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The Dojo Wars Of Radiance City!

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Cobra Kai + Dragon Tiger Gate + Gekiranger!

We'll figure out the plot as we go!  :flag:




The 31st Radiance City Youth Martial Arts Tournament was drawing to its epic finale. Dozens of young martial artists from around the city have competed in hopes of winning the trophy and, for most of them at least, dethroning the previously undefeated Demolition Devils Dojo, who'd been winning for the past five tournaments in an undefeated winning streak! Despite doing the best they could the various fighters fell by the wayside until there was only two left on the mat.

The Demolition Devils' Griffith Richardson and King Alyx Himura from the new up and coming Terazawa School run by Sensei Terazawa Sawako. The fight is a choreographed dance of destruction with Griffith pushing King with his ferocious but tempered offensive while King focuses on simply defending and redirecting his attacks, flowing against them instead of crashing against him, allowing him to direct his attacks away without expelling much energy. Griffith was incredibly good but his offense was nullified by King simply misdirecting his attacks away. All that power was useless if he never landed an attack. He continued to use this style until he finally threw Griffith off balance and then he would strike him in a vital area and throw him to the mat. Griffith would recover and switch his style up, adding more aerial attacks and switch ups but King would see through his attacks and calmly focus on defending himself, throwing him off balance and striking again. He dodged an attack and pushed it away while adding his own force to it to throw him off balance and then drove an elbow into his chest and struck him in the face before hitting him with a crescent kick. Griffith stumbled away but caught himself.

Griffith wiped his mouth and discovered some blood on his lip. Enraged, he turned right back around, gripped his wrist with one hand, took a horse stance, raised his palm up and surrounded his body with red hot heat that was soon all channeled down into his hand where it swirled around and then took a spherical shape! Laughing, he pulled his arm back like he was throwing a pitch and then he stomped forward and threw it at him like a 100 MPH Fastball!

"Not this time." King replied and calmed himself while he waited for the fireball. Griffith had nearly fried him with that attack twice before during their street encounters and he was not about to let him land it this time! Once it was close enough he shielded his own hands with Ki, sidestepped the fireball before sliding his palm against it, grabbing it, turning and throwing it right back at him! Griffith rolled out of the way and the ball exploded against the barrier cage. Griffith looked back at it, back at King and back again before getting back up to his feet, gritting his teeth and performing the technique again, this time forming two spheres and throwing one straight at him and the other at his feet! King was able to catch the first one for redirecting but he was forced to let it go so he could jump out of the way of the second one. Once it exploded against the ground it released a brief cloud of smoke which obscured King's vision. That was the opening Griffith needed. Surrounding his body with heat again he jumped towards him, flew across the ring, through the smoke and kicked his foot out! Finally catching King off guard he drove his burning hot foot into his right leg at the knee! King cried out and fell to the ground but Griffith wasn't done yet! He landed on his feet and kicked King up into the air against the barrier cage! As King's back struck the barrier, Griffith drove his red hot fist into his stomach! Once! Twice! Then he began pummeling him repeatedly before hammering him to the ring floor!

"You're dead, Alyx! You're dead! You're nothing! You're nothing! You've always been nothing! You're a loser!" Griffith shouted while repeatedly kicking him in the ribs.

Sensei Donovan chuckled as he watched this. "That's my boy, Griffith! That's my boy! Finish him off!"

Griffith sneered and took a step back. "It's over, Alyx. I win. You lose. Get used to it! This is for my teammates! IT'S KICKOFF TIME!" He brought his leg back for a final powerhouse kick and swung his leg out towards his head only for King to suddenly reach up and grab it and throw his leg up into the air so hard he threw him off balance again!

"Seriously..." He grimaced through the screaming scorching sizzling pain his body was in. "Do you ever shut up?" He got up, wincing at the pain and stepped forward and hit him in the chest with a double palm strike to throw him backwards through the air! As he was flying away, King stepped in, grabbed his ankle, still using his own Ki to shield his hands and swung him around  and slam him against the barrier cage this time! Griffith gasped in pain and King tossed him away to the center of the ring. The burning mad martial artist hit the floor and slid across it. He got back up, a little unsteady this time and shook it off and turned around to see King already approaching him. Griffith attacked him but King just slipped and redirected his punches and then he drove his elbow into him again, struck his chest and kicked out his knee. He fell to one leg and King crouched down, glared at him and stood up again while delivering a powerful uppercut that launched him into the air! Griffith was thrown up into the air and King jumped in the air after him and kicked him across the ring! He smashed into the wall and dropped to the ground.

