Spectacular Spider Tropes!
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Share22021-10-11 21:51:55
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … onalBadass
-Suffice to say, this version of Peter is far more skilled than the bumbler he's been portrayed as in most of the movies. He's faster, smarter and an incredibly skilled fighter who can outmaneuver his enemies and even throw their own projectiles back at them when he isn't dancing around them. Rhino is only able to land one solid punch on Spider-Man over the course of their fight, compared to the insane beating that Spider-Man dished out on him, and while it did a lot of damage, Spider-Man was able to recover and ultimately beat Rhino down. This is the Peter that confidently strolled into a fight with Veteran Superheroes and held his own and fought with a space army and tyrant.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … telligence
-Aunt May is also considerably smarter and kinder than her ditzy movie version, giving Peter actual advice, comforting him and giving him motivation before he swings off to his latest fight.
--Implied with Ned over the course of a phone call.
Share32022-05-16 20:06:23
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … onalBadass
-Suffice to say, this version of Peter is far more skilled than the bumbler he's been portrayed as in most of the movies. He's faster, smarter and an incredibly skilled fighter who can outmaneuver his enemies and even throw their own projectiles back at them when he isn't dancing around them. Rhino is only able to land one solid punch on Spider-Man over the course of their fight, compared to the insane beating that Spider-Man dished out on him, and while it did a lot of damage, Spider-Man was able to recover and ultimately beat Rhino down. This is the Peter that confidently strolled into a fight with Veteran Superheroes and held his own and fought with a space army and tyrant.https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … telligence
-Aunt May is also considerably smarter and kinder than her ditzy movie version, giving Peter actual advice, comforting him and giving him motivation before he swings off to his latest fight.
--Implied with Ned over the course of a phone call.
---Definitely with Reed who is more in line with his Comic Version than the Useless Idiot the Earth-838 MCU Illuminati version was.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … nalHeroism
-Obviously this version of Spidey hasn't gone to Strange to mindwipe the planet at this point. Having everyone know his identity is problematic, yes, but Peter is living with it and still continuing as Spider-Man. On the bright side every hero he's met looks up to him like a Superstar! So there's some good with the bad.
--Blob and Toad are much more heroic than their Comic Versions as well, even stepping in to stop bank robbers, one of whom was super powered, despite Toad's initial reluctance.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … ingBruiser
-Fred, as usual, is enormously fat all around his body but despite this he can run and react at surprisingly fast speeds, easily running in front of a speeding truck in time to counter it and keep up with Knox despite Knox's fear energy infused speed boost. All while being durable enough to easily halt a speeding truck dead cold without being hurt and then manhandles Knox.
--Knox also falls into this with enough fear energy he transforms him to a super strong flash stepping brick who can pick up and toss cars and take repeated hits from Blob before going down and this was after being knocked around in the initial truck crash!
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … otionEater
-Knox, just like in Heroes, can feed on fear to power himself up to become super strong and fast. Unfortunately for him, he was faced with someone who could soak up his physical attacks with no real issue.
-It's Blob after all!
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … KavorkaMan
-Despite being, well, The Blob, he has apparently actually had relationships in the past. At least one was with this universe's equivalent of Felicity Smoak which, for an unknown amount of time, was apparently rather steamy! While they separated, with Fred claiming she was 'crazy', very in line with her Arrowverse counterpart, he ultimately wishes her well in college. Time will tell if she'll cross the same lines as she did in the Arrowverse.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … meticLoser
-As usual, Hawkeye gets no respect. Though it should be noted that the only ones making fun of him, that we see, are Fred and Toad who would have no idea of how badass Clint really is.
Averted once Kate enters the picture and its all but explained that Clint is acting as her mentor.
Just a short appearance so far but he made it work!
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … medInStory
-Everyone knows Peter and holds immense respect for him.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … /FunTShirt
-Averted with Blob's 'Real Friends Show Me Their Boobs' T-Shirt. Everyone but Peter has been roasting him or commenting on it and that's only due to Peter being polite. It's implied that Melinda May could have arranged for him to wear something else but felt he needed some tough love.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … ilyMarried
-Reed and Sue are deeply in love with each other and are not shy about it.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … alTraveler
-Chavez outright describes herself as such.
Share42022-05-16 20:09:03
Carmella: "What am I chopped liver over here?"
Share52022-05-16 20:12:13
Carmella: "What am I chopped liver over here?"
I wanted to leave the Carmella tropes up to you since you know her best.
Share62022-05-16 20:14:01
I wanted to leave the Carmella tropes up to you since you know her best.
Share72022-05-16 20:22:31
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … eDifferent
-As Carmella stated there are many different vampires that the others must learn about should they survive one.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … Substitute
-A slight hint that while Reed may not be Carmella's biological father his parental instincts kick at the moment he sensed her discomfort, courtesy of her inner demon.
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … panSnarker
-Carmella's trademark.
-Much like in Legacy of The Dragon, not of the vampire-slaying kind.
Share82022-05-16 22:42:55
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … eDifferent
-As Carmella stated there are many different vampires that the others must learn about should hope they survive one.https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … Substitute
-A slight hint that while Reed may not be Carmella's biological father his parental instincts kick at the moment he sensed her discomfort, courtesy of her inner demon.https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ … panSnarker
-Carmella's trademark.https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Dhampyr
-Much like in Legacy of The Dragon, not of the vampire-slaying kind.
Oh yeah! Look it up folks! There are a lot of wild varieties of Vampires out there in Fiction!
Ditto for Susan! They really are amazing parents.
And we love her for it!
A very interesting change! But don't be fooled though! Carmella can still wreck you if you cross her!
-The Internal Demon within Carmella can be this but it functions more like a Dark Side that runs on Blue And Orange Morality than being outright malicious. So far. Carmella is able to live with it but they have their disagreements and it does make some decent points.