Corpus Animatum Story Tropes
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Share22022-01-15 15:37:38 … eDifferent
-Kira is something of a fusion between Revenant Zombie, Artificial Zombie, Flesh Eating Zombie and Technically Living Zombie, being that her body was put together and reanimated by magic and science. She retains basic human functions and can walk, talk and act like a normal human and blend in very well with society with just a little bit of glamour magic but she does need to consume brains and other organs, usually mixed in with food, to be able to function at her peak without worrying about losing control of herself and devolving into a feral shambling mess. In addition, her body is visibly stitched together from parts of human bodies while also being outfitted with bolts in her neck and other places, reminiscent of Frankenstein's Monster. She can even get a power boost from electricity and chemical viruses!
-Kira's body is a tall, muscular stitched together quilt of different pieces of flesh with bolts in her neck and other parts of her body with razor sharp teeth and a long monster tongue. She used to be human by the way.
--She isn't the only one either. Nurse Macabre looks beautiful but her large exposed brain is covered by a glass case. Said case is surrounded by fluids and machinery. While we don't yet know much about Doctor Graves, he's implied to be both unnaturally thin and tall with his face covered by a gas mask machine, so lord only knows what he really looks like. … ranoiaFuel
-Sure, she's hiding her true appearance with a glamour spell and she's nice and friendly, but there's something downright creepy about a flesh eating monster that can hide among an unsuspecting populace enough to perfectly blend in with people without anybody noticing. On top of that, she's superhumanly powerful, has access to powerful magic of unknown levels and carries around a demonic doll in her bag. On top of that, her monster 'family' can hide among people just as easily. Good thing Kira's on the side of the Angels so far...even if she isn't exactly one of them. … ongReasons
-Orinosuke is technically right that the enigmatic transfer student 'Tendou' has something to do with the weirdness involved in the story and their friend disappearing, but the difference is that she was there to investigate that same disappearance and save them, rather than being a part of the abduction. … ferStudent
-How 'Tendou Mika' introduces herself to the class and the disguise she hides behind as she integrates herself with the main class. … elinquents
-Kira used to be one back when she was alive and every now and then it still slips back out of her even when undercover, such as when she's threatening Mushan, motivating her soccer team like a drill sergeant, or thrashing the gang of punks who tried to attack her on her way home.
-A Zombie Staple! She has brains and human organs and blood mixed into her food and drinks.
-Lily, named after the real life evil doll, see below for link, hangs out with Kira and works as a psuedo-evil mentor, confidant, spirit guide and ally. She hasn't displayed any combat powers just yet but she is able to magically fit into her bag while producing her brain drinks without anybody noticing despite Kira carrying the bag around with her all day.
-Zig-zagged. Yeah she's not technically using a drug but she is drinking brains mixed with other organs and other things often enough to be comparable to alcoholism. … thTheDevil
-The whole reason Kira is in this situation in the first place is because she made a Faustian Bet with The Devil, or at least some Archdemon, that she would be able to defeat and capture an insane amount of demons and return them to Hell in exchange for getting her fallen friends out of there. … manitarian
-Zzzzzombie! … dScientist
-Doctor Graves and Nurse Macabre both fit this description before and after their deaths. What little we've seen of their research places them firmly in the horror movie villain style as well. There's probably a good reason they got Rider Kicked to death back when they were alive. … bomination
-Kira, 'Mother', Doctor Graves and the recently introduced Tall Students all fall into this category. Kira is functionally a MagiTechVirus Zombie with magical powers, 'Mother' is a towering demon wearing a flesh suit, Doctor Graves is a monstrous Doc Ock and the Tall Students are tall, thin, lanky demons badly masquerading as humans and abducting people around the city for as of yet unknown but sinister purposes.
Share32022-01-25 21:40:07 … ticOutcome
-Mushan, a Highschool Alpha Bitch, gets confronted by a seven foot tall demon from out of nowhere and naturally runs like Hell to the kitchen where she grabs some knives, stylishly leaps up on top of the kitchen island and dramatically leaps off of it to try and stab the demon. She is subsequently pimpslapped out of the air and K.O.ed with that one hit and dragged away. Because, yeah, that's pretty much what would happen. It's even implied that she only got that far because it was toying with her. … wardlyLion
-Implied with Mushan. While she's an Alpha Bitch through and through, when put against a wall, she'll dig in her heels and stick to her guns. Despite being clearly outmatched by Tendou and her leadership in the soccer game, she gave it her all until she lost and when surprised by a seven foot tall giant, she immediately ran to grab weapons and at least TRIED to fight it. She lost immediately of course but that took guts. … ingADragon … TheMonster
-Mushan and her minions attempting to bully Kira, under her fake identity of Tendou, makes sense as they didn't know she's a superpowered zombie and only have her reputation to go off of...even if that rep was being a trained athlete. Of course after she completely demolishes them in the soccer game they probably should've taken the hint. Instead? Mushan sends a couple of minions after her to beat her up for it and they go overboard on this and bring an entire gang to the fight against the trained gifted athlete who already humiliated them and had demonstrated insane stamina and physical ability in class. Surprise, surprise, she completely thrashes the entire gang. They got downright lucky she let them off with a beating and a warning!