King allowed him just enough time to get up to his feet before he rushed him down, flipped over to him, landed in front of him, placed a fist against his chest and pulled back the other one like it was a pulley and he focused his Ki.

"It's over, Griffith. Give up."

"Like hell." He tried to swing at him only for King to begin rapidly speed punching him to the point where his fists became blurred! Griffith's body jerked around rapidly while King pummeled him into the barrier cage. A continuous high speed beatdown from which there was no escape! The barrage beatdown continued for a minute with the punches going faster and faster until he finally mercifully stopped and ended with a final powerhouse punch to his torso that lifted Griffith up into the air! King turned and threw him down on the mat hard enough to make him bounce off of it! Griffith bounced across the ring a couple times before he landed on his hands, pushed off of them and landed on his feet again. He turned around to look for King who was leaping into the air and delivered a series of spinning roundhouse kicks to his face! The revolving kicks certainly did their job as King was able to land multiple hits this way and Griffith was left stumbling away, still on his feet but stumbling around now and clearly getting worn down.

King landed on his feet and paused for breath. Both of them were sucking in air but it was clear that King had more stamina to spare and regained his composure quickly. Griffith meanwhile rested with one hand against the barrier cage as he powered down. His pretty boy looks were now covered up with bruises and sweat and he was breathing heavily. King simply waited for him to make his next move while Griffith caught his breath. He looked over at his Sensei who was giving him a look that instilled pure terror in his heart. He nodded in response, regained his composure and attacked him again with a series of powerful punches and kicks all aimed to destroy but King just flowed around them like water or redirected them away from him in a constant loop until Griffith finally began running out of fumes and he had to pause to catch his breath. At which point, King resumed his attack with a series of punching body blows and jaw strikes before ending it with a powerful spinning kick to his stomach. Griffith smacked against the wall and dropped.

He tried to push himself up and nearly got up to his feet one last time and then he fell to his knees and then fell on his face.

The fight was over.

King Alyx Himura had won and Dethroned the Demolition Devils.

The crowd, the fans and the opposing dojos went wild as King pumped his tired fist into the air!

Griffith rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling until King walked over and offered his hand. Griffith stared at him for a minute before he weakly grasped it. It was a triumphant moment of action, excitement and true sportsmanship that would forever be remembered as the beginning of King's thrilling career.

And the start of Griffith's life going downhill.



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:


The 31st Radiance City Youth Martial Arts Tournament was drawing to its epic finale. Dozens of young martial artists from around the city have competed in hopes of winning the trophy and, for most of them at least, dethroning the previously undefeated Demolition Devils Dojo, who'd been winning for the past five tournaments in an undefeated winning streak! Despite doing the best they could the various fighters fell by the wayside until there was only two left on the mat.

The Demolition Devils' Griffith Richardson and King Alyx Himura from the new up and coming Terazawa School run by Sensei Terazawa Sawako. The fight is a choreographed dance of destruction with Griffith pushing King with his ferocious but tempered offensive while King focuses on simply defending and redirecting his attacks, flowing against them instead of crashing against him, allowing him to direct his attacks away without expelling much energy. Griffith was incredibly good but his offense was nullified by King simply misdirecting his attacks away. All that power was useless if he never landed an attack. He continued to use this style until he finally threw Griffith off balance and then he would strike him in a vital area and throw him to the mat. Griffith would recover and switch his style up, adding more aerial attacks and switch ups but King would see through his attacks and calmly focus on defending himself, throwing him off balance and striking again. He dodged an attack and pushed it away while adding his own force to it to throw him off balance and then drove an elbow into his chest and struck him in the face before hitting him with a crescent kick. Griffith stumbled away but caught himself.

Griffith wiped his mouth and discovered some blood on his lip. Enraged, he turned right back around, gripped his wrist with one hand, took a horse stance, raised his palm up and surrounded his body with red hot heat that was soon all channeled down into his hand where it swirled around and then took a spherical shape! Laughing, he pulled his arm back like he was throwing a pitch and then he stomped forward and threw it at him like a 100 MPH Fastball!

