPh pV BeEh lF WeMqMhR, mQmGcNsC SlBwIe! M WeBe hRlAzNe! OeH Pv dMqMbE SrMqMsH MqMvMqMnJsR Pi? M WeBe sRnHiHe hLvEhReB IhNgD GnCe rMqMi tL WbMqMoEb mQmVmQmNjSr iBpE ReGgZlBj! RpWw lPgD Pv sRmQmSh pA Xe rPaMqMjI Rl lPgD Ze oLlW WbEpWw? VjEeG ZeFlBe pI Wn pV SmQmJ HgMqMpDdEb mQmI Pv gNcE!"

<You call yourself a Magical Girl but you reek of death, Walking Corpse! A mere zombie! Yet you dare stand against us? A mere stitched together child like has no prayer against True Hellborn! Why would you stand with the humans who would be your prey? Kneel before us and you can slaughter as you like!>

"Oh but I am slaughtering as I like. I'm slaughtering bottom feeder bitches like you who prey on the innocent humans of the world who are just trying to live their lives. Allow me to introduce myself properly. I Am An Emissary From Hell, Devourer Of Brains, The Slayer Of Devils, Bringer Of Death And Wrecker Of Your Shit! Sailor Izanami! On Behalf Of Humanity: I Will End Your Fucking Bloodline."

Heh, heh, heh. Hah, hah hah, hah hah! HA HA HA HA HA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The demon laughed madly while its disguised shell began cracking around its body.

<A mere zombie mocks me A mere zombie! Walking Corpse! I shall enjoy shredding your flesh and grinding your bones into powder!> The shell disguise rapidly fell apart while it monologued and it took its true form. "<Feast your eyes upon my true form child! It shall be the last thing GRAAAAHHH!>" He suddenly screamed as Kira took the chance to punch him in the face and smash him to the ground.

"You left yourself open dumbass." She scolded.

"GGRRAAAAARRGGHHHH!" The monster roared and in a flash of light the demon's true form burst out of its shell. Long spindly boney arms riddled with spikes ending in long clawed hands ripped from the sleeves and gloves of the shell. Equally boney legs ripped out of the pants. Its upper torso bulked up into an unsightly boney hump that ripped through its shirt. A long tail grew out of its back. its spiney neck became considerably longer than a normal human's and twisted at an inhuman angle. Horns grew out of the top of its head and its head grew much larger, taking similar form to a bull, as four more red eyes opened up on its head and its skin turned a chalky blue. The now 8 foot tall demon now lunged at her! Warping the spatial distance between the two of them to reach her instantaneously and slash at her face with its razor sharp claws! They cut through the air and she turned her head and her body aside as the monster slid to a stop and turned back around to snarl at her expecting to see her zombified face torn clean off by its claws only to feel burning pain from his hand! He looked down at it to see blood spurting from his hand. <WHAT?! WHAT?> He looked down at his hand to see two of his fingers, the pinky and ring finger, missing now with blood spraying from the holes! He looked back up at her to see the zombie girl chewing something in her mouth. Completely unharmed. She opened her mouth just enough to show him that she was now chewing on the two fingers before closing her mouth and she resumed chewing. A smug smile on her face the entire time.

She finished chewing and swallowed. Her tongue slipping out to slide around her mouth and lap up the demonic blood that had dribbled out. "Oh I'm sorry are we starting?"

What Happened In That Instant? Let's Rewind The Attack And See It Again!

The now 8 foot tall demon now lunged at her! Warping the spatial distance between the two of them to reach her instantaneously and slash at her face with its razor sharp claws! They cut through the air like razor blades as it swiped at her. To Kira the creature was standing a short distance away from her one second and then it immediately warped in front of her and was slashing at her face! In that instant however she sidestepped the monster's clawed hand, leaned back and then she lunged forward with her mouth wide open. She clamped down hard on two of his fingers and then she turned her head and ripped them right off its hand! Kira turned around as the demon kept moving forward and she began happily chewing them. They kind of tasted like meatier chicken tenders. The fingers by themselves would best be described as a snack that sustains you, delivering the perfect combo of crispy breading, grease, and moisture. Even eating them raw like this was quite tasty and perfectly serviceable. He would be amazing if cooked properly with some barbecue sauce. Mother could prep the remains after she was done here though.

Kira wanted the brain.

The monster slid to a stop and turned back around to snarl at her expecting to see her zombified face torn clean off by its claws only to feel burning pain from his hand! He looked down at it to see blood spurting from his hand. <WHAT?! WHAT?> He looked down at his hand to see two of his fingers, the pinky and ring finger, missing now with blood spraying from the holes! He looked back up at her to see the zombie girl chewing something in her mouth. Completely unharmed. She opened her mouth just enough to show him that she was now chewing on the two fingers before closing her mouth and she resumed chewing. A smug smile on her face the entire time.