Share42022-03-02 21:32:18 … ticOutcome
-Mushan, a Highschool Alpha Bitch, gets confronted by a seven foot tall demon from out of nowhere and naturally runs like Hell to the kitchen where she grabs some knives, stylishly leaps up on top of the kitchen island and dramatically leaps off of it to try and stab the demon. She is subsequently pimpslapped out of the air and K.O.ed with that one hit and dragged away. Because, yeah, that's pretty much what would happen. It's even implied that she only got that far because it was toying with her. … tompBattle
-Thanks to Kira's guidance and inspiring them, the Soccer Team manages to deliver a complete and utter smack down to Mushan's own soccer team.
--As listed above, Kira's street fight with the gang resulted in her easily smacking them around and not even breaking a sweat.
---Mushan's own fight with the tall demon resulted in her being easily pimpslapped unconscious.
----Mushan's humiliations continue even after her kidnapping! When she tries to swing on their monstrous kidnapper she gets zapped across the room and electrocuted without the demon putting any effort into it and is reduced to screaming and writhing on the ground. Even the other students are mortified by this and Kuma is angered enough to try and throw an entire desk at him, as in the chair and desk attached to it, and he just swats it aside and throws her against the wall with telekinesis. Niikura tries his luck next and gets swatted the same way. Then, after getting good and angry over this, Niikura tries to fight him AGAIN! This time however he convinces the monster to fight him without his Ruler-Staff, thinking it was the source of his powers, only for the Monster to effortlessly swat him again and beat him badly enough that he's left puking on the floor and then Niikura being slammed down on the desk. The only reason he wasn't killed outright was the monster's sadism, Mushan Akane distracting him and Kira arriving at the school.
-----Back with Kira, her fight with the first demon is a complete smackdown with her busting it up, punching a hole in it and then slicing it open with her hand before slicing its head off and eating its head, brains, eyes, flesh and all! The only things she picks off are the demon's horns. Just to finish it off she captures the demon's spirit and sends it to Hell and has the corpse of the demon dismembered and sent back to Mother to be turned into food.
Share52022-03-02 22:07:04 … anBitesMan
-Being a Frankenzombie, this is naturally one of Kira's go to tactics in a fight as demonstrated with the long arm tall demon she fought where she bit pieces of it off mid-fight. What's especially scary is she was able to do it faster than the demon could react! … rSharpHand … ancedPunch
-Two of her demonstrated finishers so far utilize these. The first one, Death Punch, is a powered up punch that crashes into the opponent and can punch right through their bodies. The second finishers, Funeral Slicer, is more along the lines of a razor hand. The first variation she's shown off involved waiting until she'd punched into the target and then following this up by slicing open the enemy by slicing upwards through the insides of their body! SLIIIIIIIICE! … ithHisHead
-After biting off two fingers, breaking the demons hands, punching a hole through it and slicing it open this is how Kira ultimately kills the first demon: Slicing it off with an energy slash and then eating its head to absorb its memories to more easily find out where the captured civilians are being kept. … orMemories
-Because Zombie! Although it is somewhat deconstructed as Kira is shown witnessing visions of Hell as she sorts through the demon's memories, which is just as horrible as one can imagine, until she finally comes to the parts of the demon's memories she actually needs. Given the type of creature she fed upon it's likely that she witnessed countless centuries of this! … DamnHeroes
-Anti-Hero? Anyway, Kira's first on-screen entrance as her Magical Girl Form involves teleporting into the warped space the demon created to save Mariko from it, kick it across the room and then smack it around some more before setting her down and teleporting away with the monster so she can fight it in an isolated area.
Share62022-04-08 16:08:06 … HeUsedToBe
-How Kira killed another one of the demons, splitting him in half longwise with her Funeral Slicer attack. Of course this is after she punched off the other demon's head.
As she does. … tDimension
-The 'Dark School' takes place inside of a pocket dimension that the demons set up to be able to imprison and torture their victims without anybody being able to find them. It's a dark misty dimension housing a broken down torn down ghostly mirror of the school. It comes complete with death traps set up just in case any intruder is able to break in while also keeping their victims trapped and unable to escape. Of course it crumbles apart after Kira kills the boss demon and returns them to the real world. … istTeacher
-The Gym Teachers try in vain to punish and overwhelm Kira with workouts but she overcomes them with ease. In return they turn a blind eye to the attempts by Akane's gang to cheat in the soccer game. Kira's team beats them anyway.
--The Demon Teacher also takes up this for its general motif and is even less subtle about it, asking them loaded nonsensical questions and then electrocuting or beating them when they get it wrong with every intention to torture them to death.
-A potshot is taken at the Rotenberg Center with the demon teacher expressing its admiration for their torture and electrocution of their wards and then commenting that someone burned it down with the staff inside. … ItWithFire
-The Demon Teacher tries to use electricity to fight against Kira. Unfortunately for him that's something she absorbs so it just powers her up. Meaning not only is she getting a constant power boost through the fight but the demons' options are greatly limited in the fight.