"Not this time." King replied and calmed himself while he waited for the fireball. Griffith had nearly fried him with that attack twice before during their street encounters and he was not about to let him land it this time! Once it was close enough he shielded his own hands with Ki, sidestepped the fireball before sliding his palm against it, grabbing it, turning and throwing it right back at him! Griffith rolled out of the way and the ball exploded against the barrier cage. Griffith looked back at it, back at King and back again before getting back up to his feet, gritting his teeth and performing the technique again, this time forming two spheres and throwing one straight at him and the other at his feet! King was able to catch the first one for redirecting but he was forced to let it go so he could jump out of the way of the second one. Once it exploded against the ground it released a brief cloud of smoke which obscured King's vision. That was the opening Griffith needed. Surrounding his body with heat again he jumped towards him, flew across the ring, through the smoke and kicked his foot out! Finally catching King off guard he drove his burning hot foot into his right leg at the knee! King cried out and fell to the ground but Griffith wasn't done yet! He landed on his feet and kicked King up into the air against the barrier cage! As King's back struck the barrier, Griffith drove his red hot fist into his stomach! Once! Twice! Then he began pummeling him repeatedly before hammering him to the ring floor!

"You're dead, Alyx! You're dead! You're nothing! You're nothing! You've always been nothing! You're a loser!" Griffith shouted while repeatedly kicking him in the ribs.

Sensei Donovan chuckled as he watched this. "That's my boy, Griffith! That's my boy! Finish him off!"

Griffith sneered and took a step back. "It's over, Alyx. I win. You lose. Get used to it! This is for my teammates! IT'S KICKOFF TIME!" He brought his leg back for a final powerhouse kick and swung his leg out towards his head only for King to suddenly reach up and grab it and throw his leg up into the air so hard he threw him off balance again!

"Seriously..." He grimaced through the screaming scorching sizzling pain his body was in. "Do you ever shut up?" He got up, wincing at the pain and stepped forward and hit him in the chest with a double palm strike to throw him backwards through the air! As he was flying away, King stepped in, grabbed his ankle, still using his own Ki to shield his hands and swung him around  and slam him against the barrier cage this time! Griffith gasped in pain and King tossed him away to the center of the ring. The burning mad martial artist hit the floor and slid across it. He got back up, a little unsteady this time and shook it off and turned around to see King already approaching him. Griffith attacked him but King just slipped and redirected his punches and then he drove his elbow into him again, struck his chest and kicked out his knee. He fell to one leg and King crouched down, glared at him and stood up again while delivering a powerful uppercut that launched him into the air! Griffith was thrown up into the air and King jumped in the air after him and kicked him across the ring! He smashed into the wall and dropped to the ground.

King allowed him just enough time to get up to his feet before he rushed him down, flipped over to him, landed in front of him, placed a fist against his chest and pulled back the other one like it was a pulley and he focused his Ki.

"It's over, Griffith. Give up."

"Like hell." He tried to swing at him only for King to begin rapidly speed punching him to the point where his fists became blurred! Griffith's body jerked around rapidly while King pummeled him into the barrier cage. A continuous high speed beatdown from which there was no escape! The barrage beatdown continued for a minute with the punches going faster and faster until he finally mercifully stopped and ended with a final powerhouse punch to his torso that lifted Griffith up into the air! King turned and threw him down on the mat hard enough to make him bounce off of it! Griffith bounced across the ring a couple times before he landed on his hands, pushed off of them and landed on his feet again. He turned around to look for King who was leaping into the air and delivered a series of spinning roundhouse kicks to his face! The revolving kicks certainly did their job as King was able to land multiple hits this way and Griffith was left stumbling away, still on his feet but stumbling around now and clearly getting worn down.

King landed on his feet and paused for breath. Both of them were sucking in air but it was clear that King had more stamina to spare and regained his composure quickly. Griffith meanwhile rested with one hand against the barrier cage as he powered down. His pretty boy looks were now covered up with bruises and sweat and he was breathing heavily. King simply waited for him to make his next move while Griffith caught his breath. He looked over at his Sensei who was giving him a look that instilled pure terror in his heart. He nodded in response, regained his composure and attacked him again with a series of powerful punches and kicks all aimed to destroy but King just flowed around them like water or redirected them away from him in a constant loop until Griffith finally began running out of fumes and he had to pause to catch his breath. At which point, King resumed his attack with a series of punching body blows and jaw strikes before ending it with a powerful spinning kick to his stomach. Griffith smacked against the wall and dropped.