She finished chewing and swallowed. Her tongue slipping out to slide around her mouth and lap up the demonic blood that had dribbled out. "Oh I'm sorry are we starting?"

"GRRRAAARRGGHH!" The monster roared and rotated its arms around and around and around and around wrapping them ever tighter around themselves while the ground beneath Kira's feet, and thus the plane she was standing on, shifted from right to left. The entire world around them tilted from side-to-side rapidly swinging between the two directions! Kira stumbled around initially as she tried to find her footing until she raised her wand again and called out some quick magic. "Spatium Contumelia: Firmitas!" An eerie light shined from the tip of her wand and spread down her arm to the rest of her body and then it spread down to the ground where it spread out across the shifting plane! The ground slowly shifted back to normal as the rocking stopped and the area returned to normal. The Spatial Dimensions and the Plane returned to normal. The demon meanwhile finished rotating its arms and then they both stretched out towards her while rapidly unwinding themselves like drills. She laughed and swung her wand at them. The two demonic arm drills clashed against her wand and attempted to bore into it for but a moment before she deflected them aside and shattered the demon's clawed fingers!

"Hey now what's wrong? I thought I was supposed to be an inferior little zombie! What happened? Is the big tough demon bitch unable to keep up?" She laughed mockingly as the demon recoiled and stared at his bloodied broken hands. "Come on now! Try harder! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!" She yelled out madly as she charged forward outpacing its retracting arms! She swung her wand left and right blasting off the arms as she closed in on him and they burst like balloons as the light from her wand struck them. Now disarmed the demon could only scream in horror and back away from her. It tried to warp space again to push the plane away from the two of them so it could recover but she simply charged forward defying it spatial bending and closing on him. A wide manic bloodthirsty smile on her face. The demon's eyes lit up and six red beams were fired from its eyes at her but she deflected them aside with ease. The beams were deflected to the left where they continued on for a substantial distance until they struck a boulder and blew it apart! Kira meanwhile finally closed in on the demon and drove her hand and arm straight through the monstrous demon!

"DEATH PUNCH!" She called out on impact and her hand arm tore right through the monster's skin, muscle, bone and everything else to emerge out the other side! The demon hunched over and blood sprayed out of its mouth and stomach and back like waterfalls! The demonic blood covered and drenched her as she turned her arm slightly and kicked out its leg to force the giant demon down onto one knee and then she leaped up while 'Slashing' with a knife hand that tore open the monster's guts from the stomach, up through its body and out of its shoulder! "FUNERAL SLICER!" More of its demonic blood sprayed out of its gaping wounds as the monster flailed blindly with its obliterated arms and fell onto its back and rolled around.


Kira landed back on top of it drenched in the monster's blood from head to toe. "Soooooo? Any last words from the Superior Lifeform?"

"S-stop....s-stop...p-please....I-I-I...I know...I know...where...humans....are." It stammered out. "'l tell you." It begged.

"Oh so you can speak Japanese. Cool. Still, I already knew that you knew where they were. That's why I left your brain intact." Kira taunted him. "I needed what was inside you see."


Kira swung her arm and cleanly and smoothly decapitated it with a flash of light. The read didn't roll far away before she grabbed its head by the horns and holstered her wand. She lifted the head up and smiled at the demon staring at her in horror. "Itadakimasu. Brain Food." She sneered and her jaw unhinged itself in a hideously unsettling manner not unlike that of a snake, even though snakes have no chin, no chin bone, so their jaws aren't connected the way ours are, and took a giant bite out of the monster's head! Now this, THIS was what she was talking about! It was like biting into a big juicy stake burger! She ate ravenously! Devouring the demon's head, flesh, skull and brain with a vicious animalistic intensity. She barely even paused long enough to rip its horns out and discard them in the midst of her gory feast. In no time at all she'd devoured the demon's head. Brains, skull, eyes, hair, all of it. She took the time to savor the demonic flesh of her prey before looking up and swallowing it all down.

Kira licked her lips and fingers happily and then closed her eyes to brace herself for the visions of Hell she was about to endure.  She had, after all, just taken in ALL of a demon's memories. But she had to, she would endure it to acquire the exact location and knowledge of where the kids were being kept. She would endure. She would save them.



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

What Happened In That Instant? Let's Rewind The Attack And See It Again!