He tried to push himself up and nearly got up to his feet one last time and then he fell to his knees and then fell on his face.

The fight was over.

King Alyx Himura had won and Dethroned the Demolition Devils.

The crowd, the fans and the opposing dojos went wild as King pumped his tired fist into the air!

Griffith rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling until King walked over and offered his hand. Griffith stared at him for a minute before he weakly grasped it. It was a triumphant moment of action, excitement and true sportsmanship that would forever be remembered as the beginning of King's thrilling career.

And the start of Griffith's life going downhill.

The tournament and celebrations wound down and Griffith and his team were left awaiting their Sensei's wrath.

"Hey man, it'll be okay." Vernon assured him. "Sensei saw you doing your best out there right? It'll be fine. It's one loss. We'll win it again next year and it'll be all good, bro."

"Yeah, Griff. He was cheating anyway. You won't fall for it next time." Troy added in.

"Come on, Griff. Talk to us. It'll be okay, right?" Rico asked him.

"No. He wasn't cheating. That was a fair one-on-one fight." Griffith told his friends. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm going to need a long nap after this and then I'll talk to our Sensei after."

"Hey come on, Griff, are you sure you're alright?"

"Feel like crap in every way but I'm...alright. I'll be alright. I'm sorry guys. I shouldn't have lost."

"Hey Griff!"

The group looked up at King approaching them holding the trophy under one arm and the entire group got in front of Griffith.

"What do you want?" Trystan asked.

There was a moment of cold silence between them before Griffith got up off of his car and pushed aside his friends and approached King. They stared each other down and then he offered his hand. "That was a good match. Lets go again some time. In a fair match. A fair respectable match."

" time." He nodded and stepped forward and shook his hand. He smiled and nodded and the parted. King returned to the side of his Sensei who laughed and ruffled his hair. They laughed and chatted together as he raised the trophy up to his mother.

Griffith watched them leave and returned to sitting on the car. "Long shot but does anybody have painkillers on hand?"

"You mean bitch mints?" Trystan joked.

"Either or."

Rico approached him and placed a gentle hand on him. Griffith flinched in pain but he looked back up and smiled. "I'm fine man. Really. I'll be okay. I just need to go home and sleep this off."

"Need a driver?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

A dark shadow fell over them and the students stood up and at the ready though Griffith was a bit slower to get up than the others.

Sensei Donovan Ozu Devlin stood over them and stared down at his students.

There was a long uncomfortable silence before he spoke to them in his deep powerful baritone voice. "What's happened has happened. I expect to see all of you at the dojo tomorrow first thing in the morning. Especially you Griffith. We'll discuss tonight's embarrassment then." He turned around and walked away.

"Y-Yes Sensei!" They replied and bowed to him.

Griffith lowered his head. "Ohhhhh shit."

"It'll be okay, Griff. It'll be alright."

"Yeah. Sure it will." He replied and looked over at his first ever second place trophy.



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

The tournament and celebrations wound down and Griffith and his team were left awaiting their Sensei's wrath.

"Hey man, it'll be okay." Vernon assured him. "Sensei saw you doing your best out there right? It'll be fine. It's one loss. We'll win it again next year and it'll be all good, bro."

"Yeah, Griff. He was cheating anyway. You won't fall for it next time." Troy added in.

"Come on, Griff. Talk to us. It'll be okay, right?" Rico asked him.

"No. He wasn't cheating. That was a fair one-on-one fight." Griffith told his friends. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm going to need a long nap after this and then I'll talk to our Sensei after."

"Hey come on, Griff, are you sure you're alright?"

"Feel like crap in every way but I'm...alright. I'll be alright. I'm sorry guys. I shouldn't have lost."

"Hey Griff!"

The group looked up at King approaching them holding the trophy under one arm and the entire group got in front of Griffith.

"What do you want?" Trystan asked.

There was a moment of cold silence between them before Griffith got up off of his car and pushed aside his friends and approached King. They stared each other down and then he offered his hand. "That was a good match. Lets go again some time. In a fair match. A fair respectable match."

" time." He nodded and stepped forward and shook his hand. He smiled and nodded and the parted. King returned to the side of his Sensei who laughed and ruffled his hair. They laughed and chatted together as he raised the trophy up to his mother.

Griffith watched them leave and returned to sitting on the car. "Long shot but does anybody have painkillers on hand?"