The now 8 foot tall demon now lunged at her! Warping the spatial distance between the two of them to reach her instantaneously and slash at her face with its razor sharp claws! They cut through the air like razor blades as it swiped at her. To Kira the creature was standing a short distance away from her one second and then it immediately warped in front of her and was slashing at her face! In that instant however she sidestepped the monster's clawed hand, leaned back and then she lunged forward with her mouth wide open. She clamped down hard on two of his fingers and then she turned her head and ripped them right off its hand! Kira turned around as the demon kept moving forward and she began happily chewing them. They kind of tasted like meatier chicken tenders. The fingers by themselves would best be described as a snack that sustains you, delivering the perfect combo of crispy breading, grease, and moisture. Even eating them raw like this was quite tasty and perfectly serviceable. He would be amazing if cooked properly with some barbecue sauce. Mother could prep the remains after she was done here though.

Kira wanted the brain.

The monster slid to a stop and turned back around to snarl at her expecting to see her zombified face torn clean off by its claws only to feel burning pain from his hand! He looked down at it to see blood spurting from his hand. <WHAT?! WHAT?> He looked down at his hand to see two of his fingers, the pinky and ring finger, missing now with blood spraying from the holes! He looked back up at her to see the zombie girl chewing something in her mouth. Completely unharmed. She opened her mouth just enough to show him that she was now chewing on the two fingers before closing her mouth and she resumed chewing. A smug smile on her face the entire time.

She finished chewing and swallowed. Her tongue slipping out to slide around her mouth and lap up the demonic blood that had dribbled out. "Oh I'm sorry are we starting?"

"GRRRAAARRGGHH!" The monster roared and rotated its arms around and around and around and around wrapping them ever tighter around themselves while the ground beneath Kira's feet, and thus the plane she was standing on, shifted from right to left. The entire world around them tilted from side-to-side rapidly swinging between the two directions! Kira stumbled around initially as she tried to find her footing until she raised her wand again and called out some quick magic. "Spatium Contumelia: Firmitas!" An eerie light shined from the tip of her wand and spread down her arm to the rest of her body and then it spread down to the ground where it spread out across the shifting plane! The ground slowly shifted back to normal as the rocking stopped and the area returned to normal. The Spatial Dimensions and the Plane returned to normal. The demon meanwhile finished rotating its arms and then they both stretched out towards her while rapidly unwinding themselves like drills. She laughed and swung her wand at them. The two demonic arm drills clashed against her wand and attempted to bore into it for but a moment before she deflected them aside and shattered the demon's clawed fingers!

"Hey now what's wrong? I thought I was supposed to be an inferior little zombie! What happened? Is the big tough demon bitch unable to keep up?" She laughed mockingly as the demon recoiled and stared at his bloodied broken hands. "Come on now! Try harder! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!" She yelled out madly as she charged forward outpacing its retracting arms! She swung her wand left and right blasting off the arms as she closed in on him and they burst like balloons as the light from her wand struck them. Now disarmed the demon could only scream in horror and back away from her. It tried to warp space again to push the plane away from the two of them so it could recover but she simply charged forward defying it spatial bending and closing on him. A wide manic bloodthirsty smile on her face. The demon's eyes lit up and six red beams were fired from its eyes at her but she deflected them aside with ease. The beams were deflected to the left where they continued on for a substantial distance until they struck a boulder and blew it apart! Kira meanwhile finally closed in on the demon and drove her hand and arm straight through the monstrous demon!

"DEATH PUNCH!" She called out on impact and her hand arm tore right through the monster's skin, muscle, bone and everything else to emerge out the other side! The demon hunched over and blood sprayed out of its mouth and stomach and back like waterfalls! The demonic blood covered and drenched her as she turned her arm slightly and kicked out its leg to force the giant demon down onto one knee and then she leaped up while 'Slashing' with a knife hand that tore open the monster's guts from the stomach, up through its body and out of its shoulder! "FUNERAL SLICER!" More of its demonic blood sprayed out of its gaping wounds as the monster flailed blindly with its obliterated arms and fell onto its back and rolled around.


Kira landed back on top of it drenched in the monster's blood from head to toe. "Soooooo? Any last words from the Superior Lifeform?"

"S-stop....s-stop...p-please....I-I-I...I know...I know...where...humans....are." It stammered out. "'l tell you." It begged.

"Oh so you can speak Japanese. Cool. Still, I already knew that you knew where they were. That's why I left your brain intact." Kira taunted him. "I needed what was inside you see."