"You mean bitch mints?" Trystan joked.

"Either or."

Rico approached him and placed a gentle hand on him. Griffith flinched in pain but he looked back up and smiled. "I'm fine man. Really. I'll be okay. I just need to go home and sleep this off."

"Need a driver?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

A dark shadow fell over them and the students stood up and at the ready though Griffith was a bit slower to get up than the others.

Sensei Donovan Ozu Devlin stood over them and stared down at his students.

There was a long uncomfortable silence before he spoke to them in his deep powerful baritone voice. "What's happened has happened. I expect to see all of you at the dojo tomorrow first thing in the morning. Especially you Griffith. We'll discuss tonight's embarrassment then." He turned around and walked away.

"Y-Yes Sensei!" They replied and bowed to him.

Griffith lowered his head. "Ohhhhh shit."

"It'll be okay, Griff. It'll be alright."

"Yeah. Sure it will." He replied and looked over at his first ever second place trophy.

Rico stopped the car outside of Griffith's house's gate. "How are you holding up?"

"Still feeling like crap." He sighed and laid back against the seat. "Holy hell what was that punch?"

"Are you referring to that machine gun punch of his?"

"Yeah...crap I think he broke something. Dammit what kind of training did that lady give him?"

"Some kind of magic, man. It had to be. Don't worry about it though. You just rest up okay? We'll get him next time."

The gate opened and Rico drove him to the front door where the house staff was waiting for him. "Next time. Thanks man."

"Anytime. I'll swing by tomorrow with the car if you're up to it."

"Yeah, cool. Just...keep an eye on her okay? And bring her back with a full tank of gas."

"Yes sir!" He saluted. They fist bumped and Griffith groaned while dragging himself up and exiting the car. He waved goodbye as his friend drove off. Griffith walked up to the steps and handed the trophy to Layton.

"I'm sorry about the match, Master Richardson. You fought well."

"I'm okay, thanks." He replied and walked up the long staircase and pushed open the doors. "I'm going to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

Layton snapped his fingers and a maid hurried over to help walk him inside and through the mansion to his room where he finally got himself into bed. "Thanks, Lilly."

"Of course, sir. Sleep well." She bowed her head and walked out of the room.

Griffith sighed and closed his eyes. "I don't think that'll be a problem..." He collapsed, deflated and passed out as sleep took him.



SuperKamiGuy1 wrote:

Rico stopped the car outside of Griffith's house's gate. "How are you holding up?"

"Still feeling like crap." He sighed and laid back against the seat. "Holy hell what was that punch?"

"Are you referring to that machine gun punch of his?"

"Yeah...crap I think he broke something. Dammit what kind of training did that lady give him?"

"Some kind of magic, man. It had to be. Don't worry about it though. You just rest up okay? We'll get him next time."

The gate opened and Rico drove him to the front door where the house staff was waiting for him. "Next time. Thanks man."

"Anytime. I'll swing by tomorrow with the car if you're up to it."

"Yeah, cool. Just...keep an eye on her okay? And bring her back with a full tank of gas."

"Yes sir!" He saluted. They fist bumped and Griffith groaned while dragging himself up and exiting the car. He waved goodbye as his friend drove off. Griffith walked up to the steps and handed the trophy to Layton.

"I'm sorry about the match, Master Richardson. You fought well."

"I'm okay, thanks." He replied and walked up the long staircase and pushed open the doors. "I'm going to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

Layton snapped his fingers and a maid hurried over to help walk him inside and through the mansion to his room where he finally got himself into bed. "Thanks, Lilly."

"Of course, sir. Sleep well." She bowed her head and walked out of the room.

Griffith sighed and closed his eyes. "I don't think that'll be a problem..." He collapsed, deflated and passed out as sleep took him.

Griffith groaned as he woke up. Sleep hadn't helped much at all as it turned out. He still felt like hell. He eventually managed to drag himself up out of bed and got undressed to go into the shower. The steaming hot droplets rained down over his bruised, battered and beaten body while he hung his head and enjoyed it. He let it keep going for a while before he turned it off. He used his Ki to warm and dry off his body before stepping out brush his teeth and pop a painkiller.

Afterword he returned to the bedroom to get dressed.

In the midst of putting his clothes back on however his attention was drawn to the second place trophy sitting on his desk. He lowered his shirt and stared at it for a minute before sighing and finishing getting dressed. Now clad in jeans and a t-shirt.

Descending the staircase he walked to the kitchen and sat down to a Peanut Butter and Banana Oatmeal breakfast. It makes a healthy morning meal you can have ready in minutes. Adding two tablespoons of peanut butter to this recipe gives this oatmeal bowl the protein boost you're looking for in the morning. For a drink he was served a Pumpkin Spice Protein Smoothie. This Pumpkin Protein Shake is thick enough to pass for a milkshake, but healthy enough for breakfast! And that’s because there’s pumpkin, vanilla protein powder, and even a frozen banana in the mix. The banana adds creaminess and creates the consistency of a real milkshake. Protein powder does most of the heavy lifting in this high-protein breakfast.

"This looks great. Thank you Lilly."

"My pleasure sir. Are you feeling any better this morning?"

"Just a little. I'll feel better when the painkiller kicks in." He shrugged. "Are my parents still on their trip?"

"Yes sir. It will be at least a week before they return."

"Hmmm. That's just as well I guess. Not really in the mood to face the old man. Anyway, I'm expecting Rico to show up with my car again this morning. So when he arrives will you let him in?"

"Of course, sir."

"Thanks." He returned to focusing on his breakfast and ate it calmly and quietly. After enjoying his meal he let the staff take care of the dishes and crashed on the couch until Rico arrived and Layton let him in. "Welcome back, Master Rico!"

"Good to be back, Layton. I'm just here to pick up Griffith though." He waved to his friend and he stood up.

"Hey Rico! How's the car?"

"Pristine condition as always man. You know you can trust me on that."

"Good man." They clasped hands and stepped out. "We'll be heading out for the day! Laters!"

"Goodbye Master Richardson! Take it easy today!"

"Will do!" He stepped out and waved goodbye before closing the door.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Like hell. You?"

"Not much better." Rico rubbed his chest. "He really hammered me last night. Not as bad as you but he really got me with that combo attack."

"Damn freak. Where did his teacher come from? She wasn't leading any dojos in the city was she?"

"No idea. I think if someone like Terazawa was running a school in Radiance we would've heard about her before now."

"Right? It's like she manifested out of thin air. Whatever. We'll just have to knock his lights out the next time."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine. We can't hold this off forever. Lets just go."

He nodded and sped the sports car up.

They parked in the parking lot and Griffith woke up. "We here?"

"Oh yeah. We're here."

Griffith sighed and got up. "Alright. No time like the present, right?" He got out of the car and started walking to the dojo.

Griffith splashed water onto his face and then dried it with a towel. He took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. He stood up and adjusted his Gi.

"Hey, Richards, you ready to fight?"

"Yeah. No time like the present, right?" He walked out of the bathroom and down the hallway towards the arena.

"I know I don't have to tell you this but you'll want to be careful out there. This guy's a wrecking machine and you're still scheduled for two follow up fights after this."

"Don't you worry about me." Griffith replied while rolling his arms. "Just have the money ready after this, alright?"


He pushed open the grand double doors and stepped out onto the sandy arena to face his opponent.

"Okay. Time to have some fun."


Griffith walked through the door into the dojo to see his classmates were similarly as battered and bruised up as he was from the tournament last night. "Hey guys."

"Griffith!" They cheered.

"Glad you could make it back, man."

"How are you feeling?"

"Are you okay to train today?"

"Feeling better already guys. Don't you worry about me. I'll be just fine."

"That's good to know because I would like you to step on the mat."

He bowed and took his shoes off and walked across the dojo to the mat and faced Sensei Donovan. Griffith swallowed.

" you know what you and your classmates did last night?"

"We...we lost, sir."

"Yes. You lost. All of you lost what should've been a string of easy victories. Some little punk who hasn't been training as half as long as any of you just completely demolished you in front of the entire city. You lost and you were humiliated and embarrassed yourselves and in doing so you embarrassed me and humiliated your entire dojo. Do you understand that?"

Griffith's lip trembled in fear. "B-but Sensei...I-I tried my best. We all did. We went at him with everything we had! King's just a freak! He had to have been cheating or something!"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is the end result and that result is that you lost and humiliated your entire dojo in the process. There is no second place in a fight. That is merely the first loser. The only thing that matters in a fight is a complete and decisive victory over your opponent. A fact that I will now demonstrate for you."


"Put up your guard. It is time for your lesson."


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