Kira swung her arm and cleanly and smoothly decapitated it with a flash of light. The read didn't roll far away before she grabbed its head by the horns and holstered her wand. She lifted the head up and smiled at the demon staring at her in horror. "Itadakimasu. Brain Food." She sneered and her jaw unhinged itself in a hideously unsettling manner not unlike that of a snake, even though snakes have no chin, no chin bone, so their jaws aren't connected the way ours are, and took a giant bite out of the monster's head! Now this, THIS was what she was talking about! It was like biting into a big juicy stake burger! She ate ravenously! Devouring the demon's head, flesh, skull and brain with a vicious animalistic intensity. She barely even paused long enough to rip its horns out and discard them in the midst of her gory feast. In no time at all she'd devoured the demon's head. Brains, skull, eyes, hair, all of it. She took the time to savor the demonic flesh of her prey before looking up and swallowing it all down.

Kira licked her lips and fingers happily and then closed her eyes to brace herself for the visions of Hell she was about to endure.  She had, after all, just taken in ALL of a demon's memories. But she had to, she would endure it to acquire the exact location and knowledge of where the kids were being kept. She would endure. She would save them.

The endless ear piercing shrieks of anguish of the countless sinners reverberated through her mind. Tortures more horrific than anything the human mind can conceive filled her vision. The burning, the screams, the torment, the pain, the anguish, the cries for mercy, the please for their eternal tormentors to stop, it played on an endless loop within her mind as the demon partook in and observed the grotesque gut ripping horrors perpetuated within Hell for countless centuries until it was approached by a wavy black entity vaguely in the shape of a man who offered it a chance to join it on Earth to torment the living children of the school. A few others joined them and the shapeless entity crafted a pocket dimension both within and beneath the school where they would bring their victims to be tormented by their leader. As it did so it would slowly gradually take on a more solid form.

So she was right. It was a Phantasma Illusio Bestia and the school was where the victims were being taken. She had everything she need to know now. She knew how many there were, she knew how many of them there were, she knew what was waiting for her and she knew where it all was. She relaxed and opened her eyes as she absorbed the last of the monster's knowledge.

Hell. A place of absolute endless torment. The worst torture anything ever could come up with. A living breathing blazing entity of absolute anguish. If she hadn't seen so much of it she was certain that her mind would have shattered like glass. Hellraiser and Event Horizon were one thing but even those two movies paled in comparison to seeing the real deal. Every horror movie ever mixed with Chapter Black might come close was still horrifically mortifying. The human mind was not prepared to see that realm of infinite suffering.

Her past experience with the realm and her supernatural condition were the only reasons she wasn't a drooling mess on the ground.

In any case she had to get her friends out of there and the best way to do that was keep right on capturing the rogue demons and sending them back where they came from. She turned back to the corpse of the demon just in time to see its spirit attempting to flee the mutilated remains of its ruined flesh.

"Where you going?" She taunted and pointed her wand at it. "Capture!"

The demon fled away from her as fast as it could go until a sphere surrounded and compressed itself down to the size of a marble and the demon soul found itself falling back down to Earth like a stone while helplessly banging against the sides of its prison until it finally landed on a giant green plane and enormous towering shadows rose up above it and curled inward before closing down around it and covering it in darkness momentarily before the light returned and the demon's soul found itself staring up at the gigantic smiling skull masked head of the zombie girl.

"Stop...stop...stop...stop." It stammered while helplessly banging itself against the walls of its prison in vain.

"Oh don't you worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm sending you home." Her voice boomed over the demon like a thunderous explosion as she raised up her wand and the skull of the wand opened up wide and a hell portal opened up in its mouth and began to swirl around! Without hesitation she grabbed the soul marble with two fingers and dropped it into the skull's mouth. The mouth closed and so did the hell portal. The demon was sent back home in a horrifically weakened and helpless state. Not a good position to be in down there.

"Thank you Lily."

"Thank you, Kira! 995 more to go!"

"Challenge accepted." She touched back down on the ground and pointed the wand at the remains of the demon's corpse. "Waste not, want not. I Call Upon The Evil Hands Of Xe'idysci!" She called out and a large magical sigil appeared around the corpse of the demon followed by numerous ethereal inhuman hands reaching up out of the sigil, grabbing onto the demon's remains, ripping it apart and dragging down into the sigil to deliver the remains back home. Mother would have a lot of fresh materials to work with. Once all of the pieces of were gone the sigil vanished. She raised the wand up one more time and cleaned herself off of once more and then she lowered it down and prepared herself to teleport back to Japan to go back to school and save everyone.

"Just hold on everybody. I'm coming."




Rest assured the carnage and fun are only just beginning. I've got so much more fun planned for our horror heroine. Be prepared for part 2 when she descends into a monster's lair to rescue the trapped civilians!


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